Mobília Doméstica

Empresas do Reino Unido empresas que operam em um setor: mobília doméstica

The list below has Empresas do Reino Unido that operate under the same industry, mobília doméstica. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as CHURCHILL CHINA ORD GBP0.10 or those with the best price dynamics like BELYSSE GROUP NV NPV, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Volume Rel
EPS dil
Crescimento EPS dil.
12M Ano a Ano
Div. yield %
Classificação dos Analistas
0JTTLEGGETT & PLATT INC COM STK USD0.011.488 B GBP14.065 USD+5.24%6.049 K0.63−0.92 GBP−158.22%13.19%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência Neutra
0QKDFORBO HLDGS AG CHF0.10 (REGD)1.321 B GBP1068 CHF+0.38%10.0114.7467.59 GBP−20.91%2.34%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência Neutra
0HR3DUNI AB NPV354.465 M GBP102.4 SEK+0.39%5411.6412.310.62 GBP+43.75%2.91%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência Neutra
DFSDFS FURNITURE PLC ORD GBP0.10283.2 M GBP120.0 GBX+3.09%29.083 K0.1213.000.09 GBP−50.90%3.42%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência de Alta
VCPVICTORIA PLC ORD GBP0.05232.379 M GBP204.6 GBX+2.97%124.946 K0.42−1.40 GBP−10843.08%0.00%Consumo Duráveis
Alta forte
0GXDSVEDBERGS GROUP AB SER'B'NPV161.336 M GBP43.60 SEK+1.04%2.392 K1.5613.380.25 GBP−25.58%2.78%Consumo Duráveis
CCHHCHURCHILL CHINA ORD GBP0.10129.225 M GBP1180 GBX−2.08%7.301 K0.3616.750.70 GBP+85.63%2.72%Consumo Duráveis
Alta forte
SSDGSANDERSON DESIGN GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0173.14 M GBP102.0 GBX0.00%45.232 K0.388.990.11 GBP+4.90%3.43%Consumo Duráveis
Alta forte
CCFXCOLEFAX GROUP ORD GBP0.1049.622 M GBP805 GBX0.00%580.259.460.85 GBP+50.68%0.68%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência de Alta
PPMPPORTMEIRION GROUP ORD GBP0.0535.43 M GBP258 GBX0.00%9440.07−0.61 GBP−361.64%2.14%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência Neutra
PROCPROCOOK GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0126.803 M GBP24.6 GBX0.00%20.525 K1.180.00%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência de Alta
0RQKBELYSSE GROUP NV NPV25.677 M GBP0.840 EUR+7.69%410.01−0.27 GBP+11.83%0.00%Consumo Duráveis
Tendência de Alta
AAIEAAIREA PLC ORD GBP0.2512.613 M GBP30.6 GBX0.00%00.0015.330.02 GBP−26.30%1.80%Consumo Duráveis