VPT_OBVThis is a derivation of the On Balance Volume Indicator.
The idea behind it is that volume consists of two parts. The driving theory is the basic law of supply and demand.
Part 1: Volume consists of shares traded at an equilibrium price. An equal number of buyers and sellers are present during this volume. This area is displayed as the upper and lower shadows on a single candlestick. For this indicator, volume traded in equilibrium is not included in the display.
Part 2: Volume consists of shares that are not traded at an equilibrium price, driving price up or down for the time period. In this volume, buyers or sellers are not present in equal numbers. This area is displayed as the body of the candlestick. This indicator focuses on this part of volume.
VPT_OBV plots only the volume that occurs at the difference in price between the open and the close. To achieve this, volume is divided by the difference between the high and the low (in pennies). Next, the difference between the open and close is calculated (in pennies). Volume is then divided by the difference in the high and low, to get the amount of volume needed to move the asset up or down by $0.01 during the time period. This number is then multiplied by the difference between the open and close.
VPT_OBV plots the outcome as a cumulative total. A simple moving average of the VPT_OBV is thrown in to provide smoothing.
Indicador de Volume
Vol color barsHighlight bars according it's volume releative to near candles. This script usefull for VSA trading.
Red bar - extrime high volume
Orange bar - volume is high
Grayish bar - volume is normal
Green bar - volume is low
Blue bar - almost no volume
Volume MTFThis is a simple indicator you can use to separate volume from price on your chart. You can also select different time frames (MTF).
Thanks to LazyBear for cleaning up my previous messy code.
No Volume SVAPO [LazyBear]This is a no-volume version of Vervoort's SVAPO. The original version is @
Since it doesn't include volume in its calculations, you can use this on FX.
More info on SVAPO:
More info:
BTW, this is my 150th script. Plenty more to come, my to-publish queue is still full of new stuff :)
For a complete list of my other indicators, do check out the links below:
- GDoc: docs.google.com
- Chart:
Modified Price-Volume Trend Indicator The related article is copyrighted material from Stocks & Commodities Apr 2010.
Percent Volume Oscillator(by ucsgears)A good measure to see how excited the herd is, before chasing a move. Very Useful when trading explosive stocks like, FNMA, PLUG, USU. I use this to filter when not to chase. Once you get familiar with this. You can trade the stocks with just Volume and Price.
Also a good filter on how good a breakout is.
Further Reading - tinyurl.com (Stockcharts - Chart School)
List of All my Indicators - www.tradingview.com
Good Luck
Short-term Volume And Price Oscillator [LazyBear]Short-term Volume and Price Oscillator (SVAPO), developed by Sylvian Vervroot, combines both Price and Volume to construct an oscillator. In essence, when the price is trending up and volume is increasing, volume is added into the oscillator calculation. Conversely, when price is trending down and volume is increasing, volume will be subtracted from the oscillator. During consolidation phases when price and volume diverge, volume is not used to calculate the oscillator.
Some notes from his book:
- A buy is indicated when the oscillator is below the green line but greater than yesterday’s value.
A sell is indicated when the oscillator is above the red line but less than yesterday’s value.
- The start of a short term up move is signaled by SVAPO when it turns up from below the lower standard
deviation boundary. The same is valid for a short term down move when SVAPO turns down from above the
upper standard deviation boundary.
- Medium term turning points in an up or downtrend are mostly announced with a divergence between price and
SVAPO. In a medium term uptrend, SVAPO will generally continue to move above the 0-reference line.
More info:
Vervroot sometimes uses this with his modified %B oscillator ().
List of my other indicators:
- Chart:
- GDoc: docs.google.com
Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average & Envelope [LazyBear]Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average (eVWMA) is a statistical measure using the volume to define the period of the moving average. The eVWMA can be looked at as an approximation to the average price paid per share. Multiplier is usually the number of shares, but it can be approximated using cumulative sum of volume (Enable it via "Use Cumulative Volume" option) or sum of volume over "n" periods.
I have also added an option to draw eVWMA envelope (eVWMA on HLC).
More info:
List of all my indicators:
- Chart:
- GDoc: docs.google.com
Combining Exponential And Volume WeightingThe related article is copyrighted material from Stocks & Commodities 2009 Oct
The Volume-Weighted MACD HistogramThe related article is copyrighted material from Stocks & Commodities 2009 Oct
Colored Volume Bars [LazyBear]Edgar Kraut proposed this simple colored volume bars strategy for swing trading.
This is how the colors are determined:
- If today’s closing price and volume are greater than 'n' days ago, color today’s volume bar green.
- If today’s closing price is greater than 'n' days ago but volume is not, color today’s volume bar blue.
- Similarly, if today’s closing price and volume is less than 'n' days ago, color today’s volume bar orange.
- If today’s closing price is less than 'n' days ago but volume is not, color today’s volume bar red.
Buy the green or blue volume bars, use a 1% trailing stop, and stand aside on red or orange bars.
As you see, this is more for entry confirmation. I have not tested this on any instrument.
You may have to tune the lookback period for your instrument. Default is 10.
More info:
"A color-based system for short-term trading" - www.traders.com
List of all my indicators:
Indicator: HawkEye Volume IndicatorHawkEye volume, developed by Nigel Hawks, is supposed to be a premier VSA indicator. Documentation on this is scarce (looks like the training seminars/sessions conducted by the parent company cover this in detail), if you come across any (other than what I have mentioned on that chart) do let me know.
I am not sure how much this resembles the commercial indicator out there as I don't have access to one (noticed the "clone" part? :) ). This is a direct port of a similar MT4 indicator. If you have access to the commercial indicator in another platform, do post some comparison results.
Volume Flow Indicator [LazyBear]VFI,introduced by Markos Katsanos, is based on the popular On Balance Volume (OBV) but with three very important modifications:
* Unlike the OBV, indicator values are no longer meaningless. Positive readings are bullish and negative bearish.
* The calculation is based on the day's median (typical price) instead of the closing price.
* A volatility threshold takes into account minimal price changes and another threshold eliminates excessive volume.
A simplified interpretation of the VFI is:
* Values above zero indicate a bullish state and the crossing of the zero line is the trigger or buy signal.
* The strongest signal with all money flow indicators is of course divergence.
I have exposed options to plot a signal EMA. All parameters are configurable.
Markos suggests using 0.2 coeff for day trading and 0.1 for intra-day.
More info:
TFS: Volume Oscillator This is the second part of TFS trading strategy. The concept of this
indicator is similar to that of On-Balance Volume indicator (OBV). It
is calculated according to these rules:
If Close > Open, Volume is positive
If Close < Open, Volume is negative
If Close = Open, Volume is neutral
Then you take the 7-day MA of the results.
Positive Volume Index (PVI) The theory behind the indexes is as follows: On days of increasing volume,
you can expect prices to increase, and on days of decreasing volume, you can
expect prices to decrease. This goes with the idea of the market being in-gear
and out-of-gear. Both PVI and NVI work in similar fashions: Both are a running
cumulative of values, which means you either keep adding or subtracting price
rate of change each day to the previous day`s sum. In the case of PVI, if today`s
volume is less than yesterday`s, don`t add anything; if today`s volume is greater,
then add today`s price rate of change. For NVI, add today`s price rate of change
only if today`s volume is less than yesterday`s.
Klinger Volume Oscillator (KVO) The Klinger Oscillator (KO) was developed by Stephen J. Klinger. Learning
from prior research on volume by such well-known technicians as Joseph Granville,
Larry Williams, and Marc Chaikin, Mr. Klinger set out to develop a volume-based
indicator to help in both short- and long-term analysis.
The KO was developed with two seemingly opposite goals in mind: to be sensitive
enough to signal short-term tops and bottoms, yet accurate enough to reflect the
long-term flow of money into and out of a security.
The KO is based on the following tenets:
Price range (i.e. High - Low) is a measure of movement and volume is the force behind
the movement. The sum of High + Low + Close defines a trend. Accumulation occurs when
today's sum is greater than the previous day's. Conversely, distribution occurs when
today's sum is less than the previous day's. When the sums are equal, the existing trend
is maintained.
Volume produces continuous intra-day changes in price reflecting buying and selling pressure.
The KO quantifies the difference between the number of shares being accumulated and distributed
each day as "volume force". A strong, rising volume force should accompany an uptrend and then
gradually contract over time during the latter stages of the uptrend and the early stages of
the following downtrend. This should be followed by a rising volume force reflecting some
accumulation before a bottom develops.
FVE Volatility color-coded Volume bar The FVE is a pure volume indicator. Unlike most of the other indicators
(except OBV), price change doesn?t come into the equation for the FVE
(price is not multiplied by volume), but is only used to determine whether
money is flowing in or out of the stock. This is contrary to the current trend
in the design of modern money flow indicators. The author decided against a
price-volume indicator for the following reasons:
- A pure volume indicator has more power to contradict.
- The number of buyers or sellers (which is assessed by volume) will be the same,
regardless of the price fluctuation.
- Price-volume indicators tend to spike excessively at breakouts or breakdowns.
This study is an addition to FVE indicator. Indicator plots different-coloured volume
bars depending on volatility.
Indicator: Relative Volume Indicator & Freedom Of MovementRelative Volume Indicator
RVI is a support-resistance technical indicator developed by Melvin E. Dickover. Unlike many conventional support and resistance indicators, the Relative Volume Indicator takes into account price-volume behavior in order to detect the supply and demand pools. These pools are marked by "Defended Price Lines" (DPLs), also introduced by the author.
RVI is usually plotted as a histogram; its bars are highlighted (black, by default) when the volume is unusually large. According to the author, this happens if the indicator value exceeds 2.0, thus signifying that a possible DPL is present.
DPLs are horizontal lines that run across the chart at levels defined by following conditions:
* Overlapping bars: If the indicator spike (i.e., indicator is above 2.0 or a custom value)
corresponds to a price bar overlapping the previous one, the previous close can be used as the
DPL value.
* Very large bars: If the indicator spike corresponds to a price bar of a large size, use its
close price as the DPL value.
* Gapping bars: If the indicator spike corresponds to a price bar gapping from the previous bar,
the DPL value will depend on the gap size. Small gaps can be ignored: the author suggests using
the previous close as the DPL value. When the gap is big, the close of the latter bar is used
* Clustering spikes: If the indicator spikes come in clusters, use the extreme close or open
price of the bar corresponding to the last or next to last spike in cluster.
DPLs can be used as support and resistance levels. In order confirm and refine them, RVI is used along with the FreedomOfMovement indicator discussed next.
Freedom of Movement Indicator
FOM is a support-resistance technical indicator, also by Melvin E. Dickover. FOM is the ratio of relative effect (relative price change) to the relative effort (normalized volume), expressed in standard deviations. This value is plotted as a histogram; its bars are highlighted (black, by default( when this ratio is unusually high. These highlighted bars, or "spikes", define the positioning of the DPLs.
Suggestions for placing DPLs are the same as for the Relative Volume Indicator discussed above.
Note that clustering spikes provide the strongest DPLs while isolated spikes can be used to confirm and refine those provided by the Relative Volume Indicator. Coincidence of spikes of the two indicator can be considered a sign of greater strength of the DPL.
More info:
S&C magazine, April 2014.
I am still trying these on various instruments to understand the workings more. Don't forget to share what you learn -- any use cases / ideal scenarios / gotchas, would love to hear them all.
Finite Volume Elements (FVE) The FVE is a pure volume indicator. Unlike most of the other indicators
(except OBV), price change doesn`t come into the equation for the FVE (price
is not multiplied by volume), but is only used to determine whether money is
flowing in or out of the stock. This is contrary to the current trend in the
design of modern money flow indicators. The author decided against a price-volume
indicator for the following reasons:
- A pure volume indicator has more power to contradict.
- The number of buyers or sellers (which is assessed by volume) will be the same,
regardless of the price fluctuation.
- Price-volume indicators tend to spike excessively at breakouts or breakdowns.
Indicators: Volume-Weighted MACD Histogram & Sentiment Zone OscVolume-Weighted MACD Histogram
Volume-Weighted MACD Histogram, first discussed by Buff Dormeier, is a modified version of MACD study. It calculates volume-averaged Close price for finding the histogram.
More info:
Sentiment Zone Oscillator
Sentiment Zone Oscillator, developed by Walid Khalil, is a complementing oscillator to VZO and PZO.
To quote Walid:
>> The sentiment zone oscillator (SZO) is a leading contrary oscillator that measures the extreme emotions of a single market or share.
>> It measures and defines both extremes, bullishness (overoptimism) and bearishness (overpessimism), that could lead to a change
>> in sentiment, eventually changing the trend of the time frame under study. The SZO was devised on the belief that after several waves
>> of rising prices, investors begin to get bullish on the stock with increasing confidence since the price has been rising for some time.
>> The SZO measures that bullishness/bearishness and marks overbought/oversold levels.
SZO has its own oversold/overbought bands. Also, when SZO goes above 7, it indicates extreme optimism. When the SZO goes below -7, it indicates extreme pessimism.
More info: www.traders.com
How to import / use custom indicators from this chart?
PDF: drive.google.com
Indicators: Volume Zone Indicator & Price Zone IndicatorVolume Zone Indicator (VZO) and Price Zone Indicator (PZO) are by Waleed Aly Khalil.
Volume Zone Indicator (VZO)
VZO is a leading volume oscillator that evaluates volume in relation to the direction of the net price change on each bar.
A value of 40 or above shows bullish accumulation. Low values (< 40) are bearish. Near zero or between +/- 20, the market is either in consolidation or near a break out. When VZO is near +/- 60, an end to the bull/bear run should be expected soon. If that run has been opposite to the long term price trend direction, then a reversal often will occur.
Traditional way of looking at this also works:
* +/- 40 levels are overbought / oversold
* +/- 60 levels are extreme overbought / oversold
More info:
Price Zone Indicator (PZO)
PZO is interpreted the same way as VZO (same formula with "close" substituted for "volume").
Chart Markings
In the chart above,
* The red circles indicate a run-end (or reversal) zones (VZO +/- 60).
* Blue rectangle shows the consolidation zone (VZO betwen +/- 20)
I have been trying out VZO only for a week now, but I think this has lot of potential. Give it a try, let me know what you think.
Indicators: Better Volume Indicator & InstrumentVolumeBetter Volume Indicator
This is a direct port of a famous indicator from Tradestation platform.
BVI improves on your typical volume histogram by coloring the bars based on 5 criteria:
* Volume Climax Up – high volume, high range, up bars (red)
* Volume Climax Down – high volume, high range, down bars (white)
* High Volume Churn – high volume, low range bars (green, barcolor= blue)
* Low Volume – low volume bars (yellow)
* Volume Climax plus High Volume Churn – both the above conditions (magenta)
When there are no volume signals the default histogram bar coloring is cyan.
Bars can also be colored to match volume color. Enable "Change BarColors?" in the options page.
Volume Climax Up bars are typically seen at:
* The start of up trends
* The end of up trends, and
* Pullbacks during down trends.
Volume Climax Down bars are typically seen at:
* The start of down trends
* The end of down trends, and
* Pullbacks during up trends.
High Volume Churn bars are typically seen at:
* The end of up trends
* The end of down trends, and
* Profit taking mid-trend.
Low Volume bars are typically seen at:
* The end of up trends
* The end of down trends, and
* Pullbacks mid-trend.
More info:
Instrument Volume
This is a simple script that allows you to plot volume for any instrument.
Very handy when you want to compare volumes. Just add multiple instances and select the symbol you want via Options page.
This script also gets close/open for the selected symbol. If you are itching to get started on Pinescripting (scripting language used at TV), I suggest trying out the following, using this script as the template:
- Show RSI for any instrument
(hint: "close" for the selected symbol is already in script. Do a "plot(rsi(c, 14))")
- MACD / CCI / ....
- Plot the difference (not correlation). This may be of interest in some instruments.
For ex. BTC in BTCE exchange mostly lags BITSTAMP.
Hope this piques your interest in Pine. Feel free to post in the Pinescript room if you have any queries.
Indicator: Volume Price Confirmation Indicator (VPCI)Developed by Buff Dormeier, VPCI won 2007 Charles H Dow award by the MTA. VPCI plots the relationship between price trend and the volume, as either being in a state of confirmation or contradiction.
Excerpt from article below:
"Fundamentally, the VPCI reveals the proportional imbalances between price trends and volume-adjusted price
trends. An uptrend with increasing volume is a market characterized by greed supported by the fuel needed to
grow. An uptrend without volume is complacent and reveals greed deprived of the fuel needed to sustain itself.
Investors without the influx of other investors (volume) will eventually lose interest and the uptrend should
eventually breakdown.
A falling price trend reveals a market driven by fear. A falling price trend without volume reveals apathy, fear
without increasing energy. Unlike greed, fear is self-sustaining, and may endure for long time periods without
increasing fuel or energy. Adding energy to fear can be likened to adding fuel to a fire and is generally bearish
until the VPCI reverses. In such cases, weak-minded investor's, overcome by fear, are becoming irrationally
fearful until the selling climax reaches a state of maximum homogeneity. At this point, ownership held by weak
investor’s has been purged, producing a type of heat death capitulation. These occurrences may be visualized by
the VPCI falling below the lower standard deviation of a Bollinger Band of the VPCI, and then rising above the
lower band, and forming a 'V' bottom. "
Full article: www.mta.org
Nearly all parameters are configurable and exposed via "Options" page (enable/disable BB, enable/disable breach-markings, enable/disable MA, ...).Also check the source for enabling "histogram" (difference between VPCI and MA of VPCI).
Do note that the shortTerm/longTerm lengths need tuning for your instrument. The default 5/20 is not optimal, in my quick check.