Rolling APY% [Benson]

The indicator shows future rolling APY%.
Users can change the market by changing symbol. BTC is the default market.

Meanings of different BTC Rolling APY%:

Below 0 %= DOOMSDAY (it happened during the big crash on March 12, 2020)
0%-5% = extremely fearful
5%-10% = neutral
10%-15% = slightly optimistic
15%-20% = very optimistic
Above 20% = FOMO (it happened during the global top on 14 April, 2021)

Use this indicator to identify the arbitrage opportunities and the price top/bottom.

This is a paid indicator. Only for Sentiment Indicator subscribers.
Notas de Lançamento
switch to 1231 and add upper/lower options.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)CryptocurrencyEthereum (Cryptocurrency)sentimentalanalysisTrend AnalysisVolume

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This is a paid indicator. Only for Sentiment Indicator subscribers. 這是付費腳本,僅開放給 Sentiment Indicator Pro 的訂閱戶使用

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