Chart Killer A

Chart Killer A is an EMA ribbon comprised of 8 EMAs that are Purple during a bull market (uptrend) and Gray a bear market (downtrend).
The intersections of these lines can be very strong lagging indications, so we have programmed Killer A to project symbols which correspond to various indications so you don’t have to manually interpret countless intersections.

Green Dot
- Bullish on 6 hour and above
- Neutral on lower timeframes
- Coincides with EMA ribbon uptrends

Yellow X
- Bearish
- Cautionary sign
- Possible whale manipulation / measured move

Purple Triangle
- Neutral
- Trend change in direction
- Often precedes the Green Dot

Yellow Diamond
- Bullish continuation

Red Diamond
- Bearish continuation

Red X
- Possible short or exit

Blood Diamond
- Bearish
- Red X + Red Diamond
- Multiple bearish indications in agreement
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

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