Volatility Risk Premium (VRP) 1.0ENGLISH
This indicator (V-R-P) calculates the (one month) Volatility Risk Premium for S&P500 and Nasdaq-100.
V-R-P is the premium hedgers pay for over Realized Volatility for S&P500 and Nasdaq-100 index options.
The premium stems from hedgers paying to insure their portfolios, and manifests itself in the differential between the price at which options are sold (Implied Volatility) and the volatility the S&P500 and Nasdaq-100 ultimately realize (Realized Volatility).
I am using 30-day Implied Volatility (IV) and 21-day Realized Volatility (HV) as the basis for my calculation, as one month of IV is based on 30 calendaristic days and one month of HV is based on 21 trading days.
At first, the indicator appears blank and a label instructs you to choose which index you want the V-R-P to plot on the chart. Use the indicator settings (the sprocket) to choose one of the indices (or both).
Together with the V-R-P line, the indicator will show its one year moving average within a range of +/- 15% (which you can change) for benchmarking purposes. We should consider this range the “normalized” V-R-P for the actual period.
The Zero Line is also marked on the indicator.
When V-R-P is within the “normalized” range, … well... volatility and uncertainty, as it’s seen by the option market, is “normal”. We have a “premium” of volatility which should be considered normal.
When V-R-P is above the “normalized” range, the volatility premium is high. This means that investors are willing to pay more for options because they see an increasing uncertainty in markets.
When V-R-P is below the “normalized” range but positive (above the Zero line), the premium investors are willing to pay for risk is low, meaning they see decreasing uncertainty and risks in the market, but not by much.
When V-R-P is negative (below the Zero line), we have COMPLACENCY. This means investors see upcoming risk as being lower than what happened in the market in the recent past (within the last 30 days).
Volatility Risk Premium
The volatility risk premium (V-R-P) is the notion that implied volatility (IV) tends to be higher than realized volatility (HV) as market participants tend to overestimate the likelihood of a significant market crash.
This overestimation may account for an increase in demand for options as protection against an equity portfolio. Basically, this heightened perception of risk may lead to a higher willingness to pay for these options to hedge a portfolio.
In other words, investors are willing to pay a premium for options to have protection against significant market crashes even if statistically the probability of these crashes is lesser or even negligible.
Therefore, the tendency of implied volatility is to be higher than realized volatility, thus V-R-P being positive.
Realized/Historical Volatility
Historical Volatility (HV) is the statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for an index over a given period of time.
Historical volatility is a well-known concept in finance, but there is confusion in how exactly it is calculated. Different sources may use slightly different historical volatility formulas.
For calculating Historical Volatility I am using the most common approach: annualized standard deviation of logarithmic returns, based on daily closing prices.
Implied Volatility
Implied Volatility (IV) is the market's forecast of a likely movement in the price of the index and it is expressed annualized, using percentages and standard deviations over a specified time horizon (usually 30 days).
IV is used to price options contracts where high implied volatility results in options with higher premiums and vice versa. Also, options supply and demand and time value are major determining factors for calculating Implied Volatility.
Implied Volatility usually increases in bearish markets and decreases when the market is bullish.
For determining S&P500 and Nasdaq-100 implied volatility I used their volatility indices: VIX and VXN (30-day IV) provided by CBOE.
Please be aware that because CBOE doesn’t provide real-time data in Tradingview, my V-R-P calculation is also delayed, so you shouldn’t use it in the first 15 minutes after the opening.
This indicator is calibrated for a daily time frame.
Este indicador (V-R-P) calcula la Prima de Riesgo de Volatilidad (de un mes) para S&P500 y Nasdaq-100.
V-R-P es la prima que pagan los hedgers sobre la Volatilidad Realizada para las opciones de los índices S&P500 y Nasdaq-100.
La prima proviene de los hedgers que pagan para asegurar sus carteras y se manifiesta en el diferencial entre el precio al que se venden las opciones (Volatilidad Implícita) y la volatilidad que finalmente se realiza en el S&P500 y el Nasdaq-100 (Volatilidad Realizada).
Estoy utilizando la Volatilidad Implícita (IV) de 30 días y la Volatilidad Realizada (HV) de 21 días como base para mi cálculo, ya que un mes de IV se basa en 30 días calendario y un mes de HV se basa en 21 días de negociación.
Al principio, el indicador aparece en blanco y una etiqueta le indica que elija qué índice desea que el V-R-P represente en el gráfico. Use la configuración del indicador (la rueda dentada) para elegir uno de los índices (o ambos).
Junto con la línea V-R-P, el indicador mostrará su promedio móvil de un año dentro de un rango de +/- 15% (que puede cambiar) con fines de evaluación comparativa. Deberíamos considerar este rango como el V-R-P "normalizado" para el período real.
La línea Cero también está marcada en el indicador.
Cuando el V-R-P está dentro del rango "normalizado",... bueno... la volatilidad y la incertidumbre, como las ve el mercado de opciones, es "normal". Tenemos una “prima” de volatilidad que debería considerarse normal.
Cuando V-R-P está por encima del rango "normalizado", la prima de volatilidad es alta. Esto significa que los inversores están dispuestos a pagar más por las opciones porque ven una creciente incertidumbre en los mercados.
Cuando el V-R-P está por debajo del rango "normalizado" pero es positivo (por encima de la línea Cero), la prima que los inversores están dispuestos a pagar por el riesgo es baja, lo que significa que ven una disminución, pero no pronunciada, de la incertidumbre y los riesgos en el mercado.
Cuando V-R-P es negativo (por debajo de la línea Cero), tenemos COMPLACENCIA. Esto significa que los inversores ven el riesgo próximo como menor que lo que sucedió en el mercado en el pasado reciente (en los últimos 30 días).
Prima de Riesgo de Volatilidad
La Prima de Riesgo de Volatilidad (V-R-P) es la noción de que la Volatilidad Implícita (IV) tiende a ser más alta que la Volatilidad Realizada (HV) ya que los participantes del mercado tienden a sobrestimar la probabilidad de una caída significativa del mercado.
Esta sobreestimación puede explicar un aumento en la demanda de opciones como protección contra una cartera de acciones. Básicamente, esta mayor percepción de riesgo puede conducir a una mayor disposición a pagar por estas opciones para cubrir una cartera.
En otras palabras, los inversores están dispuestos a pagar una prima por las opciones para tener protección contra caídas significativas del mercado, incluso si estadísticamente la probabilidad de estas caídas es menor o insignificante.
Por lo tanto, la tendencia de la Volatilidad Implícita es de ser mayor que la Volatilidad Realizada, por lo cual el V-R-P es positivo.
Volatilidad Realizada/Histórica
La Volatilidad Histórica (HV) es la medida estadística de la dispersión de los rendimientos de un índice durante un período de tiempo determinado.
La Volatilidad Histórica es un concepto bien conocido en finanzas, pero existe confusión sobre cómo se calcula exactamente. Varias fuentes pueden usar fórmulas de Volatilidad Histórica ligeramente diferentes.
Para calcular la Volatilidad Histórica, utilicé el enfoque más común: desviación estándar anualizada de rendimientos logarítmicos, basada en los precios de cierre diarios.
Volatilidad Implícita
La Volatilidad Implícita (IV) es la previsión del mercado de un posible movimiento en el precio del índice y se expresa anualizada, utilizando porcentajes y desviaciones estándar en un horizonte de tiempo específico (generalmente 30 días).
IV se utiliza para cotizar contratos de opciones donde la alta Volatilidad Implícita da como resultado opciones con primas más altas y viceversa. Además, la oferta y la demanda de opciones y el valor temporal son factores determinantes importantes para calcular la Volatilidad Implícita.
La Volatilidad Implícita generalmente aumenta en los mercados bajistas y disminuye cuando el mercado es alcista.
Para determinar la Volatilidad Implícita de S&P500 y Nasdaq-100 utilicé sus índices de volatilidad: VIX y VXN (30 días IV) proporcionados por CBOE.
Tenga en cuenta que debido a que CBOE no proporciona datos en tiempo real en Tradingview, mi cálculo de V-R-P también se retrasa, y por este motivo no se recomienda usar en los primeros 15 minutos desde la apertura.
Este indicador está calibrado para un marco de tiempo diario.
+ Magic Carpet BandsFun name for an indicator, eh? Well, it is true, I think; they look like magic carpets. They're actually pretty simple actually. They're Keltner Channels smoothed with a moving average. If you go down to the lookback period for the bands and set it to 1, you'll recognize them immediately.
Digging a bit deeper you see there are four magic carpets on the chart. The inner ones are set to a multiplier of 2, and the outer to a multiplier of 4. Each "carpet" is composed of two smoothed upper or lower Keltner Channels bounds, both with an optional offset, one of which is set to 13, and the other to 0 by default; and an optional color fill between these. There is also a color fill between the outer and inner carpets which gives them an interesting 3-dimensional aspect at times. They can look a bit like tunnels by default.
My thinking around the idea of using an offset with the bands is that if we assume these things to provide a dynamic support and resistance, and previous support and resistance maintains status as support and resistance until proven otherwise, then by putting an offset to past data we are creating a more obvious visual indication of that support or resistance in the present. The default offset is set to 13 bars back, so if price found resistance at some point around 13 bars ago, and price is currently revisiting it we assume it is still resistance, and that offset band is there to give us a strong visual aid. Obviously it's not foolproof, but nothing is.
Beyond that most interesting part of the indicator you have a nice selection of moving averages which the bands are calculated off of. By default it's set to my UMA. The bands themselves also have a selection of moving averages for how the keltner channels are smoothed. And a note: because the UMA and RDMA are averages of different length MAs, they can not be adjusted other than via the multiplier that sets the distance from the moving average.
The indicator is multi-timeframe, and the moving average can be colored based on a higher timeframe as well.
I popped in the divergence indicator here too. You can choose from RSI and OBV, and the divergences will be plotted on the chart. Working on finding a way to be able to have the bands/MA set to a higher timeframe while plotting the divergences on the chart timeframe, but don't have an answer to that yet.
Alerts for moving average crosses, band touches, and divergences.
I like this one a lot. Enjoy!
Pictures below.
One interesting thing about this indicator is that band twists often occur at areas of support or resistance. Simply drawing horizontal lines from previous twisted points can provide places from which you may look for strength or weakness to enter into a trade, or which you might use as targets for taking profits. The vertical lines are just showing the point on the chart when the cross occurred.
Above is a Jurik MA with a bunch of adjustments made to the bands, and the moving average itself. Everything is super adjustable, so you can play around and have fun with them quite a bit.
Just a different MA and bands.
TSI in Dynamic Zones with Divergence and Pivot PointsTrue Strength Index , or TSI is considered a "leading indicator" - in contrast to a "lagging indicator" just as Moving Averages it does not show a confirmation what already happened, but it shows what can happen in the future. For example: The chart is climbing while the TSI oscillator is slowly declining, gets weaker and weaker, maybe even prints bearish divergences? That means that a reversal might be occurring soon. Leading indicators are best paired with Stop and Resistance Lines, General Trendlines , Fib Retracements etc. Your chart is approaching a very important Resistance Trendline but the TSI shows a very positive signal? That means there is a high probability that the Resistance is going to be pushed through and becomes Support in the future.
What are those circles?
-These are Divergences. Red for Regular-Bearish. Orange for Hidden-Bearish. Green for Regular-Bullish. Aqua for Hidden-Bullish.
What are those triangles?
- These are Pivots . They show when the TSI oscillator might reverse, this is important to know because many times the price action follows this move.
What are these blue or orange areas?
- Those are dynamic zones. For the analysis of the TSI its important to know if the indicator is in a state of oversold or overbought to filter out ranging price movement. Normally those zones are static, in this version of the TSI oscillator dynamic zones were added to show a dynamic calculation whether the TSI oscillator is oversold, overbought or ranging.
Please keep in mind that this indicator is a tool and not a strategy, do not blindly trade signals, do your own research first! Use this indicator in conjunction with other indicators to get multiple confirmations.
Bollinger Bands Fibonacci Ratios StrategyHello, everyone!
We have just released an innovative strategy for TradingView. It allows you to identify price pivot points and volatility.
This strategy is:
Equipped with Bollinger Bands and smoothed ATR to measure volatility
Thanks to the BB Fibo strategy, you can:
Trade stocks and commodities.
Identify price pivot points.
Choose any band for trading Long or Short positions.
Swap upper and lower bands applying Use Reverse Buy/Sell parameters.
Note! The upper bands are for the Long position. The lower bands are for the Short positions.
We have equipped our strategy with more than 14 additional parameters. So, you can configure the EA according to your needs!
Source: Open, High, Low, Close, HL2, HLC3, OHLC4
Fibonacci Ratio 1 — a Fibonacci factor for the 1st upper and lower indicator lines calculating.
Fibonacci Ratio 2 — a Fibonacci factor for the 2nd upper and lower indicator lines calculating.
Fibonacci Ratio 3 — a Fibonacci factor for the 3d upper and lower indicator lines calculating.
Use Reverse Buy — the strategy will use lower Bollinger bands instead of upper ones.
Fibonacci Buy — band selection for opening Long positions conditions.
Use Reverse Sell — the strategy will use upper Bollinger bands instead of lower ones.
Fibonacci Sell — band selection for opening Short positions conditions.
Basis — baseline color and style settings.
Upper 3 — the 3d upper line color and style.
Upper 2 — the 2nd upper line color and style.
Upper 1 — the 1st upper line color and style.
Lower 1 — the 1st lower line color and style.
Lower 2 — the 2nd lower line color and style.
Lower 3 — the 3d upper line color and style.
Background — the background color within the 3d upper and 3d lower indicator band.
Precision — the number of decimals for BB Fibo values.
Note! Try BB Fibo on your demo account first before going live.
Sigma Spikes [CC]Sigma Spikes were created by Adam Grimes and this is one of the best volatility indicators out there. This indicator not only gives you positive or negative volatility but with my version I can identify any sudden changes from the underlying trend. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there were any other indicators you wanted to see me publish!
Bollinger Band Width PercentileIntroducing the Bollinger Band Width Percentile
Definitions :
Bollinger Band Width Percentile is derived from the Bollinger Band Width indicator.
It shows the percentage of bars over a specified lookback period that the Bollinger Band Width was less than the current Bollinger Band Width.
Bollinger Band Width is derived from the Bollinger Bands® indicator.
It quantitatively measures the width between the Upper and Lower Bands of the Bollinger Bands.
Bollinger Bands® is a volatility-based indicator.
It consists of three lines which are plotted in relation to a security's price.
The Middle Line is typically a Simple Moving Average.
The Upper and Lower Bands are typically 2 standard deviations above, and below the SMA (Middle Line).
Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index, measured by the standard deviation of logarithmic returns.
The Broad Concept :
Quoting Tradingview specifically for commonly noted limitations of the BBW indicator which I have based this indicator on....
“ Bollinger Bands Width (BBW) outputs a Percentage Difference between the Upper Band and the Lower Band.
This value is used to define the narrowness of the bands.
What needs to be understood however is that a trader cannot simply look at the BBW value and determine if the Band is truly narrow or not.
The significance of an instruments relative narrowness changes depending on the instrument or security in question.
What is considered narrow for one security may not be for another.
What is considered narrow for one security may even change within the scope of the same security depending on the timeframe.
In order to accurately gauge the significance of a narrowing of the bands, a technical analyst will need to research past BBW fluctuations and price performance to increase trading accuracy. ”
Here I present the Bollinger Band Width Percentile as a refinement of the BBW to somewhat overcome the limitations cited above.
Much of the work researching past BBW fluctuations, and making relative comparisons is done naturally by calculating the Bollinger Band Width Percentile.
This calculation also means that it can be read in a similar fashion across assets, greatly simplifying the interpretation of it.
Plotted Components of the Bollinger Band Width Percentile indicator :
Scale High
Mid Line
Scale Low
BBWP plot
Moving Average 1
Moving Average 2
Extreme High Alert
Extreme Low Alert
Bollinger Band Width Percentile Properties:
BBWP Length
The time period to be used in calculating the Moving average which creates the Basis for the BBW component of the BBWP.
Basis Type
The type of moving average to be used as the Basis for the BBW component of the BBWP.
BBWP Lookback
The lookback period to be used in calculating the BBWP itself.
BBWP Plot settings
The BBWP plot settings give a choice between a user defined solid color, and a choice of "Blue Green Red", or "Blue Red" spectrum palettes.
Moving Averages
Has 2 Optional User definable and adjustable moving averages of the BBWP.
Visual Alerts
Optional User adjustable High and low Signal columns.
How to read the BBWP :
A BBWP read of 95 % ... means that the current BBW level is greater than 95% of the lookback period.
A BBWP read of 5 % .... means that the current BBW level is lower than 95% of the lookback period.
Proposed interpretations :
When the BBWP gets above 90 % and particularly when it hits 100% ... this can be a signal that volatility is reaching a maximum and that a macro High or Low is about to be set.
When the BBWP gets below 10 % and particularly when it hits 0% ...... this can be a signal that volatility is reaching a minimum and that there could be a violent range breakout into a trending move.
When the BBWP hits a low level < 5 % and then gets above its moving average ...... this can be an early signal that a consolidation phase is ending and a trending move is beginning.
When the BBWP hits a high level > 95 % and then falls below its moving average ... this can be an early signal that a trending move is ending and a consolidation phase is beginning.
Essential knowledge :
The BBWP was designed with the daily timeframe in mind, but technical analysists may find use for it on other time frames also.
High and Low BBWP readings do not entail any direction bias.
Deeper Concepts :
In finance, “mean reversion” is the assumption that a financial instrument's price will tend to move towards the average price over time.
If we apply that same logic to volatility as represented here by the Bollinger band width percentile, the assumption is that the Bollinger band width percentile will tend to contract from extreme highs, and expand from extreme lows over time corresponding to repeated phases of contraction and expansion of volatility.
It is clear that for most assets there are periods of directional trending behavior followed by periods of “consolidation” ( trading sideways in a range ).
This often ends with a tightening range under reducing volume and volatility ( popularly known as “the squeeze” ).
The squeeze typically ends with a “breakout” from the range characterized by a rapid increase in volume, and volatility when price action again trends directionally, and the cycle repeats.
Typical Use Cases :
The Bollinger Band Width Percentile may be especially useful for Options traders, as it can provide a bias for when Options are relatively expensive, or inexpensive from a Volatility (Vega) perspective.
When the Bollinger Band Width Percentile is relatively high ( 85 percentile or above ) it may be more advantageous to be a net seller of Vega.
When the Bollinger Band Width Percentile is relatively low ( 15 percentile or below ) it may be advantageous to be net long Vega.
Here we examine a number of actionable signals on BTCUSD daily timeframe using the BBWP and a momentum oscillator ( using the TSI here but can equally be used with Bollinger bands, moving averages, or the traders preferred momentum oscillator ).
In this first case we will examine how a spot trader and an options trader could each use a low BBWP read to alert them to a good potential trade setup.
note: using a period of 30 for both the Bollinger bands and the BBWP period ( approximately a month ) and a BBWP lookback of 350 ( approximately a year )
As we see the Bollinger Bands have gradually contracted while price action trended down and the BBWP also fell consistently while below its moving average ( denoting falling volatility ) down to an extremely low level <5% until it broke above its moving average along with a break of range to the upside ( signaling the end of the consolidation at a low level and the beginning of a new trending move to the upside with expanding volatility).
In this next case we will continue to follow the price action presuming that the traders have taken or locked in profit at reasonable take profit levels from the previous trade setup.
Here we see the contraction of the Bollinger bands, and the BBWP alongside price action breaking below the BB Basis giving a warning that the trending move to the upside is likely over.
We then see the BBWP rising and getting above its moving average while price action fails to get above the BB Basis, likewise the TSI fails to get above its signal line and actually crosses below its zeroline.
The trader would normally take this as a signal that the next trending move could be to the downside.
The next trending move turns out to be a dramatic downside move which causes the BBWP to hit 100% signaling that volatility is likely to hit a maximum giving good opportunities for profitable trades to the skilled trader as outlined.
Limitations :
Here we will look at 2 cases where blindly taking BBWP signals could cause the trader to take a failed trade.
In this first example we will look at blindly taking a low volatility options trade
Low Volatility and corresponding low BBWP levels do not automatically mean there has to be expansion immediately, these periods of extreme low volatility can go on for quite some time.
In this second example we will look at blindly taking a high volatility spot short trade
High volatility and corresponding high BBWP levels do not automatically mean there has to be a macro high and contraction of volatility immediately, these periods of extreme high volatility can also go on for quite some time, hence the famous saying "The trend is your friend until the end of the trend" and lesser well known, but equally valid saying "never try to short the top of a parabolic blow off top"
Markets are variable and past performance is no guarantee of future results, this is not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor.
Final thoughts
The BBWP is an improvement over the BBW in my opinion, and is a novel, and useful addition to a Technical Analysts toolkit.
It is not a standalone indicator and is meant to be used in conjunction with other tools for direction bias, and Good Risk Management to base sound trades off.
John Bollinger has suggested using Bolliger bands, and its related indicators with two or three other non-correlated indicators that provide more direct market signals.
He believes it is crucial to use indicators based on different types of data.
Some of his favored technical techniques are moving average divergence/convergence (MACD), on-balance volume and relative strength index (RSI).
Massive respect to John Bollinger, long-time technician of the markets, and legendary creator of both the Bollinger Bands® in the 1980´s, and the Bollinger band Width indicator in 2010 which this indicator is based on.
His work continues to inspire, decades after he brought the original Bollinger Bands to the market.
Much respect also to Eric Crown who gave me the fundamental knowledge of Technical Analysis, and Options trading.
Candle Percent Volatility by AllenlkThis indicator gives you the percentage movement of each candle. Measurements are taken between the candle High point and Low point, and also between the Open and Close and calculated in percent %. From there it smooths out the data with a moving average. This gives you an idea of how much volatility is within each candle given the time resolution of the chart.
I like to use this information as a way to turn off a strategy, or select a proper time resolution for a strategy. If each candle has less than 2.5% Volatility most strategies will typically buy and sell rapidly at prices that are too close together, potentially losing money. During those times it seems best to either temporarily turn off the strategy, change the time resolution or switch to another strategy.
Linear Regression Channel / Curve / Slope by DGTTʜᴇ Lɪɴᴇᴀʀ Rᴇɢʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟꜱ
Linear Regression Channels are useful measure for technical and quantitative analysis in financial markets that help identifying trends and trend direction. The use of standard deviation gives traders ideas as to when prices are becoming overbought or oversold relative to the long term trend
The basis of a linear regression channel
Linear Regression Line – is a line drawn according to the least-squares statistical technique which produces a best-fit line that cuts through the middle of price action, a line that best fits all the data points of interest. The resulting fitted model can be used to summarize the data, to predict unobserved values from the same system. Linear Regression Line then present basis for the channel calculations
The linear regression channel
2. Upper Channel Line – A line that runs parallel to the Linear Regression Line and is usually one to two standard deviations above the Linear Regression Line.
3. Lower Channel Line – This line runs parallel to the Linear Regression Line and is usually one to two standard deviations below the Linear Regression Line.
Unlike Fibonacci Channels and Andrew’s Pitchfork, Linear Regression Channels are calculated using statistical methods, both for the regression line (as expressed above) and deviation channels. Upper and Lower channel lines are presenting the idea of bell curve method, also known as a normal distribution and are calculated using standard deviation function.
A standard deviation include 68% of the data points, two standard deviations include approximately 95% of the data points and any data point that appears outside two standard deviations is very rare.
It is often assumed that the data points will move back toward the average, or regress and channels would allow us to see when a security is overbought or oversold and ready to revert to the mean
please note : Over time, the price will move up and down, and the linear regression channel will experience changes as old prices fall off and new prices appear
█ Linear Regression Study Features
Linear Regression Channel
- Linear regression line as basis
- Customizable multiple channels based on Standard Deviation
- ALERTs for the channel levels
Linear Regression Curve
- Linear regression curve as basis
- Optional : Bands based on Standard Deviation or Volatility (ATR). Bands are applied with fixed levels 1, 2 and 3 times StdDev or ATR away from the curve
Linear Regression Slope
- Optional : Up/Down slope arrows for a used defined period
█ Volume / Volatility Add-Ons
High Volatile Bar Indication
Volume Spike Bar Indication
Volume Weighted Colored Bars
Moving Average Gap AnalyzerExtremely simple algorithm in order to calculate the gap between 2 simple moving averages. Analyzing perspective defines the line of color as white, green or red. This is done by checking sources of both moving averages and evaluate their past values with the mutual length respectively. Analysis is done by scoring the movements of sources.
What to expect?
- Higher the gap, higher the volatility.
- If the analysis line is green sources have been raising (most likely bull market), if the analysis line is white the market is mostly likely close to horizontal, if the analysis line is red, sources have been decreasing gradually (most likely bear market).
ps. Genuine indicator idea of me. This indicator is not a product or an idea of any group I work with. Completely clear of all types of IP.
Cross Asset VolatilityThis script brings together a number of volatility indexes from the CBOE in one space making it easier to use rather than adding a number of different securities to one chart. One could create a template with these securities attached, but sometimes, you don't want to switch charts, for whatever reason, and adding an indicator for is quick and simple.
One note is that due some securities exhibit much larger volatility than others (i.e. oil vs bonds) and it can be difficult to see clearly those securities whose volatilities are low, and hence we have added the ability to calculate the values as a Log value to make the indicator more readable. Another way to do this is to change the Y-axis on the chart to Logarithmic while leaving the indicator at its default settings (i.e. the checkbox for using Log calculations remains unchecked).
Volatility (Body and Weighted Shadow)- Volatility Indicator
- Replacement for ATR
- As each pair holds a different level of volatility, a stop loss can be set using this indicator rather than via a ratio 2:1, etc. e.g. 2 X Volatility Value = S/L...
- This indicator averages the bodies of candlesticks over a default length of 14 periods. It also considers the length of shadows via a weighted average. This is done as it is assumed that financial institutions tend to move price to levels that do not hold (shadows). Therefore, wick lengths are less significant than the candlestick bodies, so they are weighted to hold less value.