1 = Inside Bar
2 = Breaks one side of the previous bar
3 = Breaks both sides of the previous bar

2up Green = Current bar breaks previous bar's high and it is a green bar
2up Red = Current bar breaks previous bar's high but it is a red bar
2Down Green = Current bar breaks previous bar's low but it is a green bar
2Down Red = Current bar breaks previous bar's low and it is a red bar
Inside Green = Current bar is an inside bar (1) and it is a green bar
Inside Red = Current bar is an inside bar (1) and it is a red bar
Outside Green = Current bar is an outside bar (3) and it is a green bar
Outside Red = Current bar is an outside bar (3) and it is red bar

Looking for above setups on 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 1 Hour, 2 Hour and 4 Hours

Only higher timeframe data shows up
e.g. If the chart timeframe is M15 or less, all of the above timeframe analysis will appear
If the chart timeframe is H1, only H1, H2 and H4 analysis will show up

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multipletimeframemultitimeframeanalysissilentjattstratthestratTrend Analysis

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