TASC 2025.03 A New Solution, Removing Moving Average Lag█ OVERVIEW
This script implements a novel technique for removing lag from a moving average, as introduced by John Ehlers in the "A New Solution, Removing Moving Average Lag" article featured in the March 2025 edition of TASC's Traders' Tips .
In his article, Ehlers explains that the average price in a time series represents a statistical estimate for a block of price values, where the estimate is positioned at the block's center on the time axis. In the case of a simple moving average (SMA), the calculation moves the analyzed block along the time axis and computes an average after each new sample. Because the average's position is at the center of each block, the SMA inherently lags behind price changes by half the data length.
As a solution to removing moving average lag, Ehlers proposes a new projected moving average (PMA) . The PMA smooths price data while maintaining responsiveness by calculating a projection of the average using the data's linear regression slope.
The slope of linear regression on a block of financial time series data can be expressed as the covariance between prices and sample points divided by the variance of the sample points. Ehlers derives the PMA by adding this slope across half the data length to the SMA, creating a first-order prediction that substantially reduces lag:
PMA = SMA + Slope * Length / 2
In addition, the article includes methods for calculating predictions of the PMA and the slope based on second-order and fourth-order differences. The formulas for these predictions are as follows:
PredictPMA = PMA + 0.5 * (Slope - Slope ) * Length
PredictSlope = 1.5 * Slope - 0.5 * Slope
Ehlers suggests that crossings between the predictions and the original values can help traders identify timely buy and sell signals.
This indicator displays the SMA, PMA, and PMA prediction for a specified series in the main chart pane, and it shows the linear regression slope and prediction in a separate pane. Analyzing the difference between the PMA and SMA can help to identify trends. The differences between PMA or slope and its corresponding prediction can indicate turning points and potential trade opportunities.
The SMA plot uses the chart's foreground color, and the PMA and slope plots are blue by default. The plots of the predictions have a green or red hue to signify direction. Additionally, the indicator fills the space between the SMA and PMA with a green or red color gradient based on their differences:
Users can customize the source series, data length, and plot colors via the inputs in the "Settings/Inputs" tab.
The article's code implementation uses a loop to calculate all necessary sums for the slope and SMA calculations. Ported into Pine, the implementation is as follows:
pma(float src, int length) =>
float PMA = 0., float SMA = 0., float Slope = 0.
float Sx = 0.0 , float Sy = 0.0
float Sxx = 0.0 , float Syy = 0.0 , float Sxy = 0.0
for count = 1 to length
float src1 = src
Sx += count
Sy += src
Sxx += count * count
Syy += src1 * src1
Sxy += count * src1
Slope := -(length * Sxy - Sx * Sy) / (length * Sxx - Sx * Sx)
SMA := Sy / length
PMA := SMA + Slope * length / 2
However, loops in Pine can be computationally expensive, and the above loop's runtime scales directly with the specified length. Fortunately, Pine's built-in functions often eliminate the need for loops. This indicator implements the following function, which simplifies the process by using the ta.linreg() and ta.sma() functions to calculate equivalent slope and SMA values efficiently:
pma(float src, int length) =>
float Slope = ta.linreg(src, length, 0) - ta.linreg(src, length, 1)
float SMA = ta.sma(src, length)
float PMA = SMA + Slope * length * 0.5
To learn more about loop elimination in Pine, refer to this section of the User Manual's Profiling and optimization page.
Análise de Tendência
NSE Compact Panel by KGHow It Works
1.Analyzes price action using multiple technical indicators
2.Updates a right-aligned panel with:
a)Current indicator values
b)Bullish/bearish status
c)Visual trend direction cues
3. Designed for quick scanning of market conditions on NSE charts.
4.The Script is for educational purpose only
Double ZigZag with HHLL – Advanced Versionاین اندیکاتور نسخه بهبودیافتهی Double ZigZag with HHLL است که یک زیگزاگ سوم به آن اضافه شده تا تحلیل روندها دقیقتر شود. در این نسخه، قابلیتهای جدیدی برای شناسایی سقفها و کفهای مهم (HH, LL, LH, HL) و نمایش تغییر جهت روندها وجود دارد.
ویژگیهای جدید در این نسخه:
✅ اضافه شدن زیگزاگ سوم برای دقت بیشتر در تحلیل روند
✅ بهینهسازی تشخیص HH (Higher High) و LL (Lower Low)
✅ بهبود کدنویسی و بهینهسازی پردازش دادهها
✅ تنظیمات پیشرفته برای تغییر رنگ و استایل خطوط زیگزاگ
✅ نمایش بهتر نقاط بازگشتی با Labelهای هوشمند
نحوه استفاده:
این اندیکاتور برای تحلیل روندها و شناسایی نقاط بازگشتی در نمودار استفاده میشود.
کاربران میتوانند دورههای مختلف زیگزاگ را تنظیم کنند تا حرکات قیمت را در تایمفریمهای مختلف بررسی کنند.
برچسبهای HH, LL, LH, HL نقاط مهم بازگشتی را نمایش میدهند.
Double ZigZag with HHLL – Advanced Version
This indicator is an enhanced version of Double ZigZag with HHLL, now featuring a third ZigZag to improve trend analysis accuracy. This version includes improved High-High (HH), Low-Low (LL), Lower-High (LH), and Higher-Low (HL) detection and better visualization of trend direction changes.
New Features in This Version:
✅ Third ZigZag added for more precise trend identification
✅ Improved detection of HH (Higher High) and LL (Lower Low)
✅ Optimized code for better performance and data processing
✅ Advanced customization options for ZigZag colors and styles
✅ Smart labeling of key turning points
How to Use:
This indicator helps analyze trends and identify key reversal points on the chart.
Users can adjust different ZigZag periods to track price movements across various timeframes.
Labels such as HH, LL, LH, HL highlight significant market swings.
Gelişmiş Supertrend + EMA StratejiBu strateji, üç temel göstergenin kombinasyonunu kullanarak alım-satım sinyalleri üreten bir sistemdir:
Ana Göstergeler:
EMA 5 (Hızlı Hareketli Ortalama)
EMA 20 (Yavaş Hareketli Ortalama)
Supertrend (ATR tabanlı trend göstergesi)
Alış Sinyali Koşulları:
Şu iki koşul aynı anda gerçekleştiğinde alış sinyali üretilir:
EMA 5, EMA 20'yi yukarı kesiyor (emaCrossUp)
Supertrend yukarı trend gösteriyor (stUp)
Satış Sinyali Koşulları:
Şu iki koşul aynı anda gerçekleştiğinde satış sinyali üretilir:
EMA 5, EMA 20'yi aşağı kesiyor (emaCrossDown)
Supertrend aşağı trend gösteriyor (stDown)
Stratejinin Çalışma Mantığı:
Trend Teyidi: Supertrend, genel trend yönünü belirler
Momentum Teyidi: EMA kesişimleri, momentumu gösterir
Çift Onay: Her iki göstergenin de aynı yönü işaret etmesi gerekir
Görsel Göstergeler:
Yeşil "AL" etiketi: Alış noktalarını gösterir (mum altında)
Kırmızı "SAT" etiketi: Satış noktalarını gösterir (mum üstünde)
Mavi çizgi: EMA 5
Kırmızı çizgi: EMA 20
Yeşil/Kırmızı çizgi: Supertrend
Bilgi Tablosu İçeriği:
Mevcut Sinyal: Son üretilen sinyal
EMA Trend: EMA'ların gösterdiği trend
Supertrend: Supertrend'in gösterdiği yön
Son İşlem: En son gerçekleşen alım veya satım
Stratejinin Avantajları:
Trend takibi sağlar
Yanlış sinyalleri azaltır
Görsel olarak anlaşılması kolaydır
Çift onay sistemi ile güvenilirlik artar
Kullanım Önerileri:
Günlük veya 4 saatlik grafiklerde daha etkilidir
Güçlü trend dönemlerinde daha iyi çalışır
Yatay piyasalarda dikkatli kullanılmalıdır
Stop loss ve take profit seviyeleri eklenmelidir
Parametre Optimizasyonu:
- EMA periyotları piyasa volatilitesine göre ayarlanabilir
Supertrend parametreleri trend hassasiyetini belirler
Risk Yönetimi Önerileri:
Her işlemde sabit risk oranı kullanın
Trend yönünde işlem yapın
Piyasa volatilitesine göre stop loss belirleyin
Pozisyon büyüklüğünü risk yönetimine göre ayarlayın
11. En İyi Kullanım Senaryoları:
Trend başlangıçlarını yakalamak için
Trend dönüşlerini tespit etmek için
Momentum değişimlerini takip etmek için
Orta-uzun vadeli pozisyonlar için
Bu strateji, trend takibi ve momentum stratejilerinin bir kombinasyonudur. Özellikle trendli piyasalarda etkili olabilir, ancak her strateji gibi risk yönetimi ile birlikte kullanılmalıdır.
Golden MACDThis Indicator is the Simple MACD of the MQL5 with some small changes and some tool to help trade easier.
As you can see they are two lines of MACD & Signal and the Cross of the lines can help you find the right place to put the Buy/Sell order or to use it for your Exit Points.
I have also add the Alert to the same Indicator to help you have the right time of Entry and Exit.
The Colors of the lines and Diagram and also the Level lines are completely adjustable.
Please comment me in case you need any more information or help.
Thanks a Lot
Heikin Ashi by readCrypto
Hello, traders.
If you "Follow", you can always get new information quickly.
Please also click "Boost".
Have a nice day today.
Heikin Ashi candle chart is a trend candle chart that minimizes fakes.
Therefore, it looks different from the existing candle chart.
Because of this, it can be difficult to know the actual price movement.
To compensate for this, there are indicators that display in various forms.
The Heikin Ashi candle that I would like to introduce this time is an indicator displayed as a Line.
This Line indicator is expressed as the median of the Open and Close values of the Heikin Ashi candle.
This allows you to know the current trend.
USDT.D Line chart is also displayed as the median of the Open, High, Low, and Close of USDT.D.
The green color of the two indicators above means an increase, and the red color means a decrease.
In order to distinguish between the Heikin Ashi Line chart and the USDT.D Line chart, the green color of the Heikin Ashi Line chart is thickened, and the red color of the USDT.D Line chart is thickened.
The interpretation method is
- Heikin Ashi rises, USDT.D falls, StochRSI rises: The price is likely to rise.
- Heikin Ashi falls, USDT.D rises, StochRSI falls: The price is likely to fall.
- The remaining movements may correspond to volatility, i.e. fake, so watch the situation.
As we add a lot of information, it may be confusing which one is important.
The key indicators for trading are the HA-Low, HA-High, BW(0), and BW(100) indicators.
Trend indicators are Trend Cloud indicator and M-Signal indicator on 1D, 1W, and 1M charts.
Intuition is important when trading.
If you do not make a quick judgment, the response time will be delayed and there is a high possibility that the transaction will proceed in the wrong direction.
Therefore, when you touch your own point or section marked on the chart, you should check whether a transaction is possible, and if you judge that a transaction is possible and start a transaction, you should know how to wait.
Also, you should think about whether to cut your loss when the movement is different from the direction you thought.
In this way, you should create a basic trading strategy when you start trading and start trading, and if you start trading based on this, you should try to stick to the trading strategy.
Thank you for reading to the end.
I hope you have a successful transaction.
트레이더 여러분, 반갑습니다.
"팔로우"를 해 두시면, 언제나 빠르게 새로운 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다.
"부스트" 클릭도 부탁드립니다.
오늘도 좋은 하루되세요.
Heikin Ashi 캔들 차트는 fake를 최소화한 차트로서 추세 캔들 차트라 할 수 있습니다.
따라서, 기존의 캔들 차트와 다른 모습을 보입니다.
이로인해 실제 가격 움직임을 알기가 애매할 수 있습니다.
이를 보완하고자 여러 형태로 표시하는 지표들을 있습니다.
제가 이번에 소개해 드리고자 하는 Heikin Ashi 캔들은 Line으로 표시되는 지표입니다.
이 Line 지표는 Heikin Ashi 캔들의 Open, Close 값의 중간값으로 표현됩니다.
이로서 현재의 추세를 알 수 있게 하였습니다.
USDT.D Line chart 또한 USDT.D의 Open, High, Low, Close의 중간값으로 표시됩니다.
위 두 지표의 Green색은 상승을, Red색은 하락을 의미합니다.
Heikin Ashi Line chart와 USDT.D Line chart를 구분하기 위해서 Heikin Ashi Line chart의 Green색을 두껍게 처리하고, USDT.D Line chart의 Red색을 두껍게 처리하였습니다.
해석 방법은
- Heikin Ashi 상승, USDT.D 하락, StochRSI 상승 : 가격이 상승할 가능성이 높음.
- Heikin Ashi 하락, USDT.D 상승, StochRSI 하락 : 가격이 하락할 가능성이 높음.
- 나머지 움직임은 변동성, 즉, fake에 해당될 수 있으므로 상황을 지켜봅니다.
많은 정보를 추가하다 보니, 어떤 것이 중요한 것인지 혼란스러울 수 있습니다.
거래의 핵심 지표는 HA-Low, HA-High, BW(0), BW(100) 지표입니다.
추세 지표는 Trend Cloud 지표와 1D, 1W, 1M 차트의 M-Signal 지표입니다.
거래시 중요한 것은 직관성입니다.
빠르게 판단하지 않으면, 대응 시간이 늦어져 엉뚱한 방향으로 거래가 진행될 가능성이 높기 때문입니다.
따라서, 차트에 표시해 둔 자신만의 지점이나 구간을 터치하였을 때 거래가 가능한지 확인하고 거래가 가능하다고 판단하여 거래를 시작하였다면 기다릴 줄도 알아야 합니다.
또한, 자신이 생각한 방향과 다르게 움직임이 나왔을 때 손절을 할 것인가도 생각해야 합니다.
이렇게 거래 시작시에 기본적인 거래 전략을 만들고 거래를 시작해야 하고, 이를 바탕으로 거래를 시작하였다면 거래 전략을 지킬려고 노력해야 합니다.
끝까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.
성공적인 거래가 되기를 기원입니다.
RCI Strategy by BahaminThis strategy helpful with someone wants trade with RSI and CCI over bought and over sell ... with + 60% win rate about inside tradingview strategy tester .. u can handle it with +80 % win rate by the way .... i hope this is use full for you guys .... please give me feedback after use this ... Email : BahaminStream@gmail.com
SMMA 17 7 Combine 1150 1500📌 Strategy Summary: "SMMA 17 7 Combine 1150 1500"
🔹 Strategy Type
Dual-Sided Trend-Following Strategy
Uses SMMA (17) crossover to generate Long & Short trades
ATR-based Stop-Loss + Fixed Take Profit
🔹 Indicators Used
SMMA (17) → Smooth Moving Average (trend detection)
ATR (14) → Adaptive Stop-Loss Calculation
🔹 Entry Conditions
✅ Long Entry:
Price crosses above SMMA (17)
✅ Short Entry:
Price crosses below SMMA (17)
🔹 Exit Conditions
💰 Long Trade Exit:
Take Profit: +1150 points above entry
Stop-Loss: 0.75x ATR below SMMA
Exit on Reversal: If price crosses back below SMMA
💰 Short Trade Exit:
Take Profit: -1500 points below entry
Stop-Loss: 0.75x ATR above SMMA
Exit on Reversal: If price crosses back above SMMA
🔹 Risk Management
Uses ATR for Dynamic Stop-Loss
Fixed TP of 1150 (Long) & 1500 (Short)
No pyramiding (each entry is independent)
🔹 Additional Features
📊 SMMA Line Plotted for visual confirmation
🔄 Allows multiple entries in both directions
🔥 Best For?
✅ Trend-following traders 📈
✅ Those who prefer fixed TP & ATR-based SL
✅ Suitable for multiple timeframes
Volumatic Variable Index Dynamic Average [Kuuumz]This is basically the indicator from BigBeluga but added ability to configure the length of the pivot line.
Advanced Liquidity Trap & Squeeze Detector [MazzaropiYoussef]DESCRIPTION:
The "Advanced Liquidity Trap & Squeeze Detector" is designed to identify potential liquidity traps, short and long squeezes, and market manipulation based on open interest, funding rates, and aggressive order flow.
- **Relative Open Interest Normalization**: Avoids scale discrepancies across different timeframes.
- **Liquidity Trap Detection**: Identifies potential bull and bear traps based on open interest and funding imbalances.
- **Squeeze Identification**: Highlights conditions where aggressive buyers or sellers are trapped before a reversal.
- **Volume Surge Confirmation**: Alerts when abnormal volume activity supports liquidity events.
- **Customizable Parameters**: Adjust thresholds to fine-tune detection sensitivity.
- **Long Squeeze**: Triggered when relative open interest is high, funding is negative, and aggressive selling occurs.
- **Short Squeeze**: Triggered when relative open interest is high, funding is positive, and aggressive buying occurs.
- **Bull Trap**: Triggered when relative open interest is high, funding is positive, and price crosses above the trend line but fails.
- **Bear Trap**: Triggered when relative open interest is high, funding is negative, and price crosses below the trend line but fails.
- This indicator is useful for traders looking to anticipate reversals and avoid being caught in market manipulation events.
- Works best in combination with order book analysis and volume profile tools.
- Can be applied to crypto, forex, and other leveraged markets.
MFI Trend & Volatility Candle Chart🎯 Key Features:
- Incorporates Money Flow Index (MFI) with multi-timeframe support
- Dynamically adjusts overbought and oversold levels based on volatility
- Identifies uptrend, downtrend, and neutral market conditions
- Plots MFI-based candles with trend-sensitive coloring
- Provides alerts for overbought and oversold signals
🎯 How to Use in TradingView:
1. Open TradingView and apply this script as a custom indicator.
2. Select your desired timeframe (works best on 15m, 1H, 4H, and 1D charts).
3. Observe the MFI candles—green indicates an uptrend, red a downtrend, and gray for neutral.
4. Monitor the adjusted overbought and oversold levels plotted dynamically.
5. Use alerts to identify potential reversals.
🎯 Understanding MFI Candles:
- The MFI Candles reflect the Money Flow Index, a momentum indicator that measures buying and selling pressure.
- Colors:
- Green: Price is trending upwards based on MFI and SMA.
- Red: Price is trending downwards.
- Gray: Neutral trend with no clear direction.
- Wicks represent the adjusted high and low values based on volatility.
🎯 Best Usage Methods:
- **Trend Confirmation**: Use the indicator alongside moving averages or support/resistance levels.
- **Reversal Trading**: Look for MFI oversold conditions in an uptrend or overbought conditions in a downtrend.
- **Breakout Trading**: Combine with volume analysis to confirm strong breakouts.
- **Volatility Adjustments**: Adapt strategy based on the ATR-driven adjusted overbought/oversold zones.
🎯 Why Use This Indicator?
- Provides **more reliable overbought/oversold levels** by incorporating market volatility.
- **Works across all asset classes**, including stocks, forex, crypto, and indices.
- **Reduces false signals** by filtering MFI readings through trend direction.
- Allows traders to make **data-driven decisions** instead of relying on fixed MFI thresholds.
200MA x3 Investor Tool with Undervaluation LineThis indicator gives a very simple 200 period moving average along with a 3x overvalued line and a -2x undervalued line. These lines have been good predictors of times where crypto will retrace back to its mean.
ORB-5Min + Adaptive 12/48 EMA + PDH/PDLThis script integrates three powerful elements into a handy all-in-one tool for intraday trading: a 5-minute opening range (ORB) to highlight potential early support/resistance, color-coded EMAs (9, 12, 48, and 200) to gauge short- and long-term momentum, and the previous day’s high/low to mark key pivot points.
By visually emphasizing the ORB zone, adapting EMA colors based on price action, and displaying PDH/PDL, it helps day traders quickly spot breakout opportunities, momentum shifts, and critical support/resistance levels.
For the best results, use it on intraday charts and combine its insights with your broader market analysis or price action strategies.
Be sure to customize the settings—such as toggling the ORB lines, adjusting fill opacity, or choosing EMA colors—to match your trading style. This all-in-one solution saves chart space while providing essential reference points in one convenient script.
High/Low of Last N CandlesThis indicator analyses the last candles (by default 20) to identify the highest high and the lowest low.
It is useful in trading methods which are using breakouts.
Reversal Indicator [SL/TP]Этот индикатор помогает находить точки разворота на графике криптовалютной пары. Он использует комбинацию фракталов, RSI, объема и скользящих средних для генерации сигналов на покупку (BUY) и продажу (SELL). Также индикатор отображает уровни Stop Loss (SL) и Take Profit (TP) на графике.
## Особенности:
- **Анти-перерисовка**: Сигналы генерируются только после закрытия свечи.
- **Многоуровневая фильтрация**: Используются RSI, объем, трендовые фильтры и ATR.
- **Визуализация**: Уровни SL и TP отображаются на графике.
- **Алерты**: Поддержка уведомлений о сигналах.
## Параметры:
- **RSI Length**: Период RSI (по умолчанию 14).
- **Volume Multiplier**: Множитель объема (по умолчанию 1.5).
- **Stop Loss (%)**: Уровень Stop Loss в процентах (по умолчанию 1%).
- **Take Profit (%)**: Уровень Take Profit в процентах (по умолчанию 2%).
## Как использовать:
1. Добавьте индикатор на график.
2. Настройте параметры под свои предпочтения.
3. Используйте сигналы в сочетании с другими инструментами анализа.
Торговля на финансовых рынках связана с существенным риском потери капитала. Этот индикатор предоставляет только информационные сигналы и не гарантирует прибыль. Прежде чем использовать этот инструмент, убедитесь, что вы:
- Понимаете все риски, связанные с торговлей.
- Торгуете только тем капиталом, который можете позволить себе потерять.
- Используете Stop Loss для ограничения убытков.
- Тестируете стратегию на исторических данных перед использованием на реальных деньгах.
Автор индикатора не несет ответственности за любые убытки, возникшие в результате использования этого инструмента.
Swing Fairas OilSwing trading adalah strategi trading yang memanfaatkan pergerakan harga saham dalam jangka waktu beberapa hari hingga minggu. Swing trading bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari perubahan harga saham.
Ciri-ciri swing trading
Menahan saham selama beberapa hari hingga beberapa minggu
Melakukan analisis tren dan pola harga
Mencari pola seperti double tops, double bottoms, head and shoulders, maupun cup and handle
Mengidentifikasi sentimen pasar melalui berita, laporan keuangan, maupun kondisi makro dan mikro ekonomi
Kelebihan swing trading
Lebih menguntungkan dengan waktu yang lebih panjang dibanding day trading
Ideal bagi mereka yang memiliki pekerjaan utama lain atau tidak bisa memantau pasar sepanjang hari
Risiko swing trading
Risiko terjadinya fluktuasi harga saham dalam waktu semalam saja
Kemungkinan tidak terjualnya saham tersebut
Dipengaruhi oleh volatilitas pasar dan tingginya biaya transaksi
Tips swing trading
Memiliki trade management serta memahami waktu untuk trail stop loss
Melakukan trading pada range
Identifikasi tren pasar yang terjadi
Tentukan titik masuk atau harga saat Kamu memasuki perdagangan di market
Saat perdagangan bergerak melawan arah, tetap tenang
FAISAL RAHMAN SIDIKTrading minyak (oil) adalah aktivitas membeli dan menjual minyak mentah atau aset terkait untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari fluktuasi harga pasar. Trading minyak merupakan salah satu instrumen populer karena volatilitasnya yang tinggi dan peluang profit yang besar.
Karakteristik trading minyak
Minyak merupakan bahan bakar dan bahan baku industri dunia, sehingga memiliki permintaan yang besar.
Pergerakan harga minyak yang volatil menjadikannya sebagai komoditi dengan volume transaksi perdagangan tertinggi.
Harga minyak dipengaruhi jumlah produksi, jumlah ekspor, dan berbagai isu politik ataupun hambatan produksi.
Cara trading minyak
Melalui kontrak berjangka, di mana Anda setuju untuk menukar sejumlah minyak pada harga tertentu pada tanggal tertentu.
Melalui ETF minyak, yaitu dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa yang berinvestasi di perusahaan minyak.
Tips trading minyak
Trading minyak memiliki keuntungan dan risiko yang perlu dipertimbangkan.
Trading minyak dapat dilakukan secara online dengan broker resmi di bawah Kementrian Pedagangan.
Volatilitas minyak dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang substansial dalam jangka pendek, terutama bagi mereka yang terampil dalam analisis pasar dan manajemen risiko.
star₿oy ⋆𓆩₿𓆪⋆ code🚀 star₿oy ⋆𓆩₿𓆪⋆ code 📊
The Ultimate Trading Overlay for Smart Market Insights
🔹 What does this script offer?
✔️ Company Name & Market Cap – Automatically formatted (T/B units)
✔️ Industry & Sector Information – Know what sector your stock belongs to
✔️ Trend Indicator – Identifies if the stock is in an Uptrend 🚀 or Downtrend 📉
✔️ ATR (14) with Alerts – Includes percentage and color-coded risk levels 🔴🟡🟢
✔️ SMA Distance Tracking – Calculates the distance from SMA 150, 50, and 20 for better positioning 📈
🔍 Why Use This?
📌 Saves time by showing key metrics directly on your chart
📌 Helps identify strong trends and potential reversal zones
📌 Perfect for both day traders and long-term investors
🛠 How to Use:
1️⃣ Add the script to your TradingView chart
2️⃣ Adjust the settings as needed
3️⃣ Make better-informed trading decisions!
🔥 Upgrade your trading experience with star₿oy! 🔥
Feel free to copy and paste this into your script description. Let me know if you want any modifications! 🚀📈
MCh : Stratégie SRSI + MACD avec Stop-LossNotice d'utilisation de la Stratégie SRSI + MACD
avec Stop-Loss**
Notice d'utilisation de la Stratégie SRSI + MACD avec Stop-Loss
La stratégie SRSI + MACD avec Stop-Loss est une stratégie de trading automatisée conçue pour
identifier des points d'entrée et de sortie en fonction du Stochastic RSI (SRSI) et du MACD. Elle intègre
également un stop-loss dynamique basé sur l'ATR, ainsi que des options avancées pour le filtrage des
tendances et la confirmation des signaux.
Paramétrage de la stratégie
1. Paramètres principaux
RSI Source : Source de données pour le calcul du RSI (par défaut: close).
Activer Conditions Classiques : Active les conditions classiques de trading basées sur le SRSI et
Trader avec Bandes de Bollinger : Active les signaux basés sur un dépassement des Bandes de
Seuil dépassement BB : Seuil de dépassement pour considérer un signal de trading.
2. Gestion des Stop-Loss et Take-Profit
Activer le Stop-Loss ATR dynamique : Utilise l'ATR pour définir un stop-loss adaptatif.
Multiplicateur ATR Stop-Loss : Facteur appliqué à l'ATR pour calculer la distance du stop-loss.
Activer le trailing stop : Déclenche un stop suiveur basé sur l'ATR.
Multiplicateur du trailing stop : Sensibilité du trailing stop.
3. Filtres optionnels
Filtre ATR : Empêche les trades si la volatilité est inférieure à un seuil.
Filtre EMA : Restreint les positions à celles qui suivent la tendance EMA.
Confirmation ADX : Valide les signaux à l'aide d'un indicateur ADX pour éviter les faux signaux.
4. Paramètrage des indicateurs
K & D du Stochastic RSI : Réglage de la sensibilité du Stochastic RSI.
Longueur du RSI et Stochastic RSI : Périodes d'observation des oscillateurs.
EMA Fast, EMA Slow, EMA Signal : Paramètres du MACD.
SMA Length : Longueur de la moyenne mobile pour le filtrage des tendances.
Logique de trading
1. Conditions d'achat
Un signal d'achat est généré lorsque :
SRSI : La ligne K passe au-dessus de la ligne D.
MACD : La différence entre K et le MACD normalisé est positive.
Tendance : Le prix est supérieur à la moyenne mobile SMA.
Filtrage activé : Si le filtre de tendance EMA ou ADX est activé, ils doivent être conformes.
2. Conditions de vente
Un signal de vente est généré lorsque :
SRSI : La ligne K passe en dessous de la ligne D.
MACD : La différence entre K et le MACD normalisé est négative.
Tendance : Le prix est inférieur à la moyenne mobile SMA.
Filtrage activé : Si un filtre de tendance est actif, il doit confirmer le signal.
3. Exécution des ordres
Entrée en position : Lorsque buyCondition est validé.
Sortie de position : Lorsque sellCondition est validé ou que le stop-loss/take-profit est atteint.
Stop-Loss & Take-Profit : Définis dynamiquement en fonction de l'ATR ou d'un pourcentage
Affichage et alertes
Affichage des signaux : Un symbole "BUY" ou "SELL" est affiché sur le graphique à chaque
exécution d'un ordre.
Affichage des indicateurs : RSI, MACD, Bandes de Bollinger et ADX sont affichés dans des
panneaux séparés.
Tableau des performances : Affiche le nombre de trades, le pourcentage de gains et la rentabilité.
Alertes TradingView : Des alertes peuvent être activées pour recevoir une notification lors d'un
signal d'achat ou de vente.
Conseils d'utilisation
Optimisation des paramètres : Ajuster les périodes de l'EMA et du Stochastic RSI selon le
Backtest sur plusieurs périodes : Tester la stratégie sur différents horizons de temps pour vérifier
sa robustesse.
Combinaison avec d'autres indicateurs : Utiliser des confirmations extérieures pour affiner les
entrées et sorties.
Surveiller l'impact des stops : Tester différents multiplicateurs ATR pour optimiser le stop-loss.
Cette stratégie offre une approche complète et personnalisable pour le trading basé sur le SRSI et
MACD. Son adaptabilité grâce aux filtres ATR, EMA et ADX permet d'optimiser les signaux et de
minimiser les risques. Elle est particulièrement efficace pour des marchés tendanciels et peut être
ajustée pour différents horizons temporels.
PSAR_simple_trend by x001tkThis trend indicator will help you to make directional trades on daily charts as good as intraday
Supertrend with 10 EMA, 20 EMA, 50 EMAThis indicator has Supertrend with 10 EMA, 20 EMA, 50 EMA on single screen. Enjoy !!
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