DepthHouse - Trend & Reversal Candlesticks

Por oh92
Depth House Trend and Reversal Candlestick Indicator is a custom trading tool designed to help traders determine trend direction, and possible trend reversal points.

Here is a video which I give a brief overview and show it in action:

How it works:
Based on the default settings, there are 5 primary colors that each have their own possible signal.

The colors are:
Green - Trending upwards
Red – Trending downwards
Lime –Trending upwards with a chance of reversal
Orange – Trending downwards with a chance of reversal
Grey – General trend is unknown

Please Note: There are NOT trading signals. Each colored candle represents nothing other than a possibility of which way the trend may go. Be sure to use your own adequate analysis. Use at your own financial risk.

How to get:
As you can see this is an invite only script. In the coming months this indicator, along with many others will become pay to use only. (website on my profile page)
However all my indicators will be FREE until May 1, 2018. So please try them out!
To take advantage of this FREE trial:
1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. I have many more videos to come! Maybe even leave a comment of what you would like to see next!
2. Comment on this indicator post! Maybe even give me a follow :D

I hope you all enjoy!!

Indicator website:
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)bondsCandlestick AnalysisCryptocurrencydepthhouseForexLinear RegressionLeast Squares Moving Average (LSMA)StocksVolatilityvolitility
Creator of DepthHouse Indicators on TradingView!

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