Cuban's Asset Screener

Por cubantobacco
Cuban's Asset Screener is a tool designed to view the health of the entire market in a single charting window, using a multi-timeframe, real-time heatmapped asset screener built natively within Tradingview.

You can use this tool to aggregate and display critical information required to identify your favorite trade ideas using other Cuban's Edge tools. Although the screener currently uses pre-built lists for over 200+ Binance and Bybit Futures pairs, the tool comes with custom watchlist support, allowing you to add as many additional assets as your screen and browser will support.

Currently tracking range positions and a custom cross asset delta function from Cuban's Pair Trading Index, the screener has an in-built sorting function which orders assets by similar market structure and colors them relative to their performance against the user's comparison asset -- their current chart ticker.

Cuban's Asset Screener is also valuable as a tool to monitor performance of your portfolio against any benchmark asset, by using the 'Asset Redenomination' option within the settings. This allows the user to redenominate the entire screener easily using their current chart ticker.

In order to setup the Asset Screener, the user will need to select an 'Asset List' and a 'Screen Location' value. This will load the screener into a set position on screen, from right to left. In order to add additional assets, multiple instances of the asset screener will need to be loaded on screen.

With this indicator, users get the option to adjust the following:

  • range positioning lookback
  • asset redenomination for range positioning
  • asset sorting order
  • screen location
  • multi-timeframe support [WIP]
  • live pricing for PTI values
  • in-built asset lists for 200+ assets

    TO DO:

  • add market filters to the coloring
  • add tradfi asset lists
Notas de Lançamento
assetsmultiassetmultitimeframepairtradingPortfolio managementpositionrangerangingscreenerscreeningstatistics

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