[blackcat] L5 Renko MasterLevel: 5
Like many people in the Tradingview community, I have been studying how to apply Renko charts to backtesting and live trading for long. However, as we all know, the official Tradingview Renko chart is not recommended for backtesting because it will lead to unrealistic backtesting results. So, I thought about developing a set of customized Renko charts that can be used for backtesting and second-level trading. This "L5 Renko Master" is one of them that I am introducing today.
In fact, this is not a Renko chart based on Tick's principle. It is based on OHLC data, because this kind of chart can be used for reliable backtesting and trading in Tradingview. Therefore, the Renko Master in this script can actually coexist with the standard Japanese candlestick chart, but the trend reversal information it prompts is based on a principle similar to Renko. When the two can coexist and produce trading signals at the same time, this is really a very interesting invention.
First of all, this Renko chart can coexist in the main chart with the Japanese candlestick chart. It can support up to 1 second level of display and trading. By configuring two parameters, you can adapt it to different Time Frames.
Secondly, this Renko chart can be used for backtesting strategies, because it is essentially OHLC data. Although the absolute value of the price cannot correspond to the original OHLC one-to-one, the certainty of the trend reversal is relatively high. It can be compared with Japanese candlesticks on the timeline.
Finally, this Renko chart is embedded with a Renko intrinsic trading strategy, which can be used to locate entry points through red and green labels. This strategy supports Tradingview alerts. You can get "LONG" or "SHORT" trading reminders by creating alerts. In order to obtain a clear market structure, Zen Stroke (Autolength ZigZag) and Zen Kiss (Special Moving Averages) can be checked to be superimposed and displayed on the main chart to facilitate understanding of the temporal and spatial position of prices in the market.
Indicator Set
Renko Master Boxes (砖块图)
Zen Stroke (Auto ZigZag , 自动画缠论笔)
Zen Kiss Moving Averages (缠论均线)
Price --> Price source used to produce Renko, close is default.
RefBarBack --> Lookback period length to calculate Renko. The larger value, the less sensitive to price ripples and sideways.
BoxPerc --> Internal box percentage input. The larger value, the less sensitive to price ripples and sideways.
Show Zen Stroke (AutoLen ZigZag)? --> Switch to turn on and off ZigZag.
Shown Renko MA? --> Switch to turn on and off special moving averages.
Key Signal
Green bricks for up trend
Red bricks for down trend
Green labels for buy/long.
Red labels for sell/short.
Zen Stroke (ZigZag)
Green line section for up stroke
Red line section for down stroke
Moving Averages
Yellow for fast line
Fuchsia for slow line
Pros and Cons
Suitable for discretionary trading and bots via alerts. However, only well selected trading pair and time frame can guarantee bot works.
Intuitive and effective, the output signal is more reliable after multi-indicator resonance
My third L5 indicator published
Redeem Fee Life Lock Guarantee
Although I take the efforts to inform the script requesters that the best way to promote trading skills is to learn from the open source scripts I released by themself and to improve their PNIE script programming skills, there are still many people asking how to obtain or pay to use BLACKCAT L4/L5 private scripts. In fact, I do not encourage people to use Tradingview Coins ( TVC ) / Cryptocurrency to redeem the right to use BLACKCAT L4/L5 scripts. However, redeeming private script usage rights through TV Coins/ Cryptocurrency may be an effective way to force more people to learn PINE script programming seriously. And then I can concentrate on answering more valuable community questions instead of being overwhelmed by L4/L5 scripting permission reqeusts.
I would like to announce a ‘Redeem Fee Lock Guarantee’ program to further simplify the L4/L5 indicator/strategy utility offering and distinguish itself from the competition. ‘Redeem Fee lock guarantee’ is one of the major initiatives by BLACKCAT as a part of overall value packaging designed to guard BLACKCAT’s followers’ against cost-overruns and operational risks usually borne by them when it comes to PINE script innovation ecosystem. The TVCs redeemed for L4/L5 a follower signs up for with BLACKCAT is their guaranteed lifetime locked in TVC Quantity/ cryptocurrency, with no special conditions, exclusions and fine print whatsoever. Based on this scheme, I can constantly refine, expand, upgrade and improve PINE script publishing to ensure the very best experiences for my followers. The 'Redeem Fee Lock Guarantee' is a step in the direction of rewarding the valuable followers. NOTE: Every L4/L5 script redeeming service is ONLY limited to TVC or Cryptocurrency ("Win$ & Donate w/ This" Addresses displayed on script page) redeeming which the 1st signed up TVC Qty/ equivalent cryptocurrency is the lifetime offered TVC Qty/ equivalent crypto.
How to subscrible this indicator?
The script subscription period only has two options of one month or one year, and its price is floating. The latest price of the script subscription is proportional to the number of likes/agrees this script has already received. Therefore, the price of subscribing to this script shows an increasing trend, and the earliest subscribers can enjoy the price of lifetime lock to this script. As the number of likes / agrees of this script increases, the subscription fee for one month and one year will also increase linearly. Whatever, the first subscription price of the use will be locked for life.
Monthly subscription and annual subscription can be done either by tradingview coins ( TVC ) or by converting into equivalent cryptocurrency at the exchange rate (1TVC=0.01USD) for redeem.
TVC payment needs to pay TVC directly in the comments under this script. Every time I authorize a new user, I will update the latest number of subscribed users and latest price for next subscription under the script comment. If there are any conflicting scenario happened to the rules and my update. My updated price based on the rule will be the final price for next subscription. The following subscribers need to pay the corresponding amount of TVC or cryptocurrency in accordance with the latest number of users and price announced by me in accordance with the rules published.
TVC redemption is the method I strongly recommend, and I hope you can complete the redemption in the comment area of this script. This is like a blockchain structure, each comment is a block, each subscription is a chain, which is conducive to open and transparent publicity and traceability to avoid unnecessary disputes.
Monthly Subscription Charges
500TVC <50 Agrees (A)
And so on...
Annual Subscription Charges
5000TVC <50 Agrees (A)
And so on...
Pesquisar nos scripts por "bot"
Technicals Rating Strategy v420Ichimoku, HMA, RSI, Stoch, CCI, MACD, Technicals Rating Strategy is a trading Bot that looks at these chosen indicators and assigns a value to each, then calculates the result of adding each indicators result value to a overall rating, which is then compared to a user set level. Here seen on Bitcoin, it has the broker fee included in the testing result. If you choose to use it on Forex etc, perhaps remove the broker fee which is unrealistic for FX trading.
It has a Win/Loss ratio of only 40% wins, but it catches the big moves and thats the main thing, so if ELON MUSK had of used this strategy instead of BUY and HOLD, he could of made 700% instead of 7% (as is, may, 2021)
Mainly intended for use as Automated TRADE BOT.
(imagine if Elon Musk did use this bot with his 1.3 billion $ worth of BTC, the drawdown would be like, half a billion or something haha (p.s.- use smaller lotsize % to get smaller drawdown, but then smaller profit....) )
For use with any pair and timeframe. In fact there is a timeframe setting to set the strategy to look at alternative timeframe from chart, but as default will just be set to charts timeframe.
Multiple Timeframe Fib Bollinger Bands - can be used for 3commas*** This idea is based on Bollingers Bands Fibonacci ratios by Shizaru ()
** This will look less chaotic if you don't have all four time frames on at once! I left them on for the demo picture just to show them all simultaneously working.
This is the basis for most of my bot ideas - indicators from longer chart time frames laid over short time frame charts. What I mean by this is that I like the responsiveness of a 1m chart but indicators from a 1h or 4h chart. There are obviously downsides to doing this or everyone would do it, but I have consistently gotten top results using this method. This is a study, so not a strategy yet but you can use this with 3commas if you convert it to a strategy using band crossover/under points as buy and sell triggers.
That is super easy; just follow this excellent guide here which should work for this script:
It's not super hard if you know a little Pine but if you need help hit me up and we can figure something out.
This script by default has 15m, 30m, 1h and 4h settings that are configurable via the gear icon. You can enable or disable any time frame, change the color, etc. I will probably add accurate line labels, custom time frames and adjustable transparency soon.
It's advisable to use higher time frame indicator on a lower time frame chart, but not the other way around. I would use these indicators on a 1m chart but not a 1d chart, for example.
Have fun and I hope you get some use out of this! I use it for context more than bots but it is definitely possible to use it with both.
Cyatophilum Strategy BuilderAn indicator to create strategies, backtest and setup alerts.
The user can choose one or multiple TA entry conditions, if more than one the conditions are combined with a logical AND.
The entries will open up a trade, which is then handled by a risk management system including Trailing Stop, Take Profit and up to 100 Safety Orders.
This indicator can be used to backtest 3commas DCA bots who are using TA presets, RSI or ULT.
Its main goal is to create strategies by combining indicators.
Let's dive into the details of what's included:
Entry Condition: MACD
Triggers an entry when macd crosses with the signal line.
Configure the fast, slow length, signal smoothing and timeframe to trigger the condition.
Entry Condition: RSI
Triggers an entry when the RSI is higher or lower than the long/short threshold.
Configure the length, timeframe, long and short threshold to trigger the condition.
Entry Condition: ULT (Ultimate Oscillator)
Triggers an entry when the ULT is higher or lower than the long/short threshold.
Configure the 3 lengths, timeframe, long and short threshold to trigger the condition.
Entry Condition: Bollinger Bands
Triggers an entry when the price is above the upper band for long and below the lower band for short.
Configure the length, standard deviation and timeframe to trigger the condition.
Entry Condition: MFI (Money Flow Index)
Similar to RSI, it triggers an entry when the MFI is higher or lower than the long/short threshold.
Configure the length, timeframe, long and short threshold to trigger the condition.
Entry Condition: CCI (Commodity Channel Index)
Another oscillator that triggers an entry when its value is higher or lower than the long/short threshold.
Configure the length, timeframe, long and short threshold to trigger the condition.
Trend Filters
Use one or two trendlines to filter your trades: go only long/short when the trendline is bullish/bearish.
Choose between the several trendlines: ema, sma, wma, hull ma, kama, alma, rma, swma, vwma, Tilson T3, and the unique Adaptive T3 and Adaptive Hull MA.
If this is not enough, you can use the external trendline feature to plug in any other indicator for your trendline.
The second trendline can be MTF and come from another symbol if needed.
Combining Indicators
Most of the time we will not be using a single indicator at a time, but instead, combine them in order to get stronger entries.
The entry conditions are combined using a AND logical gate, meaning all conditions must be true for the entry to trigger.
Here is an example using a combination of 2 indicators: Bollinger Bands and RSI.
We can see less entries are being triggered on the bottom chart than on the top chart because the bottom chart is combining the 2 indicators while the top chart is only using Bollinger Bands.
You can combine up to all 6 indicators if you want, but keep in mind that combining too many may lead to triggering no entry at all.
Risk Management and Trade system
The indicator will not trigger more than one long or short entry in a row.
To start a new trade, the indicator will wait for either take profit, stop loss or an opposite entry if no SL and TP is set.
Stop Loss and Take Profit
Configure your stop loss and take profit for long and short trades.
You can also make a trailing stoploss and a trailing take profit.
Safety Orders
Just like 3commas bots, you can create a strategy with up to 100 safety orders.
Configure their placement and order size using the price deviation, step scale, take profit type (from base order or total volume), and volume scale settings.
Note: only the 20 first safety order steps or so will be plotted due to graphic limiations. The steps after that still trigger alerts and backtest results.
Creating Alerts
The indicator is using the newest alert system:
1. Write your alert messages in the indicator settings (alert section at the bottom)
2. Click "Create Alert" as usual, but choose "alert() function calls only"
Data Window
Since the indicator is applied on top of the price chart, the oscillator indicators cannot be plotted. You can always add them on another pane but if you want to just see their values, you can use the Data Window to see the value of each oscillator on each bar.
Backtest settings
Used to get the results below:
Initial Capital: 100 000$
Base Order Size: 0.1 contract (BTC)
Safety Order Size: 0.1 contract (BTC)
Commission: 0.1%
Slippage: 100 ticks
pyramiding: 6
The indicator settings are plotted in the main chart panel.
ATH Oscillator StudyThis idea stems from the belief that people want to reverse the trend when an all time high or low is hit. This strategy incorporates that by using ath and atl values based on the lookback period and the signal gets smoothed by the input smoothing type and length. I found that the best time to use this was on the 3m chart. But I am certain that higher time frames can be used if the settings are tweaked.
Strategy -
simple(long,short,switch) - This strategy just uses the directional change of the signal using just longs, just short, or switching between the two.
range - This strategy uses the hlines on the chart to determine when to buy and sell. These can be adjusted using the Range Top / Bot values
div - This strategy uses a simple divergence of the signal line to time entries
Lookback - How many bars back to check the ath and atl
Smoothing - How smooth you want the signal
Smoothing Type - Different ways to smooth the signal
Range Top/Bot - Changes the height of the hlines for the range strategies
On Buy/Sell Signal # - Change when you enter. Increasing this number will move the signals to the left if there are consecutive signals. Useful to find bottoms and tops.
Chart: ETHUSD Perp Bybit
Notes: Use on 3-5m time frame for best results. Change settings if you want to try other coins like BTC or higher time frames
ATH Oscillator StrategyThis idea stems from the belief that people want to reverse the trend when an all time high or low is hit. This strategy incorporates that by using ath and atl values based on the lookback period and the signal gets smoothed by the input smoothing type and length. I found that the best time to use this was on the 3m chart. But I am certain that higher time frames can be used if the settings are tweaked.
Strategy -
simple(long,short,switch) - This strategy just uses the directional change of the signal using just longs, just short, or switching between the two.
range - This strategy uses the hlines on the chart to determine when to buy and sell. These can be adjusted using the Range Top / Bot values
div - This strategy uses a simple divergence of the signal line to time entries
Lookback - How many bars back to check the ath and atl
Smoothing - How smooth you want the signal
Smoothing Type - Different ways to smooth the signal
Range Top/Bot - Changes the height of the hlines for the range strategies
On Buy/Sell Signal # - Change when you enter. Increasing this number will move the signals to the left if there are consecutive signals. Useful to find bottoms and tops.
Chart: ETHUSD Perp Bybit
Strategy Properties: 100 base order, 100% equity
Notes: Use on 3-5m time frame for best results. Change settings if you want to try other coins like BTC or higher time frames
Super Cipher BThis is the first release of Super Cipher B. The script will get regular updates and includes a user manual.
This is the first release of the script which is already powerful. The script has been designed to work as a binance futures trading bot.
I only recommend using it as it is now on coins that are in a long term bullish market.
I am not responsible for possible losses using this script as no script in the world can 100% guarantee to never take any losses.
The script is a modified version with new strategies and functionality. The original script was published for free by VumanChu, this script is based on the original code of that script. This is a version of the script used for Binance Futures botting and will provide buy Dots which are more failsafe than the original green divergence dot in the VumanChu script.
All info on how to set up the script for botting is inside the user manual: The user manual also includes my current profits on 3commas.
MA, Stochastic, RSI w SnowflakeDesigned PresentationThis script provides basic moving average SMA and WMA crosses to trigger the buy or sell signals for bot trades whilst displaying snowflakes. It also has the ability to let the user display more significant price action by judging the length of the space between the SMA and WMA, after filtering using the Stochastic and RSI. Only more significant breaks of these moving average crosses are displayed to the user when optimised which avoids noise and messy signals.
It will also display Stochastic and RSI over bought and over sold with the moving average difference that deems to be bullish (e.g. having a K, D RSI and MA crossing outside of 30-70 range).
Snow Flakes - the crossing of the moving averages
Aqua Snow Flakes - Trending up
Red Snow Flakes - Trending down
Stars - The crossing of the two moving averages with RSI validation
Blue Stars - Trending up w RSI Overbought
Yellow Stars - Trending down w RSI Oversold
Cross - Stochastic and RSI over bought/over sold
Pink - Pricing up
Blue - Pricing down
This only shows the smaller movement of the trends for a minimum TP
K, D - Overbought Oversold numbers of your choice
RSI - Over bought / Over sold numbers of your choice
SMA - numbers of your choice for the closes
WMA - numbers of your choice for the closes
Usage & Details:
I make this chart for simple trades automating with the bots, so you may find too many alerts; they are for my personal private use and under my instructions outside of Trading View. Please don't try to hurt your wallets.
Knowing when a Stochastic and RSI crossing with significance on the stochastic and RSI can be of great help to a trader. Many times over bough and over sold range may not be broken with significant force and the move is therefore weaker and possibly not worth trading. They're marked (or will be marked) in triangles anyways depends on my mood.
There will be few more updates, but I may or may not publish it.
As well, you are welcome message me for the usage of this chart, but I am not friendly after feeling harassed by the moderators of this website. If you really want to make me a vendor, feel free to message me.
DMT 369 DRAGRONFLY StudyDragonfly Study version plus statistics panel
Successful traders trade with a fixed plan and without emotion, but this a lot harder than many new traders think. Many never master this skill and suffer continual drawdowns on their accounts as they overtrade high leverage positions in volatile markets.
ĐΜŦ Autobot resolves this issue by taking the human element out of the equation, allowing full automation of trades using TradingView alerts to trigger your favourite trading bot, such as Alertatron or 3Commas.
Being a Trend Reversal Indicator based on Volatility & Average True Range , ĐΜŦ Autobot is designed to identify spots in the market that offer suitable scalp and swing trade opportunities.
Due to popular demand we have expanded our ĐΜŦ Autobot product line to include the new ĐΜŦ Autobot Dragonfly 3-6-9 Edition which combines DMT with 3-6-9 Vortex mathematics, our Titan indicator and a multi-ladder scalping strategy to ensure you maintain a preferable average entry when price action moves against your position.
Indicator View
It its default state the DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator displays key signal information, such as:
• Support & resistance range lines
• Titan Body Small & Large Time Frame lines
• Long & Short entry positions
• Long & Short position ladders
• Profit targets
Dragonfly displays a range between resistance (upper line) and support (lower line) on the chart.
Once the price is granted support in the range the lower line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test support. If support holds price will attempt to test the resistance line (red).
When resistance is broken and the price is above the upper line, the line will turn blue confirming the bullish momentum and provide a potential buy opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the upper line as support and will keep rising while support is granted.
Once support is lost the upper line will become red once more. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test resistance. If resistance holds, the price will attempt to test the support line (green).
When support is broken and the price goes below the lower line, the line will turn red confirming the bearish momentum and provide a potential selling opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the lower line as resistance and will keep dropping while resistance is granted.
Titan Body
The Titan Body Small & Large time frame options in the indicator add additional trendlines to the chart to provide further clarity and confirmation to the Support & Resistance range indication.
Once price is granted support by the Small Time Frame trend line the line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Small Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Small Time Frame trend line , the line will turn red and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
When price is granted support by the Large Time Frame trend line the line will turn cyan. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Large Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Large Time Frame trend line , the line will turn orange and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
The Titan Body enabled and customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Alert indicators
DMT Autobot Dragonfly Edition generates signals that can be used to scalp trade a volatile asset.
Signals are enabled and customized in the indicator’s input settings Additional options can be found in the options, but it is recommended that these are left at the default, as shown below. The indicator generates many
Entry and Profit levels can be disabled or customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Tradingview Alerts
Using Tradingview alerts, DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals can be used to trigger a trading bot.
To trigger a long or short position, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the long or short option.
It is recommended that long or short positions are configured to trigger Once Per Bar Close
Ladders can also be triggered using alerts. To trigger a ladder order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the appropriate Long or Short ADD option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
It is recommended that ladder orders are configured to trigger Once Per Bar,
To trigger a take profit order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the Long or Short TP option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
Take profit orders can be configured as Once Per Bar Close or Once Per Minute.
If you wish to trigger a take profit signal immediately when the indicator’s defined take profit value is achieved, then use the Once Per Bar option.
Selecting Once Per Bar Close to generate a take profit signal is a gamble as the candle may close far away from the defined profit target – positive or negative.
While stops can be used, they are not applicable to the recommended ladder strategy.
Ladder Strategy
The DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator always turns an underwater position into a win by utilizing a ladder strategy.
By using the recommended defaults, the indicator will trigger ladder orders at 3%, 6% & 9% using increasing order sizes,
Order sizes increase exponentially to ensure a good average price is maintained. If you are not using DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals to trigger ladder or take profit orders, please ensure your trading bot is configured to recalculate the new ladder entry and profit target based on the new average position entry price as each ladder is filled.
If you are using DMT Autobot Dragonfly on a leveraged asset, please ensure the leverage position is configured suitably so that your position is not liquidated if the price rapidly moves against you.
If u are looking for more information or access to the script please private msg me in trading view chat thx for support
DMT 369 DRAGRONFLY STRATSuccessful traders trade with a fixed plan and without emotion, but this a lot harder than many new traders think. Many never master this skill and suffer continual drawdowns on their accounts as they overtrade high leverage positions in volatile markets.
ĐΜŦ Autobot resolves this issue by taking the human element out of the equation, allowing full automation of trades using TradingView alerts to trigger your favourite trading bot, such as Alertatron or 3Commas.
Being a Trend Reversal Indicator based on Volatility & Average True Range, ĐΜŦ Autobot is designed to identify spots in the market that offer suitable scalp and swing trade opportunities.
Due to popular demand we have expanded our ĐΜŦ Autobot product line to include the new ĐΜŦ Autobot Dragonfly 3-6-9 Edition which combines DMT with 3-6-9 Vortex mathematics, our Titan indicator and a multi-ladder scalping strategy to ensure you maintain a preferable average entry when price action moves against your position.
Indicator View
It its default state the DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator displays key signal information, such as:
• Support & resistance range lines
• Titan Body Small & Large Time Frame lines
• Long & Short entry positions
• Long & Short position ladders
• Profit targets
Dragonfly displays a range between resistance (upper line) and support (lower line) on the chart.
Once the price is granted support in the range the lower line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test support. If support holds price will attempt to test the resistance line (red).
When resistance is broken and the price is above the upper line, the line will turn blue confirming the bullish momentum and provide a potential buy opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the upper line as support and will keep rising while support is granted.
Once support is lost the upper line will become red once more. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test resistance. If resistance holds, the price will attempt to test the support line (green).
When support is broken and the price goes below the lower line, the line will turn red confirming the bearish momentum and provide a potential selling opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the lower line as resistance and will keep dropping while resistance is granted.
Titan Body
The Titan Body Small & Large time frame options in the indicator add additional trendlines to the chart to provide further clarity and confirmation to the Support & Resistance range indication.
Once price is granted support by the Small Time Frame trend line the line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Small Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Small Time Frame trend line, the line will turn red and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
When price is granted support by the Large Time Frame trend line the line will turn cyan. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Large Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Large Time Frame trend line, the line will turn orange and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
The Titan Body enabled and customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Alert indicators
DMT Autobot Dragonfly Edition generates signals that can be used to scalp trade a volatile asset.
Signals are enabled and customized in the indicator’s input settings Additional options can be found in the options, but it is recommended that these are left at the default, as shown below. The indicator generates many
Entry and Profit levels can be disabled or customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Tradingview Alerts
Using Tradingview alerts, DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals can be used to trigger a trading bot.
To trigger a long or short position, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the long or short option.
It is recommended that long or short positions are configured to trigger Once Per Bar Close
Ladders can also be triggered using alerts. To trigger a ladder order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the appropriate Long or Short ADD option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
It is recommended that ladder orders are configured to trigger Once Per Bar,
To trigger a take profit order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the Long or Short TP option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
Take profit orders can be configured as Once Per Bar Close or Once Per Minute.
If you wish to trigger a take profit signal immediately when the indicator’s defined take profit value is achieved, then use the Once Per Bar option.
Selecting Once Per Bar Close to generate a take profit signal is a gamble as the candle may close far away from the defined profit target – positive or negative.
While stops can be used, they are not applicable to the recommended ladder strategy.
Ladder Strategy
The DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator always turns an underwater position into a win by utilizing a ladder strategy.
By using the recommended defaults, the indicator will trigger ladder orders at 3%, 6% & 9% using increasing order sizes,
Order sizes increase exponentially to ensure a good average price is maintained. If you are not using DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals to trigger ladder or take profit orders, please ensure your trading bot is configured to recalculate the new ladder entry and profit target based on the new average position entry price as each ladder is filled.
If you are using DMT Autobot Dragonfly on a leveraged asset, please ensure the leverage position is configured suitably so that your position is not liquidated if the price rapidly moves against you.
If u are looking for more information or access to the script please private msg me in trading view chat thx for support
DCA CalculatorDollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is a strategy used to invest fixed amounts of money over given time intervals. It is typically used to grow an asset over time, while also reducing the risk that comes with volatility of the market.
This script was made to help make it easier to calculate Take Profit (%) when using Safety Orders on 3Commas. By using safety orders you can average down your initial investment which in turn brings down your Profit Target. A couple of the settings should look familiar if you've used 3Commas Bots before.
Input Settings
Bot Type: Select whether you are using a "Long" or "Short" bot.
Entry Price: Set this to your positions initial Entry Price.
Take Profit (%): Set this to the profit percent you are targeting.
Base Order Size: Order amount of your initial Entry.
Safety Order Size: Order amount of your first Safety Order.
Price Deviation (%): Step in percent from your initial order. This will be the deviation % of your first safety order
Safety Trades Count: Total number of safety orders to be used. Max value is currently 10.
Volume Scale: Volume of each additional safety order is multiplied by this value.
Step Scale: Step between each additional safety order is multiplied by this value.
Trading Fee (%): A fee is applied for each order that gets placed, then the total of those fees is added to the Take Profit (%). The trading fee depends on your exchange, but is typically between (0.1 to 0.15%).
Manual Safety Orders: For the manual safety orders, the checkbox will enable that specific safety order. You can set the "Entry Price" and "Order Size" of each one individually.
M4x Rainbow V4i strat LINK-USDTGRID & TREND Multiplier Experiment
// "M4x Rainbow" is a Strategy Grid Trend Multiplier bot, who is following the trend.
// I built it as an experimental tool with Strategy implemented, even if that numbers are far out...!
// Because.....it not only depends on the bot setup, the timings of the TradingBot (eg.3Commas) are very relevant too!
// Like amount of Trades, Security Orders, Deviation and so on...
// Please feedback your experience with a Comment , as I would like to improve this bot.
// Updates will follow ;-)
// "M4x Rainbow" is not bound on FIFO, each trade get's his own exit.
// It is set for Pyramiding, which can be changed in the "Strategy" line
// Fees are set equal to Binance numbers at 0.1%, about...
// The coloring of the lines is:
// green = linestate is LONG
// blue = linestate is WAIT
// yellow = linestate is SHORT
// Give it a try and let me know.
// ...have fun ;-)
M4x FIB-o-matic V3.6M4x is a combination of RSI and Fibonacci components, set up with fixed values, so no worries about "original" settings...
Recommendet Bot settings:
- use one short and one long bot
- take profit 0.5%
- 6 simul trades
- 3 security orders, VolScale 1.5, StepScale 1.4
- Deviation 0.35%
- cooldown 780sec
- aproved Buy
- aproved Sell
- heartbeat (..check if Script is running. Gives you the possibility to get an alive Signal every minute)
(With a few "input" M4x can be changed into a highly configurable Signal Generator with menus.)
...tested successful with BTC-ETH, gl ;-)
Forex levrage 1 minOk this is more complex code the scanner system that why I protected it so folks will not abuse it . this system have no repaint as no security attach to mtf
the problem with the scanner system
that it only long system ,if you stuck in a loop you cannot get out of it unless a new win trade will start. this can be catastrophe if we use leverage system as it will destroy our all account. in the scanner system one can use stop loss but it will reduce profit very much.so that will be the exit . and there is no way for short. in this system which is based on the scanner system you do short. you can still use stop loss or exit by short
so since forex go by pairs. if the strategy of long does not work then flip sides for the longs neaning oposite coin. or short it.
this sytem allow you to use leverge and see by test how to calculate your best way to enter a levrage .
since it 1 min I set it to take profit as 0.2,0,0.4 0.5 and 0.7 . and to take 25% each time .
if you are familar with scanner system then it will easy to navigate with this one as well
the exit system you can see min time. HTF and candle time. the HTF is on the frame that we use . try to play either with minute time or candle time to get better results this sytem great for coins that are going up. so beaware of this issue
if you have questions please let me know
the levrage is set to 100% of your lot at 1 X
in real life I use 10% of my lot and then i put any leverage that i want depend on the strategy that I use
so be aware of this fact
this system buy and sell in avreage 800-1500 min cycle so about a day or so to get our profit out of it.
you can use it as advisor not as bot and then you decide by your self where the best exit need to be.
take this sytem only as helper for your forex trades
there is no subsitution for common sense..that a bot can never give you. so be carfull with the money that you risk
Crypto 1 hourSimilar to indicator stock 4 hour
this bot design for crypto 1 hour chart (i find this time frame as the best one for it)
two versions of operation
1. non repainted as suggested by pine coders LucF
2. the other one is repainted with my supress repaint mechanism
the repainted version work fine but be aware that repaint may occur so it not perfect
if you decide to use the repainted one just know it not perfect even if i try my best to remove all repaint issue
alerts included
one way to check for repainting signals is by using bar repaly
the other way to see is to convert from repaint mode to unrepaint mode
if signal move 1 mtf forwrd and stay by similar order you saw before ' you can say that it was a true signal
normaly when we do this the repaint ones need to dissaper when we covert them to non repaint mode
if they move 1 mtf ahead then they were true when they were on the unrepainted version
system is very similar to ECG MACD strategy with some minor changes that I made in the buy and sell but this not so imprtant .
the daily candels are non repainting MTF candles. it just to make the atudy more preety . but it has no relation to buy and sell operation
The way i sugeest to use the repainted model is not automatic since there is repaint sometime
i suggest to use semi automatic mode
meaning the algo send alert . you just need manualy to check if the alert was true or not
since it buy and sell very slowly ,you have enough time to enter trades manualy for it.
if you find this manuver not needed and it working fine live . only if you are sure in that then move this indicator to act as real bot and make it full automatic
why i use repaint mode?
becosue the correction of repaint move the signal 1 mtf ahead. so most of time the repainted version send signals at more true postition. sometime due to repaint which can be we may get bad signal. but overall the system us design to work better at repaint mode.
so let me know what you think
in future i will try to make my anti repaint system to ne better I hope:) ?
so be wise when you put your money to something. use your decision wisely
treat this indicator as helper but it your job to monitor when there is a repaint or not..
LoFi Trend Version 1.0Lofi Trend v. 1.1 - confirmation to be used with Lofi Trend. (version 4.0 pine)
The goal of this indicator is to plot rsi , ema values on any chart. You can also adjust it for larger time frames. Repainting issues have been fixed and updated to pine version 4.0
The script is currently under development and additional updates will be added based on performance from a 24/7 active bot that is using this on 1hr, 4hr, 12hr and daily time frames. The output may vary slightly between different chart time frames for the same indicator settings.
This is an "Invite Only" script. Contact me for details.
User Interface/Detail Description:
- Green Bar= Buy
- Red BAR = Sell
This indicator can be easily used with popular bot trading platforms. Feel free to contact me for details.
Can be used for all Charts
LoFi EMA version 1.3aLoFi EMA version 1.3a
The goal of this indicator is to plot rsi , ema values on any chart. You can also adjust it for larger time frames. Repainting issues have been fixed and updated to pine version 4.0
The script is currently under development and additional updates will be added based on performance from a 24/7 active bot that is using this on 1hr, 4hr, 12hr and daily time frames. This can also be used for degen trading on the 2 min chart. The output may vary slightly between different chart time frames for the same indicator settings.
This is an "Invite Only" script. Contact me for details.
User Interface/Detail Description:
- Green Bar= Buy
- Red BAR = Sell
This indicator can be easily used with popular bot trading platforms. Feel free to contact me for details.
Can be used for all Charts
Basic Entry Chart Layout:
LUBEThis is a chart meant for 30m BTCUSD but could be used for many other assets, and there are inputs to play with.
I decided on the strange title "LUBE" because I was measuring how many of the previous 500 bars had the current price level already been in. I wanted to discover when the price was in a new zone or an area that it hadn't spent much time in recently... the LUBE zone.
Think of the blue line as showing you the current level friction. If the blue line is high, price is quagmired and not moving quickly. Price could trend sideways for a while before breaking out. A high blue line is a high traffic zone for trading. When the blue line dips low, it's encountering a price zone the asset has not been observed in recently, and this could mean price could break out and move more freely and quickly when it does. We get a trade entry signal if the blue line dips below the bottom white line. The bottom white line is currently set to -10. Think about the lowest the blue line has been recently as 0, and the highest as 100. It is set by default (for BTCUSD 30m chart) to -10 meaning the blue line has to dip a little (-10%) below the lowest it has experienced recently to initiate a trade. This is the LUBE zone. The bottom white line shows that level. Again this is a level lower than the lowest amount of friction experienced in price action for the last 100 bars, but offset by 5 bars showing where that level was at 5 bars ago. We want to dip below that to initiate a trade.
The direction to trade in is determined by a very quick moving weighted moving average (variable name is "fir") to see if the recent trend is up or down. To end a trade, an arbitrary number between 0 and 100 is picked telling us when we are experiencing enough friction again to end the trade. I have it preset to 50 (think of it as 50/100 or half way between the white bars. At a 50% friction level it's time to get out of the trade.
Some shortcomings are missing the bulk of big moves, and experiencing whipsaws where price action zips up and then comes straight back down. Overall the backtest looks sweet enough to use on 2x leverage, experiencing a 17.78% max drawdown at the time of publishing. I wouldn't push the leverage any higher.
To get alerts change the word "strategy" to "study" and delete lines 60-67.
Bot traders using alerts: beware the alert conditions. If a trade goes directly from long to short (which happens rarely), without closing a trade first, it might not act properly. If you use bots to trade, for "LONG" please close any old trades first before putting in instructions to open a leveraged long. To go "SHORT" please remember to close any old trade first as well, and things *should* work out just fine.
Good luck, have fun, and feel free to mess up and butcher this code to your own liking. I'm not responsible if anything bad that happens to you if you use this trading system, or for any bugs you may encounter.
30 Min Scalp SystemA scalping script for the 30 min chart that is designed and tuned to be used with trading bots such as ProfitView or Autoview. I personally trade with this on Bitmex.
This trading system is built upon 4 established trading indicators that compliment each other. All signals are filtered in a number of ways to avoid chop and only trigger when a strong trend or crossover is identified.
Alerts are included for longs, shorts and exits in both directions.
Recommended setup:
- Trade with leverage and take 75%-80% out at 0.5% profit, leaving the rest to run
- Initial stop-loss of 1%, initiating a trailing stop of 0.75% when TP is hit
- Ensure bots are set to ignore open orders in the same direction
I use this in conjunction with ProfitView where I run three custom scripts to manage my position entries, monitor profit levels, dynamically move my stop and then exit positions where appropriate.
Note: Exit signals are show here even when trades aren't open because it's only possible to hide these when using a strategy script. This is coded as an indicator so that alerts can be sent to your chosen bot.
Disclaimer: The signals aren't perfect but no script is. The above cannot be considered financial advice and I take no responsibility from any losses incurred. A test account is recommended to verify the win rate before trading on a live platform.
[astropark] Ichimoku Cloud Strategy [alarms]Dear Followers,
today a Great Swing Trading Strategy , runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested!) but also even better on 1m Renko chart.
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This strategy is based on the Ichimoku Cloud Indicator and let's you set a lot of settings:
works on all timeframes (but 1D and above is suggested on normal candlesticks chart)
you can run this indicator on 1m Renko chart (be sure to enable the "USING RENKO CHART? ENABLE THIS OPTION" setting)
you can use 4 kind of Ichimoku Cloud (Custom, Slow, Standard and Fast - keep only one enabled)
you can make the Ichimoku Cloud show or not
you can enable showing the possibile re-entries
you can enable an heiking ashi analysis
you can enable a trailing stop strategy ("Auto Trailing Stop Loss" and "Close Trade When Price Breaks Above the Ichimoku Cloud" are two options very much suggested to keep enabled, especially on bot trading)
you can create your own trailing stop stategy and take profit strategy
you can enable a simple take profit strategy based on RSI Overbought and Oversold levels
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell, but if you missed the possibility to open your long or short position don't get mad, but just enable the "show re-entry signals" option, so yout will be able to enter again (be sure to always use a proper money management ).
By the way, you can set any alarms you like in order to get notified when any kind of signal is triggered (you need to use the "alarms" version for this).
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from May 2017 to now, so on 2 years and half, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure tp use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals (there is also an "ALL-IN-ONE" option for free tradingview users.
The backtesting version of this indicator, which will let you backtest how the indicator will perform on any chart you may test, can be found by searching for "Ichimoku Cloud Strategy" and then choosing the astropark indicator with "red and green arrows" at the end of the name. You can find it here below too:
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
[astropark] Ichimoku Cloud StrategyDear Followers,
today a Great Swing Trading Strategy , runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested!) but also even better on 1m Renko chart.
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This strategy is based on the Ichimoku Cloud Indicator and let's you set a lot of settings:
works on all timeframes (but 1D and above is suggested on normal candlesticks chart)
you can run this indicator on 1m Renko chart (be sure to enable the "USING RENKO CHART? ENABLE THIS OPTION" setting)
you can use 4 kind of Ichimoku Cloud (Custom, Slow, Standard and Fast - keep only one enabled)
you can make the Ichimoku Cloud show or not
you can enable showing the possibile re-entries
you can enable an heiking ashi analysis
you can enable a trailing stop strategy ("Auto Trailing Stop Loss" and "Close Trade When Price Breaks Above the Ichimoku Cloud" are two options very much suggested to keep enabled, especially on bot trading)
you can create your own trailing stop stategy and take profit strategy
you can enable a simple take profit strategy based on RSI Overbought and Oversold levels
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell, but if you missed the possibility to open your long or short position don't get mad, but just enable the "show re-entry signals" option, so yout will be able to enter again (be sure to always use a proper money management ).
By the way, you can set any alarms you like in order to get notified when any kind of signal is triggered (you need to use the "alarms" version for this).
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from January 2016 to now, so on 3 years, using 10000$ as initial capital, doing only 6 trades (great swings!) and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! perfect spot trading style!). If you like to use leverage, be sure tp use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you backtest how the indicator will perform on any chart you may test. Of course results will be very different depending on the chart you will open. I tested a lot of charts and always you can find a combination that keep this strategy in profit on swing trading style (and this means that if you can have a daily look at the chart you can always manage to maximize your profit on each trade!
The alarms version of this indicator, which will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals, can be found by searching for "astropark Ichimoku Cloud Strategy" and then choosing the "astropark" indicator with "alarms" suffix in the name.
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
HeiKin Crossover With Alerts [Lofi]HeiKin LoFi - Crossover With Alerts
The goal of this indicator is to plot stoch, rsi, ema values "as if" the chart is a true price action based on a Heiken-Ashi Chart. It can also be used on a regular candle stick setting or the original Heikin Ashi chart.
The script is currently under development and additional updates will be added based on performance from a 24/7 active bot that is using this on 1hr, 4hr, 12hr time frames. The output may vary slightly between different chart time frames for the same indicator settings. A bad setting would be something like a sub 10-15 minute chart with BTCUSDT binance although some progress has been made on lower time frames. I have added an adjustable setting window for user tuning.
This is an "Invite Only" script. Contact me for details.
User Interface/Detail Description:
- Green Arrow = Buy
- Red Arrow = Sell
- Purple Arrow = High Risk Long
- Yellow Arrow= High Risk Short
This indicator can be easily used with popular bot trading platforms. Feel free to contact me for details.
Can be used for all Charts
Basic Entry Chart Layout:
I allow users to tune functions for almost any time interval. example 5 Second Chart:
CBMA Bollinger Bands Strategy directed [ChuckBanger]I just did a Bollinger Bands script with my newly CB moving average
While I'm generally against posting strategies because it's very easy to fake performance numbers... This is just to share a cool strategy snippet. My settings are 10 contracts/order with pyramiding set to 10. You can make the profitability a lot higher if you set the order size higher. But that dosent help you getting more out of this script when u make a bot of this script. I set the order size to 10 contracts to get your attention not to showcase the performance.
When the price is going down and outside of the lower side of the band. And when the price comes back into the channel the strategy buys. Usually that means the price is going up. And when the price is going up and outside of the upper band. The strategy sells when it crosses back in to the channel.
It is a very simple strategy but it is effective. I guess you need a proper stop-loss for this script to bee really profitable in a bot environment.