
This script helps you to understand the market situation
Script includes
. Support & resistance tool
. 3 EMA's ( exponential moving average ) ( you can change ema values )
. Smooth Guppy : helps to understand support and resistance also helps to understand trend direction ( Red is bearish trend & Blue is bullish trend )
. And Buy & Sell signals to take entry and exit

how to trade :

Buy/Long when " BUY " signal appears

Sell/Short when " SELL " signal appears

take profits near support and resistance lines / close position on the break of it

* Customized Switches to on/off Guppy , S/R levels
* When guppy is blue longs are profitable and when red shorts are profitable

*DM for access

Notas de Lançamento
small update
added alerts
and bar colors for trend strength
red bearish , gray for sell exhaustion
blue bullish , dark blue for buyers exaution
Notas de Lançamento

removed 2 ema's (55,99)

added take profits with alerts
Notas de Lançamento
added alerts for take profits signals
Notas de Lançamento
Update in code
Guppy signals added
Two trading modes to scalp or swing
Improved take profits points
Main ema type can be changed to different types of moving averages like hma,ma,ema etc
Notas de Lançamento
Update includes
Pivot points , removed guppy signals
Notas de Lançamento
Small update in the color code
Notas de Lançamento
Updated script code to v5
Notas de Lançamento
Update in the code small changes in the support tools
BTCBTCUSDEDGEMoving AveragessuiteTrend AnalysisVolatility

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For access dm

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