The Primary Trend (PT) given by the Monthly TIME BAR (MTB) is currently Bearish
The Secondary Trend (ST), given by the Weekly TIME BAR (WTB) is currently Bearish
The Medium Term Trend (MTT), given by the Daily TIME BAR (DTB) is currently Bullish
The Short Term Trend (STT), given by the Four Hour TIME BAR (FHTB) is currently Bullish
In light of the above trend analysis we will start a bullish trade on crude oil using Global Trading Strategy #1 on the Global Automated Trading System #1 which trade in the direction of the One Hour TIME BARS (FHTB).

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Adjust Global Trailing Stop Loss to $56.95
The Global Trailing Stop was triggered at $58.28 after a short term bearish move on the four hour time compression.
We prefer to trade in the direction of the medium term trend given by the Global Daily Time Bars(GDTB) which is currently bullish.
We will wait for further price action
Beyond Technical AnalysiscrudeCrude OilfuturesfuturestradingTechnical IndicatorsOilTrend Analysis

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