RoadRunner @TrueCrypto28

Por TrueCrypto28
The RoadRunner is also a very complex Algorithm which was designed to locate ideal entries. The RoadRunner is unique because it was built with far less protection from false signals. The benefit of this is that you will get more signals overall which can allow for some excellent signals that my other algorithms would have ignored due to a higher risk component.

This Indicator is recommended for those that trust their TA enough to assist them in dodging the higher amount of false signals that will inevitably come with this system. The RoadRunner is designed for Higher Time Frames such as the Daily (as you go below a 4 hour chart the amount of false signals will multiply as will the good ones), but, the user has the freedom to experiment across all Time Frames. It will provide many excellent signals
BESTbuysignalElliott WaveMoving AveragesOscillatorsstrategyTrend Analysistruecrypto28

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