Normalized XAUUSD VolumeNormalized XAUUSD Volume
Volume points to the amount of a financial instrument that was traded over a specified period of time. It can refer to shares, contracts or lots. The data is tracked and provided by market exchanges. It is one of the oldest and most popular indicators and is usually plotted in colored columns, green for up volume and red for down volume, with a moving average. It is one of the few indicators that is not based on price. High volume points to a high interest in an instrument at its current price and vice versa.
A sudden increase in trading volume points to a increased probability of the price changing. News events are typical moments when volume can increase. Strong trending moves go hand in hand with an increased trading volume. It can therefore be seen as a measure of strength. One would expect high buying volume at a support level and high selling volume at a resistance level. There are several ways to use volume in a trading strategy and most traders use it in combination with other analysis techniques.
Scaled Normalized Vector Strategy, ver.4.1This modification of the Scaled Normalized Vector Strategy uses trailing stops and is optimized for lower TFs.
Scaled Normalized Vector Strategy, ver.4This is a modification of my Scaled Normalized Vector Strategy.
This mod features some activation functions. Performance remains high. The repainting problem should be tested out.
Scaled Normalized Vector StrategyThis is a scaled Normalized Vector Strategy with a Karobein Oscillator
Original: Drkhodakarami (
Repainting: in general there two types of repainting:
* when the last candle is constantly being redrawn
* when the indicator draws a different configuration after it has been deactivated/reactivated, i.e. refreshed.
The former is a natural behaviour, which presents a constant source of frustration, when a signal directly depends on the current market situation and can be overcome with various indirect techniques like divergence.
The latter suggests a flaw in the indicator design.
Unfortunately, the Normalized Vector Strategy is repainting in the latter sense, although being really promising. Would be nice if our community suggests a solution to this problem ))
As it is this strat should be refreshed each time a decision is being taken.
This strat consistently performs with high accuracy, showing up to 96% scores. Here are some of the best parameters:
TF Lookback Performance (ca.)
1m 13 92%
3m 34 92%
5m 85 92%
15m 210 90%
30m 360 89%
1H 1440, 720 94%, 87%
The Karobein Oscillator has an intrinsic sinusoidal behaviour that helps in determining direction and timing. It does not repaint.
Original: alexgrover (
Normalized Average True RangeThis is a Normalized ATR, which means it displays ATR as a percentage instead of absolute price. For example, a value of 1 indicates a true range of 1% in a given period.
This indicator creates a moving average of the volatility of a product going back X number of periods and is useful for deciding what to trade. For example, if used on a daily chart, one product displays a value of 4 you can reasonably expect it to have larger price swings and movement compared to another product that displays 1.
It does not predict direction, rather the size of moves.
TBCRI - Trend Bar Color Reversal IndicatorAn idea I had today morning so I had to write. It seems to detect trends well. It has three phases like a semaphor, painting the chart bars of green, yellow or red.
=== Bar Color Meaning ===
Green: uptrend
Yellow: don't care
Red: downtrend
I think it can be useful!
Normalized Average True RangeThis indicator was originally developed by John Forman (Stocks & Commodities, V.24:6 (May, 2006): "Cross-Market Evaluations With Normalized Average True Range").
Mr. Forman uses a normalized average true range indicator to analyze tradables across markets.
Good luck!
Chiki-Poki BFXLS Longs Shorts Abs Normalized Volume Pro by RRBChiki-Poki BFXLS Longs vs Shorts Absolute Normalized Volume Value Pro by RagingRocketBull 2018
Version 1.0
This indicator displays Longs vs Shorts in a side by side graph, shows volume's absolute price value and normalized volume of Longs/Shorts for the current asset. This allows for more accurate L/S comparisons (like a log scale for volume) since volume on spot exchanges (Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Coinbase etc) is measured in coins traded, not USD traded. Similarly, L/S is usually the amount of coins in open L/S positions, not their total USD value. On Bitmex and other futures exchanges volume is measured in USD traded, so you don't need to apply the Volume Absolute Price Value checkbox to compare L/S. You should always check first whether your source is measured in coins or USD.
Chiki-Poki BFXLS primarily uses *SHORTS/LONGS feeds from Bitfinex for the current crypto asset, but you can specify custom L/S source tickers instead.
This 2-in-1 works both in the Main Chart and in the indicator pane below. You can switch between Main/Sub Window panes using RMB on the indicator's name and selecting Move To/Pane Above/Below.
This indicator doesn't use volume of the current asset. It uses L/S ticker's OHLC as a source for SHORTS/LONGS volumes instead. Essentially L/S => L/S Volume == L/S
- Display Longs vs Shorts side by side graph for the current crypto asset, i.e. for BTCUSD - BTCUSDLONGS/BTCUSDSHORTS, for ETHUSD - ETHUSDLONGS/ETHUSDSHORTS etc.
- Use custom OHLC ticker sources for Longs/Shorts from different exchanges/crypto assets with/without exchange prefix.
- Plot Longs/Shorts as lines or candles
- Show/Hide L/S, Diff, MAs, ATH/ATL
- Use Longs/Shorts Volume Absolute Price Value (Price * L/S Volume) instead of Coins Traded in open L/S positions to compare total L/S value/capitalization
- Normalize L/S Volume using Price / Price MA / L/S Volume MA
- Supports any existing type of MA: SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA etc
- Volume Absolute Price Value / Normalize also works on candles
- Oscillator mode with negative axis (works in both Main Chart/Subwindow panes).
- Highlight L/S Volume spikes above L/S MAs in both lines/oscillator.
- Change L/S MA color based on a number of last rising/falling L/S bars, colorize candles
- Display L/S volume as 1000s, mlns, or blns using alpha multiplier
1. based on BFXLS Longs vs Shorts and Compare Style, uses plot*, security and custom hma functions
2. swma has a fixed length = 4, alma and linreg have additional offset and smoothing params
- Make sure that Left Price Scale shows up with Auto Fit Data enabled. You can reattach indicator to a different scale in Style.
- It is not recommended to switch modes multiple times due to TradingView's scale reattachment bugs. You should switch between Main Chart and Sub Window only once.
- When the USD price of an asset is lower you can trade more coins but capitalization value won't be as significant as when there are less coins for a higher price. Same goes for Shorts/Longs.
Current ATH in shorts doesn't trigger a squeeze because its total value is now far less than before and we are in a bear market where it's normal to have a higher number of shorts.
- You should always subtract Hedged L/S from L/S because hedged positions are temporary - used to preserve the value of the main position in the opposite direction and should be disregarded as such.
- Low margin rates increase the probability of a move in an underlying direction because it is cheaper. High margin rates => the market is anticipating a move in this direction, thus a more expensive rate. Sudden 5-10x rate raises imply a possible reversal soon. high - 0.1%, avg - 0.01-0.02%, low - 0.001-0.005%
You can also check out:
- BFXLS Longs/Shorts on BFXData
- Bitfinex L/S margin rates and Hedged L/S on datamish
- Bitmex L/S on
Balihuntul Normalized Absolute Volume by RRBBalihuntul Normalized Absolute Volume by RagingRocketBull 2018
Version 1.0
This indicator shows absolute and/or normalized volume for an asset, allows for more accurate volume based comparisons (like a log scale for volume).
Volume is measured in coins traded, not USD traded, so direct comparisons of different price moves may not be accurate.
Professional traders usually compare absolute or normalized volumes of trend moves/spikes/dips/capitulation events instead.
When the USD price of an asset is lower you can trade more coins but capitalization won't be as significant as when there are less coins for a higher price.
Similarly, you can normalize volume using:
- price/price ma (to get a bit of a price-weighted volume) or
- volume ma to compare it with its average assuming the total volume is a percentage above or below the MA (100% or 1).
- use alpha multiplier to add/lose a few zeroes if necessary
- Use Absolute Price Value (Price * Volume) of an asset instead of Coins Traded (Volume) to compare capitalization
- Normalize volume using Price / Price MA / Volume MA
- Supports any existing type of MA: SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA etc
- Oscillator mode with negative axis
- Highlight high volume spikes above MA or hide low volume bars below MA
- Change color based on prev Close or Volume bars
- Change Volume MA color based on a number of last rising/falling bars
- Display volume as 1000s, mlns, or blns using alpha multiplier
1. uses plot* and custom hma functions
2. swma has a fixed length = 4, alma and linreg have additional offset and smoothing params
Feel free to use. Good Luck!
Karobein OscillatorDeveloped by Emily Karobein, the Karobein oscillator is an oscillator that aim to rescale smoothed values with more reactivity in a range of (0,1)
The scaling method is similar to the one used in a kalman filter for the kalman gain.
We first average the up/downs x, those calculations are similar to the ones used for calculating the average gain/loss in the relative strength index.
a = ema(src < src ? x : 0,length)
b = ema(src > src ? x : 0,length)
where src is a exponential moving average of length period and x is src/src in the standard calculations, but anything else can be used as long as x > 0 .
Then we rescale the results.
c = x/(x + b)
d = 2*(x/(x + c*a)) - 1
How To Use
It is better to use centerline-cross/breakouts/signal line.
In general when we use something smooth as input in oscillators, breakouts are better than reversals, you can see this with the stochastic and rsi.
So a simple approach could be buying when crossing over 0.8 and selling when crossing under 0.2.
Here is the balance of a strategy using those conditions, length = 50 .
20 trades have been mades since the 29 oct we made 341 pips with eur/usd, of course this backtest was made during good trends period,
this result is not representative of how the strategy work with other conditions/markets.
For any questions/suggestions feel free to contact me
Ultimate MACD (UMACD) [cI8DH]Ultimate MACD ( UMACD ) includes True MACD fix, normalized MACD, multi time frame, bar coloring, and false cross avoidance options. It can also replicate Bill Williams Awesome Oscillator and Accelerator Oscillator. By default, this indicator is configured to work like the built-in MACD indicator. You need to customize it to your liking. Chart below shows example multi time frame setup.
True MACD and normalization
True MACD fix is similar to True RSI fix. The chart below proves that MACD is asymmetrical. This issue is most visible when analyzing charts across wide price ranges. It shows a logical problem in MACD, and most other indicators, as they can give you conflicting signals. For example, it can show long signal for both TRYUSD and its inverse pair USDTRY simultaneously. True MACD fixes this issue as shown in the chart below. Interestingly, this fix also normalizes MACD which is a major improvement upon regular MACD . (FYI, True MACD fix uses a different mechanism than my previous NMACD indicator.)
Avoiding false signals
This feature is very useful to avoid trading during sideways. To use this feature, set the std deviation multiplier option to a number greater than 1. I did some backtests on BTC chart with contract size set to 100% equity. It showed significant improvements for the time frames that I tested. (std deviation multiplier set to 1.5 @1h TF: 4x improvements, @2h: near 2x, 0.7 @4h: 2x, 0.4@12h: 3x, 0.4@daily: 1.5x). I also backtested True MACD fix separately and it showed significant improvement for most time frames.
Bar coloring
Bar coloring works similar to my previous indicators, Ultimate Money Flow and Ultimate RSI , and is subject to change in the future.
Bill Williams Awesome Oscillator and Accelerator Oscillator
Chart below both validates calculations in this indicator and also shows you how you can replicate Bill Williams AO indicators. You can apply all the features added to MACD to these indicators.
Here is a TL;DR list of my indicators to save you some time from looking at my obsolete indicators.
PS: I might publish the asymmetry fix as True MACD or as a general fix to all price-based indicators as an open source script in the future.
Normalized Relative Vigor IndexThis is the Relative Vigor Index indicator just multiplied by 100 to have non-zero integer part
RSI normalized by Bollinger BandsEnglish.
RSI indicator with Bollinger Bands in one. Forgot oversold and overbought!
With BB and RSI you can dinamically saw when RSI is in critical values. And when you can see figure 'M' or 'W' in oscillator it means that current movement of impulse is down.
RSI и Ленты Боллинджера в одном. Забудьте о тупых линиях перекупленности и перепроданности!
При работе в связке вы можете определять эти зоны динамически. И при формировании фигуры 'M' или 'W' на осцилляторе будет четко показано, что текущий импульс умер, надо выходить из сделки.
Example of usage (exit points) / Пример использования (точки выхода)
Normalised Elliot Wave Oscillator [Unelma]This is a normalised version of the Lazy Bear EWO_.
The normalisation makes it easier to read especially with cryptos, where there are fast and big price changes which make most of indicators impossible to read over a long span.
The normalisation also highlights divergences which couldn't be spot before.
Normalized Volume by vosechuThis script adds a volume indicator that is normalized by SMA(50) by default. This will help you easily see whether the volume is _actually_ high or not. It also highlights when volume is exceeding the average by making the column a darker color.
* This changes the volume into a percentage, so don't use this number for calculations
* Make sure to set your "bottom margin" to 0% or the volume chart will appear to be floating above the bottom
Normalized Moving Average Convergence/DivergenceThis MACD normalizes the price so that it can be compared against moves that took place at prices of significant difference.
There are also options to change if the MACD and the signal line are computed using EMA or SMA.
Normalized MACD (v420)did i remove the EMA and replace it with HullMA?
also some other maths added
Dollar normalized volumeAn indicator that multiply the closing price with the current volume. (close X volume)
This will show the relative interest in the underlying asset regardless of the price change over time. For the case of FXCM, when the price fell from $16 to $1, its volume spiked 16x at the same time given the fact that 16x more shares can now be purchased with the same amount of dollar.
Enjoy! and remember to give a thumbs up.