Empresas Americanas empresas que operam em um setor: ferramentas & hardwere

The list below has Empresas Americanas that operate under the same industry, ferramentas & hardwere. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as Snap-On Incorporated or those with the best price dynamics like Eastern Company (The), thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Volume Rel
EPS dil
Crescimento EPS dil.
12M Ano a Ano
Div. yield %
Classificação dos Analistas
SWKStanley Black & Decker, Inc.
14.135 B USD91.90 USD+0.55%2.941 M1.96−1.98 USD−128.54%3.53%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência Neutra
SNASnap-On Incorporated
14.115 B USD267.74 USD−0.08%358.756 K0.9314.0519.05 USD+9.38%2.60%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência Neutra
EMLEastern Company (The)
198.536 M USD31.98 USD+0.60%14.514 K0.5723.361.37 USD−28.83%1.38%Consumo Duráveis
SCXL.S. Starrett Company (The)
117.731 M USD16.10 USD−0.06%40.733 K0.476.222.59 USD+34.61%0.00%Consumo Duráveis
ILAGIntelligent Living Application Group Inc.
10.22 M USD0.5659 USD−7.23%88.091 K0.040.00%Consumo Duráveis