Empresas Americanas empresas que operam em um setor: seguro especializado

The list below has Empresas Americanas that operate under the same industry, seguro especializado. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as Investors Title Company or those with the best price dynamics like Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Volume Rel
EPS dil
Crescimento EPS dil.
12M Ano a Ano
Div. yield %
Classificação dos Analistas
FNFFNF Group of Fidelity National Financial, Inc.
14.078 B USD51.53 USD−2.05%1.163 M1.1716.973.04 USD+23.84%3.54%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
ORIOld Republic International Corporation
8.538 B USD31.41 USD+0.71%1.479 M0.7712.242.57 USD+32.37%3.21%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
ESNTEssent Group Ltd.
6.052 B USD56.73 USD+0.35%499.481 K0.778.586.61 USD−2.42%1.82%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
FAFFirst American Corporation (New)
5.81 B USD56.01 USD+0.43%498.28 K0.7626.892.08 USD+5.20%3.78%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
RDNRadian Group Inc.
4.764 B USD31.64 USD0.00%455.556 K0.648.393.77 USD−13.07%2.91%Financeiro
Tendência Neutra
AGOAssured Guaranty Ltd.
4.312 B USD79.21 USD−1.01%382.811 K0.746.0713.05 USD+466.67%1.44%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
STCStewart Information Services Corporation
1.745 B USD63.26 USD−0.94%121.403 K0.8741.841.51 USD−57.07%2.94%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
AMBCAmbac Financial Group, Inc.
821.285 M USD18.16 USD−0.93%425.177 K0.8113.801.32 USD−87.66%0.00%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
TIPTTiptree Inc.
633.075 M USD17.21 USD+0.17%111.101 K1.2530.080.57 USD1.22%Financeiro
315.347 M USD6.15 USD−8.48%782.849 K2.47−10.02 USD−155.76%0.00%Financeiro
Tendência Neutra
ITICInvestors Title Company
305.543 M USD162.19 USD+0.50%7420.2412.2613.23 USD+32.80%1.14%Financeiro
DOMADoma Holdings, Inc.
84.284 M USD6.03 USD0.00%10.202 K0.78−7.69 USD+57.57%0.00%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
OXBROxbridge Re Holdings Limited
7.989 M USD1.33 USD+2.70%41.768 K0.78−1.69 USD−445.37%0.00%Financeiro