kiska clouds backtest edition

Por moonkiska
kiska clouds: crypto twitter's next cloud meme

Crypto is a fast-paced, highly-volatile asset, therefore, many traditional strategies are thrown out of the window when applied to cryptocurrency markets. In trading, there are only two things known for sure: price and volume . Price and volume data is then manipulated using various math equations in an effort to discover patterns and/or make predictions. kiska clouds are no different.

The kiska clouds are a simple crossover strategy. The clouds are different because of the unique averages being used and the embedded momentum indicator .

To use the clouds is simple:

  • When the green line crosses above the pink line, you buy/long.
  • When the green line crosses below the pink line, you sell/short.

The clouds are indicative of the trend's momentum. Using the power of math, the larger the cloud indicates a higher amount of buying/selling pressure. As the cloud thins, momentum is slowing, and the trend may be reversing.

At the time of testing, the strategy had a profitability of 54.55% accuracy with 1133.41% net profit. While I think this could be automated into a bot, adding a human element with stop losses and further analysis will significantly improve the accuracy/profitability.

This indicator is the backtest version of the kiska clouds ( For a trial or to purchase this indicator, send me a message on Twitter moonkiska or here on TradingView. You will be granted a 2-3 day trial period to the backtesting strategy.
Notas de Lançamento
Added 200MA
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)CryptocurrencyMoving AveragesTrend AnalysisVolume

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