RS30 Module

Por galerisaham
What is this?
This module will helps you to sell faster (profit taking) when price reserve without waiting price drop too much.

The Indicators & strategies?
This module consist of short term resist and support (R/S). This R/S is based on price fractals, modified to a simpler visualization, we called: RS30 which used in 30 minutes chart.

This RS30 (the blue (R) & red (S) lines) works when price move in bullish mode on daily basis, but you want to take profit on intraday basis. As price rally, 30minutes chart will keep going up and the support (red) line. You can watch this indicator, if the 30minutes chart go down and breaks S (red line), ist the best time to sell, means a better profit compared if you wait a daily chart reverse.

Benefit For You
You'll have a guidance how to follow the trend while the major trend is as you expected and sell better to take profit before the major top reversal.
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