PB Candlestick Patterns

Using PB Candlestick Patterns, you can automatically identify 1 and 2 candlesticks patterns to help determine the current trend
The signals appear in Red and Green to denote for bearish (Red) bullish (Green).

This indicator automatically displays the following patterns on the chart.
Harami Cross
Morning Star
Piercing Line

This is different to the existing open source indicator available on the marketplace for the following reasons:

* Identify's and displays more candlestick patterns
* Automatically displays only a specific set of candlestick patterns relevant to our Elliott Wave Indicator Strategy
* Labels reveal the whole name, not an abbreviation

This will be available soon to lease from us.
This indicator is to be used in conjunction with our Elliott Wave Indicator but to know more information about this indicator or when it will be available to lease, send us a DM
candlestickpatternTrend Analysis

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