PT Liquidity

Version 1.0 of our Liquidity indicator helps determine areas where price might gravitate to fill liquidations. We have six levels of interest, broken down into three levels for shorts (highlighted in red) & three levels for longs (highlighted in green). Each level is labeled 25x, 50x, 100x. We added a cloud for a visual to assist in short/long liquidation zones. You want to be taking short setups at the top of the cloud when shorts get squeezed & taking long setups at the bottom of the cloud when longs get squeezed. The indicator has a proprietary formula that allows the levels to change based on volume and time frames. The levels are generated in real-time with a rolling VWMA.

If you are scalping, price tends to ping pong between the 50x & 100x longs (green) to 50x & 100x shorts (red). If we shift outside that zone, consider the trend to have changed. Look at a higher time frame (12h+) for trend direction. Price usually reverses when the daily takes all three liquidation levels. You want to see a strong reaction (wick) once we tap that last liquidation level.

This Oscillator was built around our buy sell indicator & it is used on all time frames for swinging & scalping. It is included as part of the library. Just message us for access!
Notas de Lançamento
V 2.0
- Major change to indicate visually what liquidity was taken.
- Added alerts for each liquidity level

You can now see where the most recent liquidity level was taken on each time-frame with labels. The indicator will only show one label per liquidity level for each long/short zone. This allows you to see where the past liquidity was taken to help you with an invalidation area for your setup.
Notas de Lançamento
V 2.1

- Optimized code
Notas de Lançamento
V 2.2

- Added toggles for long/short labels
- Pushed liquidity levels further away from candles
Notas de Lançamento
V 2.3

- Fixed glitch
- Added price for on liquidity levels
Notas de Lançamento
V 2.4

- Hide label input added - Cleaner charts.
buysellsignalliquidationliquidationlevelsliquidityliquiditypoolliquiditytraderPivot PointsSupport and ResistancetopbottomTrend Analysis

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