Binary Strategy by Emiliano Mesa V3

Por EmilianoMesa
The Binary Strategy Indicator is a powerful strategy in which can be set up for all Forex Binary Pairs in any set of time. The strategy profitable percentage will depend in its settings which are fully customizable. Its use is simple and its completly realtime, it depends on three states.

1) Pre-Setup (Blue), a possible ideal MTF Trading setup is being build, a trade might appear be ready.
2) Trade (Purple), a trade has now appeared be ready to take it as soon as the purple bar closes. Always take the trade at the next bar open.
3) Time prediction (Yellow), at what time will the trade close, and what are your odds in winning. 30 minutes? An hour? You know your time before hand, in order to set up your call.

This Binary Strategy has shown huge returns, and works next to "Emiliano Mesa Binary Indicator ALERTS V3", which is also sold with the Binary Strategy.

See the results for yourself... 70% Profitable.
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