Gap Analyzer [WMT] - Data for Gap Up and Gap Down

Get data for gaps with Gap Analyzer

  • Change the gap mode in settings to switch between a Gap Up (default) or Gap Down
  • Change the threshold for the minimum (Gap Up) and maximum (Gap Down) gap
  • Change Data Years -> Years of the look back period to calculate the stats
  • Retrieve valuable information for past statistics on how the instrument behaved with the given gap

Definitions for Gap Up
  • Price can fade lower from the open or (Gap Up Fade)
  • Price can continue higher from the open (Gap Up Continuation)

Definitions for Gap Down
  • Price can continue lower from the open or (Gap Down Continuation)
  • Price can bounce higher from the open (Gap Down Bounce)

For each of those, we get:
  • "øO→H": average percentage movement from open to high of the day
  • "øO→L": average percentage movement from open to low of the day
  • "øO→C": Average percentage movement from open to close of the day
Notas de Lançamento
  • Fixed input threshold for down gaps to maximum of -0.1
Notas de Lançamento
  • Switch Mode changed to "Gap Mode" and can now be changed via drop down for better UI. Thanks to rn1ee for this idea.
  • New label for DataYears: "Evaluation Period".
Chart patternsforecastinggapgapdowngapfillgapupscriptstatisticstatisticsstatsWMT

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