Stock Market Indices Correlations Heatmap

Por everget
Hello traders!

This tool shows you the correlation between well-known stock market indices and selected instrument. Also it has customizable alerts for the strong positive and negative correlations.

What are correlation and correlation coefficient?
Correlation is a term from mathematical statistics that describes the strength of linear relationship between the variables (in our case: financial instruments).
Simply speaking, it describes whether or not instruments move in same/opposite directions.

Correlation coefficient is a statistical measure of the correlation and that is bounded in a range of -1 to 1. The most common calculation of the correlation coefficient is the Pearson product-moment method.

How to interpret?
  • The darker the color, the stronger the correlation
  • Green colors mean positive correlations
  • Red colors mean negative correlations
  • Transparent colors mean no correlation or absence of the symbol data

Supported indices
  • Russell 3000
  • Russell 2000
  • NASDAQ Composite
  • NYSE Composite
  • S&P 500
  • DJIA
  • SSE Composite
  • CSI 300
  • SZSE Composite
  • NIKKEI 225
  • HSI 50
  • DAX 30
  • FTSE 100
  • CAC 40
  • RTSI 50
  • S&P/TSX 500
  • S&P/ASX 200
  • BOVESPA 60
  • NIFTY 50
  • BSE 30
  • IBEX 35
  • FTSE MIB 40
  • SMI 20
  • ATX 20
  • OMXS 30
  • KOSPI 200
  • BIST 100
  • VN 30

I attach screenshots to show you how it works with other instruments.


How to get access
  • Buy for only 59$ to get lifetime access to this indicator

Like and follow for more cool indicators!

Good luck and happy trading!
Notas de Lançamento
  • Corrected display
Notas de Lançamento
  • Fixed bug with FTSEMIB symbol
Notas de Lançamento
  • Bumped Pine Script version to V5
  • Replaced ATX20 with SA40
Breadth IndicatorscorrelationCorrelation Coefficient (CC)djiaIndicesnasdaqOscillatorsstockindexstockmarketanalysisstockmarketsStocks
Freelance -> Telegram: @alex_everget

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