Supertrend Ninja

Por Kch28
Supertrend Ninja

The Basics
The Supertrend Ninja is a trend-following indicator. The indicator is optimised for daily, 2 days and 3 days candlesticks and can be used on varying trending markets.

Supertrend Ninja using 2 days candlesticks only gave 7 bullish signals in 2020 and 2 in 2021 for Bitcoin/USDT (based on Binance charts). Greatly reducing false signals. It can be used on lower time frames as well, although you will encounter more noise.

This indicator could be used as a compass for DCA or TV bots as well.

What To Look For
When the background of the candlestick closes green with an upwards pointing pink arrow. It indicates a possible bullish (up)trend. To enter a trade its best to place an order a few ticks above the candle high. This way we only enter a position, when there is trend continuation.

When the background of the candlestick closes red with a downwards pointing black arrow. It indicates a possible bearish (down)trend. To enter a trade its best to place an order a few ticks below the candle low.
Exits can be determined by Fibonacci extensions, orderblocks or other resistances to name a few. Or exit the trade when the opposite background color appears.

Final words
Disclaimer: Please use it with care and at own risk. The owner of this indicator is not liable for any financial losses.

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
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