WaveTrend Anomaly by Hypester

Por spectertrading
As requested by the Alpha community, here's our release.

This is a different type of Wavetrend indicator; here, we have a statistical approach to the waves. We normalize the trends as a reference to measure how much every move differs from the average.

If the move is too far out, it tends to go back to the average as a rule. This indicator yields a %. As you can see, most of the moves tend to stay within 0.5 and -0.5. Remember the fact that 0.5 means 50%, the negative factor here only determines direction.

Funny the fact that most crossings happen within the 0.5 and -0.5, which means they occur before the odds are against them all the time. That highlights the chaotic nature of the markets.

However, the outliers, the moves that extrapolate the 50%, tend to go back to the average quickly, and the big triangles highlight this crossing.

You can also display every single crossing and its direction in the options panel.
There're more customization capabilities in the panel, too, like length, source, and so on.

Now to the background color options, when it's green, we have a confirmed bull movement, and red is a confirmed bear.

The area oscillator is the slope between the fast and slow oscillator lines. Here you can see when the trend is reversing or losing its strength. The orange slope color happens when you have a bearish trend, for instance. The yellow slope happens with a bull trend but a negative momentum. By mixing the colors, you can evaluate if it's strong enough for a full reversal and so on.
This same approach could be handy to spot bottoms and tops.
anomalyCentered OscillatorscustomindicatorsOscillatorsTrend Analysiswavetheorywavetraderwavetradingwavetrend

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