niceVOL (relative volume)

Welcome to niceVOL - a quick display on if todays volume is above or below the average 30 day volume.

- When niceVOL is displayed in red and the number is below 100 we know todays volume is below average.

- When niceVOL is displayed in blue and the number is above 100 we know todays volume is above average.

The niceVOL indicator in the chart above is displaying a red color and a number below 100, this tells us todays volume is quite low and might be the reason why it isn't showing much movement.

Equation - ( todays volume / average 30 day volume ) * 100 = niceVOL

Below is snapshot of two assets, one with niceVOL above 100, in blue, and the other asset with niceVOL below 100, in red. This should give you a quick example of how easy it is to use.


Stay nice, this is not financial advice.

mrnicegvynicevolrelativevolumeTrend AnalysisVolume

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