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OG5 títulos

Abaixo está a lista de títulos corporativos OGE ENERGY CORP. Os investidores geralmente optam pelos títulos de uma empresa por sua maior estabilidade em épocas de volatilidade do mercado. Estude preços, rendimentos e outras estatísticas e encontre um investimento confiável.
Preço %
Cupom %
Data de vencimento
Montante em circulação
Valor de face
Valor mín. de denominação
OOGE4478977Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 4.15% 01-APR-2047
6,43%184 K79,18%4,15%2047-04-01300 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4192785Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 4.0% 15-DEC-2044
6,30%180 K79,70%4,00%2044-12-15250 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4005034Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 3.9% 01-MAY-2043
6,24%3 K80,06%3,90%2043-05-01250 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4529106Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 3.85% 15-AUG-2047
6,14%260 K78,35%3,85%2047-08-15300 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE.GVOklahoma Gas and Electric Company 5.85% 01-JUN-2040
5,79%79 K100,48%5,85%2040-06-01250 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4108659Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 4.55% 15-MAR-2044
5,71%20 K89,40%4,55%2044-03-15250 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE5558527Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 5.6% 01-APR-2053
5,57%100 K100,37%5,60%2053-04-01700 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE.GPOklahoma Gas and Electric Company 6.45% 01-FEB-2038
5,51%68 K107,09%6,45%2038-02-01200 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE.AAOklahoma Gas and Electric Company 5.25% 15-MAY-2041
5,35%75 K99,13%5,25%2041-05-15250 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE.GNOklahoma Gas and Electric Company 5.75% 15-JAN-2036
5,29%10 K103,17%5,75%2036-01-15110 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE5522114Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 5.4% 15-JAN-2033
5,06%180 K101,89%5,40%2033-01-15450 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4972537Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 3.25% 01-APR-2030
5,05%5,15 M92,68%3,25%2030-04-01300 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4842623Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 3.3% 15-MAR-2030
4,93%300 K93,40%3,30%2030-03-15300 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OGE5807017OGE Energy Corp. 5.45% 15-MAY-2029
4,78%10 K102,35%5,45%2029-05-15350 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOGE Energy Corp.
OOGE.GBOklahoma Gas and Electric Company 6.65% 15-JUL-2027
4,74%20 K104,40%6,65%2027-07-15124,95 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE4667002Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 3.8% 15-AUG-2028
4,73%5,29 M97,23%3,80%2028-08-15400 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
OOGE.GEOklahoma Gas and Electric Company 6.5% 15-APR-2028
4,45%116 K105,66%6,50%2028-04-15100 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDOklahoma Gas & Electric Co.