Cuban's Range Positioning

Cuban's Range Positioning is the primary backbone of Cuban's Asset Screener and a fantastic standalone market screening tool.

Range Positioning allows the trader to monitor the positioning of over 200+ Binance and Bybit Futures assets within a single window, with a standard measurement of performance, and also with custom watchlist support.

The range calculation itself uses the unique logic of Cuban's Donchian Suite, retaining highs and lows until the opposite side of the range is tagged.

When viewed historically, the Range Positioning screener allows traders to monitor any assets that are continually pushing range highs and lows, identify outliers, and track trending sectors relative to the rest of the market. This script makes this identification easier for the user by making assets that aren't approaching highs or lows, transparent.

Included within this indicator is the option to redenominate the quote asset of all assets on screen using the current chart ticker.

Within the user inputs, the user gains the ability to customize the following:

  • Range lookback
  • Asset redenomination
  • Location of the asset table
  • Percentage of assets highlighted or made transparent
  • Dynamic labelling offset
  • Over 200+ Binance and Bybit Futures assets

    TO DO:

  • Customize number of assets on screen
  • Allow values beyond the initial range
Notas de Lançamento
  • empty table cell fix
Notas de Lançamento
assetscreenerbreakoutcubanHigh-Low IndexPivot points and levelspositionrangerangingscreenerTrend Analysis

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