Simple OHLC Custom Range Interactive█ OVERVIEW
This indicator show lines of OHLC which can be commonly used as support and resistance zones.
OHLC can be shown table with candlestick visual.
Color of candlestick depends on direction of bullish / bearish of the chosen candlestick.
Inspired by design, code and usage of CAGR . Basic usage of custom range / interactive, pretty much explained here . Credits to TradingView .
Table can positioned by any position and font size can be resized.
OHLC can be in full or simple name.
Lines can be extend either right, left, both or none.
Only 1 point is required.
Dont worry about magnet, point will attached depends on High or Low of the candle.
█ USAGE / TIPS EXAMPLES (Description explained in each image)
Suporte e Resistência
Open Interest Profile (OI)- By LeviathanThis script implements the concept of Open Interest Profile, which can help you analyze the activity of traders and identify the price levels where they are opening/closing their positions. This data can serve as a confluence for finding the areas of support and resistance , targets and placing stop losses. OI profiles can be viewed in the ranges of days, weeks, months, Tokyo sessions, London sessions and New York sessions.
A short introduction to Open Interest
Open Interest is a metric that measures the total amount of open derivatives contracts in a specific market at a given time. A valid contract is formed by both a buyer who opens a long position and a seller who opens a short position. This means that OI represents the total value of all open longs and all open shorts, divided by two. For example, if Open Interest is showing a value of $1B, it means that there is $1B worth of long and $1B worth of short contracts currently open/unsettled in a given market.
OI increasing = new long and short contracts are entering the market
OI decreasing = long and short contracts are exiting the market
OI unchanged = the net amount of positions remains the same (no new entries/exits or just a transfer of contracts occurring)
About this indicator
*This script is basically a modified version of my previous "Market Sessions and Volume Profile by @LeviathanCapital" indicator but this time, profiles are generated from Tradingview Open Interest data instead of volume (+ some other changes).
The usual representation of OI shows Open Interest value and its change based on time (for a particular day, time frame or each given candle). This indicator takes the data and plots it in a way where you can see the OI activity (change in OI) based on price levels. To put it simply, instead of observing WHEN (time) positions are entering/exiting the market, you can now see WHERE (price) positions are entering/exiting the market. This is the same concept as when it comes to Volume and Volume profile and therefore, similar strategies and ways of understanding the given data can be applied here. You can even combine the two to gain an edge (eg. high OI increase + Volume Profile showing dominant market selling = possible aggressive shorts taking place)
Green nodes = OI increase
Red nodes = OI decrease
A cluster of large green nodes can be used for support and resistance levels (*trapped traders theory) or targets (lots of liquidations and stop losses above/below), OI Profile gaps can present an objective for the price to fill them (liquidity gaps, imbalances, inefficiencies, etc), and more.
Indicator settings
1. Session/Lookback - Choose the range from where the OI Profile will be generated
2. OI Profile Mode - Mode 1 (shows only OI increase), Mode 2 (shows both OI increase and decrease), Mode 3 (shows OI decrease on left side and OI increase on the right side).
3. Show OI Value Area - Shows the area where most OI activity took place (useful as a range or S/R level )
4. Show Session Box - Shows the box around chosen sessions/lookback
5. Show Profile - Show/hide OI Profile
6. Show Current Session - Show/hide the ongoing session
7. Show Session Labels - Show/hide the text labels for each session
8. Resolution - The higher the value, the more refined a profile is, but fewer profiles are shown on the chart
9. OI Value Area % - Choose the percentage of VA (same as in Volume Profile's VA)
10. Smooth OI Data - Useful for assets that have very large spikes in OI over large bars, helps create better profiles
11. OI Increase - Pick the color of OI increase nodes in the profile
12. OI Decrease - Pick the color of OI decrease nodes in the profile
13. Value Area Box - Pick the color of the Value Area Box
14. Session Box Thickness - Pick the thickness of the lines surrounding the chosen sessions
The indicator calculates the profile based on candles - the more candles you can show, the better profile will be formed. This means that it's best to view most sessions on timeframes like 15min or lower. The only exception is the Monthly profile, where timeframes above 15min should be used. Just take a few minutes and switch between timeframes and sessions and you will figure out the optimal settings.
This is the first version of Open Interest Profile script so please understand that it will be improved in future updates.
Thank you for your support.
** Some profile generation elements are inspired by @LonesomeTheBlue's volume profile script
DonchianFib[Akcay]How does it work?
- The indicator detects the highest and lowest price level in the last x periods every time prices advance by x periods.
- From these values, retracement (0.618, 0.786) and expansion levels (1.272, 1.618, 2, 2.618, 3.14, 3.618, 4.236) are obtained.
- Since the symmetrical counterpart of the retracement levels is used, there are two of each of the 0.618 and 0.786 lines, for a total of four.
How can it be used?
- It can be used for step buying.
- It can be used for step selling.
- Can be used to set a profit target.
- Can be used to set a stop target.
- This indicator can be used in the same way as Pivot levels can be used. You can think of this indicator like the Pivot Points Standard indicator, where you set the period more flexibly.
Which indicators can it be combined with?
- I don't think there are any limitations, but I think it is compatible with trend detection indicators, trend detection with DonchianFib, and stepped buy/sell with limit orders.
- If you want to enter a position with mismatch signals, you can wait for the DonchianFib levels to break.
- Its use is limited by your imagination :)
Where does the name come from?
- As the name suggests, Donchian Channels. I was inspired by Donchian Channels when developing the indicator. Donchian channels show the highs and lows of prices over the last x number of periods. DonchianFib does this once for every x periods and uses the fibonacci levels to create upper and intermediate levels.
Note : I don't know if such an indicator has been done before or not. If it has been done, I haven't seen it in tradingview.
Çalışma mantığı nedir ?
- Gösterge, fiyatlar her x periyot kadar ilerlediğinde son x periyot içerisindeki en yüksek ve en düşük fiyat seviyesini tespit eder.
- Bu değerler üzerinden geri çekilme (0.618, 0.786) ve genişleme seviyeleri (1.272, 1.618, 2, 2.618, 3.14, 3.618, 4.236) elde edilir.
- Geri çekilme seviyelerinin simetrik karşılığı kullanıldığından 0.618 ve 0.786 çizgilerinden her birinden iki adet olmak üzere toplamda dört adet bulunur.
Nasıl kullanılabilir ?
- Kademeli alım yapmak için kullanılabilir.
- Kademeli satım yapmak için kullanılabilir.
- Kâr hedefi belirlemek için kullanılabilir.
- Stop hedefi belirlemek için kullanılabilir.
- Pivot seviyelerinden nasıl faydalanılıyorsa bu göstergeden de aynı şekilde faydalanılabilir. Bu göstergeyi, periyodunu kendinizin daha esnek bir şekilde belirlediğiniz Pivot Noktalar Standartı göstergesi gibi düşünebilirsiniz.
Hangi göstergelerle kombine edilebilir ?
- Bunun için herhangi sınırlama yapmak doğru değil ancak trend tespit etmeye çalışan göstergelerle uyumlu olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu göstergeler ile trend tespiti yapıp DonchianFib ile alım/satım yerleri belirlenebilir ve limit emirleri ile kademeli alım/satım yapılabilir.
- Uyuşmazlık sinyalleri ile pozisyona girilmek isteniliyorsa DonchianFib seviyelerinin kırılması beklenebilir.
- Kullanımı sizin hayal gücünüz ile sınırlıdır :)
Adı nereden geliyor ?
- Adından da anlaşılacağı üzere Donchian Kanallarından. Göstergeyi geliştirirken Donchian Kanallarından ilham aldım. Donchian kanalları fiyatların son x periyot içerisindeki en yüksek ve en düşük seviyelerini grafikte gösteriyor. DonchianFib ise bunu her x periyot için bir defa yapıp, fibonacci seviyelerini de kullanarak üst ve ara seviyeler oluşturuyor.
Not : Daha önce böyle bir göstergenin yapılıp yapılmadığını bilmiyorum. Yapıldı ise ben tradingview'da görmedim.
Multi Timeframe Support and Resistance [ABA Invest]About
Automatic level of support and resistance ( SnR ) in the chart. It helps users to decide where is the level of SnR and also optimize the level by changing the input base on their needs
Pivot - The number of bars left and right side of the pivot to choose how detailed the SnR level
Type - To draw the line on the candle wick endpoints or body
Timeframes option - you can choose to display other timeframes beside the current chart timeframe
Adaptive moving average - to help users identify breaks of the SnR level with the moving average line
Line length - length of the moving average line if you activate the adaptive moving average option
How to use:
Attach the indicator to the chart and then you will find the red and green lines. Red line work as resistance level and green line works as support level and also you can merge adjacent line levels into an area of SnR.
The Adaptive moving average (AMA) line function is to see the break of SnR level and prepare for the setup.
Buy setup: AMA line break resistance level, when the price retest the support (the previous break resistance) we can enter buy trade
Sell setup: AMA line break support level, when the price retest the resistance (the previous break support) we can enter sell trade
Note: Don’t blindly follow the AMA trend signal
Extreme Volume Support Resistance LevelsExtreme Volume Support Resistance Levels are S/R levels(zones, basically), based on extreme volume .
Lookback -- number of bars, which algorithm will be using;
Volume Threshold Period -- period of MA (Volume MA), which smoothers volume in order to find the extremes;
Volume Threshold Multiplier -- multiplier for Volume MA, which "lift" Volume MA and thus will provide the algorithm with more accurate extreme volume ;
Number of zones to show -- number of last S/R zones, which will be shown on the chart.
Extreme Volume Support Resistance Levels — это уровни S/R (зоны, в основном), основанные на избыточном объеме.
Lookback -- число баров, которое алгоритм будет использовать для расчётов;
Volume Threshold Period -- период MA (Volume MA), которая сглаживает объем для нахождения экстремумов объёма;
Volume Threshold Multiplier -- множитель для Volume MA, который "поднимает" Volume MA и тем самым обеспечивает алгоритм более точными значениями экстремального объёма;
Количество зон для отображения -- количество оставшихся зон S/R, которые отображаются на графике.
Donchian Trendline - Support Resistance Slope [UhoKang]// This is a strategy that draws a trend line in the form of a slope whenever the high point and low point are updated.
// The upper slope serves as a resistance line, and the lower slope serves as a support line.
// Buy when the of the candle crosses the slope
VWAP & Previous VWAP - MTF█ Volume Weighted Average Price & Previous Volume Weighted Average Price - Multi Timeframe
This script can display the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly and rolling VWAP but also the previous ones.
█ Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
The VWAP is a technical analysis tool used to measure the average price weighted by volume.
VWAP is typically used with intraday charts as a way to determine the general direction of intraday prices.
VWAP is similar to a moving average in that when price is above VWAP, prices are rising and when price is below VWAP, prices are falling.
VWAP is primarily used by technical analysts to identify market trends.
█ Rolling VWAP
The typical VWAP is designed to be used on intraday charts, as it resets at the beginning of the day.
Such VWAPs cannot be used on daily, weekly or monthly charts. Instead, this rolling VWAP uses a time period that automatically adjusts to the chart's timeframe.
You can thus use the rolling VWAP on any chart that includes volume information in its data feed.
Because the rolling VWAP uses a moving window, it does not exhibit the jumpiness of VWAP plots that reset.
For the version with standard deviation bands.
MTF VWAP & StDev Bands
[ChasinAlts]Top-Wicked Good S/R LinesHello Tradeurs, as per usual, I hope everyone is having a FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC day. With the soon incoming bull market approaching fast(Nov 7, 2022), there are a few ideas that I've really been trying to push out to help nail a few coins as they are near their bottom peak of this closing Bear Market. This one may seem very similar to the last one I posted but I think this one takes the cake...esp when you see the next script from my 'Market Overview' series that I will be publishing shortly after this one as it is utilizing this new script for a market scanner that will be SUPER legit and profitable. Though it is alway nice to be noticed, I'm glad that I'm relatively unpopular so the few people that are now following me can have some time to make some money with some of these scripts I'm trying to pump out for the benefit of the community. I will rarely give my full analysis of how I take in and utilize these scripts but I can tell you, QUITE A FEW of them are money in the bank. Esp these last few I've done/am doing and even more-so the ones that are soon to come (I'm speaking of about the next 3-4 that I will be attempting to pump out in this next VERY IMPORTANT week.). One more thing I'll add before going to the script is a little alpha(Im pretty certain this is the way it is going but NOTHING is EVERY 100% in life). What I believe should be realized is the bottoming out of MANY of the crypto coins at the VERY bottom of a LONG TERM Cup and Handle (so it seems but shat can still change in the blink of an eye). Thus there are quite a few coins that I believe have already bottomed and wont be returning to said bottom for a few years or so but there are also quite a few still at the brink of the bottomest part before the real market breakout occurs. My goal with these scripts coming out this week to help you all find those coins that have yet to hit their very bottom (thus the ATH/ATL script recently published). Going back in history looking for the lowest points of long term Cup & Handles I will point out 2 key things. Near the center/bottomest part of these historical CnH you will see either Double Bottoms OR a Huge dump and then its V-shaped recovery. After these print the point of no return has occurred where only a few coins will be going lower than these Double Bottoms/V-Shaped recoveries. So the time is at hand. Now that many coins are seemingly pumping after this long consolidation, I believe we need to keep a keen eye out for THE FINAL RUG PULL (as soon as enough degenerates are leveraging Long their entire savings.). What Im saying is be ready for this final rug pull to finally be seeing these Double Bottoms/V-Shaped recoveries VERY soon. DO NOT waste all your capital yet and MAKE SURE to use stop losses or else rather than stop losses you will be burdened with MUCH WORSE losses. Im currently not even in the market bc I am waiting on said rug pull. Ok for the Script now.
This script is similar to the last one but with the previous one, one general set of settings can produce VASTLY different results (might have 2 S/R lines on one coin and 80 on another). I wanted to fix that with this script, turn it into a "Market Overview" Scanner and create alerts for the MO Scanner to be able to get alerted any time a coin is passing its largest wick S/R levels bc DULY is VERY rare that a coin will blow past it if it hasn't approached it recently. That means that a small retrace of 3-5%(or more) is EASY to acquire (with leverage that can really add up with how many coins are in the Kucoin Margin Coin list that I have in my scanners). Now, once price does shoot through a level you best be sure to be looking down the line for a retest of the S/R level it blew past before as they are MANY times the retest level and price will be coming back to it before continuing
in the direction it was going. Depending on the TF your using this could be a few hours to a few days to a few get it. With this script you can choose to draw S/R lines 2 ways: 1) by having it plot S/R lines on the end of the largest 2(3,4,5..however many you choose) wicks that the chart has access to. For the scanner ill just be putting the largest 2-3 wicks and set alerts when coming up to them/crossing them & 2) having it draw S/R lines on the ends of the largest X% of wicks. it will be erasing the lines and drawing new ones on each new candle occurrence so the same general settings will no longer be producing VASTLY diff amounts of S/R lines and will be way more consistent amongst the coins for better utilization with the scanner (when I publish it). There is also a Wick Max Cutoff % so for those coins that had it's first few hours printing 100% sized can choose to ignore them so they are not taking up one of your top spots for the S/R lines. There is similarly a Wick % min Size that can be selected so if you’re using the top % setting, it will help decrease those coins that can be still plotting 30 lines even though the top 3% of the largest wicks are set in the settings. Hope Im being clear but it's easy enough. I believe in you and your capabilities of comprehending it all and getting it all figured out. So this script is for a visualization for the scanner that I will be uploading soon-after. It's always nice to get a few comments if my ideas/scripts have been helpful to you and please don't hold back if you have something to tell me that I screwed up on (I am still rather new to this coding thing but I like to think I at least have some fresh ideas that aren’t out there in the public library). Talk to you soon and may the force be with your trades. Peace and love people...peace and love. -ChasinAlts out.
Margin Pressure ThresholdsIf you thought margin trading liquidation levels only mattered to those trading with leverage, think again. Margin traders wield significantly more capital than your average retail investor, and their collective behavior can move markets quite predictably. The basic premise (theory popularized by Forrest @Cryptostackers YouTube) is that margin traders will have their liquidation points protected by strong support (for longs) or resistance (for shorts). Therefore, by simply identifying strong support/resistance levels, we can predict the thresholds at which margin buying and selling pressure will subside.
This indicator is interactive, so it just takes a click. Select a strong support level to see where margin buying pressure is likely to drop off, i.e. where to expect resistance and a potential local top. Or, select a strong resistance level to see expected support and anticipate the local bottom. Even better, look at long and short levels together to identify high probability support/resistance zones where levels align.
And for margin traders, this indicator makes life easy. Just click to select the support/resistance you want protecting your liquidation level, and quickly see the amount of leverage is safe to trade with.
4C Expected Move (Weekly Options)This indicator plots the Expected Move (EM) calculated from weekly options pricing, for a quick visual reference.
The EM is the amount that a stock is predicted to increase or decrease from its current price, based on the current level of implied volatility.
This range can be viewed as support and resistance, or once price gets outside of the range, institutional hedging actions can accelerate the move in that direction.
The EM range is based on the Weekly close of the prior week.
It can be useful to know what the weekly EM range is for a stock to understand the probabilities of the overall distance, direction and volatility for the week.
To use this indicator you must have access to a broker with options data (not available on Tradingview).
Look at the stock's option chain and find the weekly expected move. You will have to do your own research to find where this information is displayed depending on your broker.
See screenshot example on the chart. This is the Thinkorswim platform's option chain, and the Implied Volatility % and the calculated EM is circled in red. Use the +- number in parentheses, NOT the % value.
Input that number into the indicator on a weekly basis, ideally on the weekend sometime after the cash market close on Friday, and before the Market open at the beginning of the trading week.
The indicator must be manually updated each week.
It will automatically start over at the beginning of the week.
Wicked Good S&R Zones// Hello tradeurs, ChasinAlts here with a script you've DEFINITELY never seen before. Hope everyone is well. Ok, so heres the low-down...When a wick's
// % size is above the threshold set by the user it is plotted with light blue (these aren't really the significant ones) and are put into an array.
// These large wick lines are great S&R lines but we're looking to filter out to only the best ones. So, after all the large wicks are recorded for the
// chart and lines drawn, it then calculates the area between each of these lines in % (you can think of the lines as the upper and lower lines to a box
// if you'd it is one of the ways to view the final BEST S&R lines). What we are want is the largest of ALL the % areas between lines and to
// use these as our ultimate S&R Areas. Depending on the Min % Wick size that is chosen, you will find price usually either bouncing between these levels or
// that price will keep bouncing off of the same level until a large spike (up or down) occurs in price and the price will finally breach the level its been
// testing over and over. Once this DOES occur the level that was just broken many times will be the furthest point back for the retest. Now, as stated
// before there are 2 ways to view the output data. Either way it will show the largest % area between the lines as it is developing down the line of
// progressing bars on the chart (that means it WILL change but usually a portion of the previous area/box will be used for the newer smaller box or that
// the area/box will jump back and forth between the same few areas every now and again). Viewing it as a box will show the updated largest box
// (as stated twice now) but viewing it in it's S&R Line form will draw a new S&R line at the top and bottom of where the box would be if it was selected
// EXCEPT that these lines will persist across bars and you will continuously see how these levels will continue to be revisited and constantly used
// as S&R Lines as time progresses. (SO box only show the largest area and lines draws line at the top and bottom of box and persists across bars).
// There is not repainting that can occur. I hope you all enjoy this as I've found it EXTREMELY beneficial bc it's rare that when price first gets to a
// printed S&R level that it will shoot through it so you can depend on it bouncing off the the levels often multiple times. I've included comments in all
// of the code for your convenience. Also, the higher subscription plan you have (thus the more bars/data you have access to...the more S&R Lines will be drawn).
// Wish you all the best in your endeavors and may the force be with your trades, and as ALWAYS...Peace and Love people....Peace and Love. -ChasinAlts out.
Heiken Ashi Swing High/LowIt uses Heiken Ashi candles to detect recent swing high and low.
It can be used as a stop-loss or support/resistance indicator.
Fibonacci Plot [ABA Invest]]ABOUT
This Fibonacci tool is easier than the usual Fibonacci drawing. with this, we can use Fibonacci drawing by choosing 2 different candles as starting point and ending point
Fibonacci type: we can choose the type
option 1--> Fibonacci standard: display multiple levels constructed using the starting price point, ending price point, and multiple Fibonacci ratios. These levels can be used as support and resistance
option 2--> Fibonacci musang displays multiple levels constructed using the starting price point, ending price point, and multiple Fibonacci ratios. these levels can be used as taking profit level and also to know the ending of trendline
Drawing point: we can choose the type how we want the tools to draw our starting and ending point at candlestick
- wick to wick
- wick to body
- body to body
Range SlicerThis is a tool I quickly put together to work along side of my round number and Quarter Theory Scripts. This script allows you to set a price range between to values and slice them up into equal price zones. Happy Trading!
Support & Resistance Trendlines with PP + Fib. Channel█ Support & Resistance Trendlines with Pivot Points + Fibonacci Channel
This script automatically draw support and resistance trend lines based on pivot points and add a fibonacci channel.
It will show potential patterns with the help of support and resistance lines as well as breakout target and pullback entry with the fibonacci extension and retracement levels.
It is based on atolelole's script, I only made it more configurable so please check out his script.
I added the possibility to change values and add additional retracement and extension levels.
I also made it customizable with the possibility to change lines color, width and style.
Auto Fibo Multi Timeframe [Misu]█ This indicator shows a Multi Timeframe automatic Fibonacci retracement levels.
This indicator is built using pivots from a user-selected timeframe to draw and orient the Fibonacci retracement.
Fibonacci analysis uses a logical sequence of numbers to predict trends and price action.
█ Usages:
The Fibonacci retracement is used to identify hidden support and resistance levels that an investor can use for entry, exit, and stop placement.
Depending on your usage, you can track breakouts above and below retracement levels to provide early entry points for major breakouts and breakdowns.
Higher timeframe Fibs allow you to have more relevant and weighted signals.
█ Features:
Choose Timeframe
Choose Fib levels
Color Fib Levels Individually
Color Fib Levels all in one
█ Parameters:
Timeframe: The Timeframe chosen.
Left Bars: A parameter used to calculate pivots.
Right Bars: A parameter used to calculate pivots.
UI Settings: Select Fibs levels and colors.
Swing Failure PatternThis script will remind you of a potential swing failure pattern (which is a grab for liquidity to go the other direction). You can't use this script on its own, hence the eyes to look for confluences ;-)
Eyes will appear when the current high/low takes out the high/low of the last (by default) 100 highs/lows and will close below/above that last high/low.
Extra settings:
- ignore the last x amount of bars
- choose a character instead of the eyes
- choose a color for the character
Happy trading! ;-)
Gap ZonesSharing a simple gap zone identifier, simply detects gap up/down areas and plots them for visual reference. Calculation uses new candle open compared to previous candle close and draws the zone, a mid point is plotted also as far too often it's significance is proven effective.
Works on any timeframe and market though I recommend utilizing timeframes such as weekly or daily for viewing at lower timeframes such as 5, 15 or 30 minutes.
Often price is observed reaching towards zone high/mid/low before rejection/bouncing. These gap zones can give quantitative basis for trade management.
Future features may include alerts based on price crossing up/down gap low, mid and highs. Feel free to message with any other suggestions.
Pivot mtf semaphore support&resistance [LM]Hello Traders,
I would like to introduce you pivot semaphore mtf support&resistance levels. The idea is the same as my other S/R scripts to have a look at the important levels. The Semaphore is used to spot future multi-level Supports and Resistance zones. It is also useful to spot HL or LL or HH or LH zones. The script is based on amazing work of @LucF so really big thanks for your work on mtf line offsetting.
It has three settings:
First two settings are for higher timeframes
Third setting is setting for pivots on current timeframe
!!!! Very important is there is limitation in pinescript how many candles you can look back(4999) if you choose timeframes that are very distant from each other there is a chance that those lines won't show up
Hopefully you will enjoy
Cheers, Lukas
Smart Money Concepts (SMC) [LuxAlgo]This all-in-one indicator displays real-time market structure (internal & swing BOS / CHoCH), order blocks, premium & discount zones, equal highs & lows, and much more...allowing traders to automatically mark up their charts with widely used price action methodologies. Following the release of our Fair Value Gap script, we received numerous requests from our community to release more features in the same category.
"Smart Money Concepts" (SMC) is a fairly new yet widely used term amongst price action traders looking to more accurately navigate liquidity & find more optimal points of interest in the market. Trying to determine where institutional market participants have orders placed (buy or sell side liquidity) can be a very reasonable approach to finding more practical entries & exits based on price action.
The indicator includes alerts for the presence of swing structures and many other relevant conditions.
This indicator includes many features relevant to SMC, these are highlighted below:
Full internal & swing market structure labeling in real-time
Break of Structure (BOS)
Change of Character (CHoCH)
Order Blocks (bullish & bearish)
Equal Highs & Lows
Fair Value Gap Detection
Previous Highs & Lows
Premium & Discount Zones as a range
Options to style the indicator to more easily display these concepts
Mode: Allows the user to select Historical (default) or Present, which displays only recent data on the chart.
Style: Allows the user to select different styling for the entire indicator between Colored (default) and Monochrome.
Color Candles: Plots candles based on the internal & swing structures from within the indicator on the chart.
Internal Structure: Displays the internal structure labels & dashed lines to represent them. (BOS & CHoCH).
Confluence Filter: Filter non-significant internal structure breakouts.
Swing Structure: Displays the swing structure labels & solid lines on the chart (larger BOS & CHoCH labels).
Swing Points: Displays swing points labels on chart such as HH, HL, LH, LL.
Internal Order Blocks: Enables Internal Order Blocks & allows the user to select how many most recent Internal Order Blocks appear on the chart.
Swing Order Blocks: Enables Swing Order Blocks & allows the user to select how many most recent Swing Order Blocks appear on the chart.
Equal Highs & Lows: Displays EQH/EQL labels on chart for detecting equal highs & lows.
Bars Confirmation: Allows the user to select how many bars are needed to confirm an EQH/EQL symbol on chart.
Fair Value Gaps: Displays boxes to highlight imbalance areas on the chart.
Auto Threshold: Filter out non-significant fair value gaps.
Timeframe: Allows the user to select the timeframe for the Fair Value Gap detection.
Extend FVG: Allows the user to choose how many bars to extend the Fair Value Gap boxes on the chart.
Highs & Lows MTF: Allows the user to display previous highs & lows from daily, weekly, & monthly timeframes as significant levels.
Premium/Discount Zones: Allows the user to display Premium, Discount, and Equilibrium zones on the chart
Users can see automatic CHoCH and BOS labels to highlight breakouts of market structure, which allows to determine the market trend. In the chart below we can see the internal structure which displays more frequent labels within larger structures. We can also see equal highs & lows (EQH/EQL) labels plotted alongside the internal structure to frequently give indications of potential reversals.
In the chart below we can see the swing market structure labels. These are also labeled as BOS and CHoCH but with a solid line & larger text to show larger market structure breakouts & trend reversals. Users can be mindful of these larger structure labels while trading internal structures as displayed in the previous chart.
Order blocks highlight areas where institutional market participants open positions, one can use order blocks to determine confirmation entries or potential targets as we can expect there is a large amount of liquidity at these order blocks. In the chart below we can see 2 potential trade setups with confirmation entries. The path outlined in red would be a potential short entry targeting the blue order block below, and the path outlined in green would be a potential long entry, targeting the red order blocks above.
As we can see in the chart below, the bullish confirmation entry played out in this scenario with the green path outlined in hindsight. As price breaks though the order blocks above, the indicator will consider them mitigated causing them to disappear, and as per the logic of these order blocks they will always display 5 (by default) on the chart so we can now see more actionable levels.
The Smart Money Concepts indicator has many other features and here we can see how they can also help a user find potential levels for price action trading. In the screenshot below we can see a trade setup using the Previous Monthly High, Strong High, and a Swing Order Block as a stop loss. Accompanied by the Premium from the Discount/Premium zones feature being used as a potential entry. A potential take profit level for this trade setup that a user could easily identify would be the 50% mark labeled with the Fair Value Gap & the Equilibrium all displayed automatically by the indicator.
This indicator highlights all relevant components of Smart Money Concepts which can be a very useful interpretation of market structure, liquidity, & more simply put, price action. The term was coined & popularized primarily within the forex community & by ICT while making its way to become a part of many traders' analysis. These concepts, with or without this indicator do not guarantee a trader to be trading within the presence of institutional or "bank-level" liquidity, there is no supporting data regarding the validity of these teachings.
Trend/Retracement - ZigZag - New wayZigZag for Trend and Retracements - New way
It's another way to plot ZigZag based on lookback period for trend and % of trend lookback period to plot retracements.
Plot ZigZag, Trend lines, Retracements, Support levels, Resistance levels
█ Objective:
Draw ZigZag lines along with unbroken support and resistance levels. ZigZag lines are drawn for main trend and the retracements.
Main Trend – This is calculated based on lookback period.
Retracements – Retracements are calculated as 25% of main trend.
Support and Resistance line: The indicator draws 2 types of support and resistance lines
1. Un-broken – Once formed (plotted), these are the support and resistance which are not yet broken
2. Tested – One can also choose to see support and resistance lines which are tested but not broken. Tested support/resistance are those levels which are touched by high/low price but close price has not crossed the level.
█ How main trend point is calculated:
Chart timeframe = 15m
Lookback period = 250
Retracement = 25% of main trend ( 25% of 250 = 62 )
A price point on a chart is considered as trend point if distance between current price and previous highest price is 250 candles
A price point is considered as a retracement if distance between current price and previous highest price is 62 candles. Please note retracements are calculated only after finding a main trend point.
█ Input parameters:
Zigzag Parameters
Use predefined Lookback – If checked pre-defined timeframe-based lookback parameters are used.
Trend lookback candles – If ‘Use predefined Lookback’ is unchecked then this value is used as lookback period.
Retracement % of look back candles– If ‘Use predefined Lookback’ is unchecked then this value is used for calculating retracement lookback period
Mark retracements – If unchecked only main trend lines are plotted
Plot support/resistance – To plot support/resistance levels
Show support/resistance tested lines – If checked tested support/resistance liens are shown on the chart
█ TF based Lookback period config (Defaults are set as specified below, One can change these defaults to use different lookback periods)
The defaults set here are used based on the chart timeframe. e.g. if chart timeframe is changed from say 15m to 60m then 60m chart defaults (i.e. trend lookback = 90) are used to plot the trend and the retracements. At the bottom-right of the chart, parameters used for plotting are displayed all the time.
Timeframe in minute – Default = 5m
Trend lookback candles – Default = 375 (~ 5 days of data)
Timeframe in minute – Default = 15m
Trend lookback candles – Default = 250 (~10 days of data)
Timeframe in minute – Default = 60m
Trend lookback candles = Default = 90 (~ 15 days of data)
Trend lookback candles for timeframe 'D' – Default = 30 (~1 month data)
Trend lookback candles for timeframe 'W' – Default = 21 (~6 months data)
Trend lookback candles for timeframe 'M' – Default = 12 (~1year data)
Retracement % of look back candles – Default = 25%
█ When and where one can use this indicator (Refer to chart examples)
To view support and resistance based on lookback period
To view ZigZag lines
One can use it to find chart patterns easily
Trend and retracement lines can help in drawing Elliott waves.
█ Chart examples:
1. Chart patterns can be easily identified - One can disable the candle charts which will help to identify and draw chart patterns easily
2. Trend and retracement lines can also help is analyzing charts (e.g. Elliott Waves can be marked based on trend lines)
3. Tested but not broken support and resistance lines can be viewed
4. You can select 'NOT' to plot tested support and resistance lines
5. Uncheck the Mark retracements to plot main trend lines (Retracements are not marked)
[ChasinAlts] SuppRe-me ZonesHello fellow tradeurs, I couldn't find one similar on TV so wanted to make it.. Took me a little while to figure some things out as I am in new coding territory with this script. I had a hard time finding ways to make only a partial zone/box disappear if price only crossed part of it. Nonetheless, I figured it out so I hope you enjoy the outcome. Now, allow me to take a second to first explain the utility that is this script...or at least expose my reasoning when I decided to go ahead with this little project and take the precious time necessary to learn parts of pine that I did not previously know how to deal with. Ultimately, I built this for the 1s-15s TF(except for the "Consecutive Bars/Large Bars" Boxes...Those were meant to use on both these second TFs and Higher TFs.... ). The reasoning behind all of this was to give me a more definitive answer to all of my questions regarding the speed at which it would take price to revisit areas that it very abruptly went to/left on a VERY short TF (like the 1sec charts)...or even if it EVER would). To determine this I wanted to draw lines starting at the end of large wicks, draw boxes spanning the entire span of large wicks, and lastly to draw boxes spanning the entire span of very large bodies. For this last one, not only did I want to draw a box on a single candle that possessed a large body but also if there were consecutive red candles in a row, their bodies could be summed up and if this summation exceeds the minimum body % threshold then it too counts just like a single large candled body would if it was larger than the threshold. All in all I really enjoyed this script and most importantly the data that it produces. What I found after coding the script was that (again on the 1 sec- 15 sec charts) was that price very quickly (relatively speaking I suppose) came back over these box/zoned areas and that the lines drawn from the tip of the large wicks would at some point in the near future act as very good support and resistance for price to either bounce off of or breakout from.
Now, with each of these objects you can choose to delete them when price crosses the object or have them continuously drawn on the chart...your call...but it gets awful messy sometimes if you let them continue printing.
Peace and love people...peace and love,
MTF MA Ribbon and Bands + BB, Gaussian F. and R. VWAP with StDev█ Multi Timeframe Moving Average Ribbon and Bands + Bollinger Bands, Gaussian Filter and Rolling Volume Weighted Average Price with Standard Deviation Bands
Up to 9 moving averages can be independently applied.
The length , type and timeframe of each moving average are configurable .
The lines, colors and background fill are customizable too.
This script can also display:
Moving Average Bands
Bollinger Bands
Gaussian Filter
Rolling VWAP and Standard Deviation Bands
Types of Moving Averages:
Simple Moving Average (SMA)
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA)
Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
Least Squares Moving Average (LSMA)
Hull Moving Average (HMA)
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
█ Moving Average
Moving Averages are price based, lagging (or reactive) indicators that display the average price of a security over a set period of time.
A Moving Average is a good way to gauge momentum as well as to confirm trends, and define areas of support and resistance.
█ Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands consist of a band of three lines which are plotted in relation to security prices.
The line in the middle is usually a Simple Moving Average (SMA) set to a period of 20 days (the type of trend line and period can be changed by the trader, a 20 day moving average is by far the most popular).
The SMA then serves as a base for the Upper and Lower Bands which are used as a way to measure volatility by observing the relationship between the Bands and price.
█ Gaussian Filter
Gaussian filter can be used for smoothing.
It rejects high frequencies (fast movements) better than an EMA and has lower lag.
A Gaussian filter is one whose transfer response is described by the familiar Gaussian bell-shaped curve.
In the case of low-pass filters, only the upper half of the curve describes the filter.
The use of gaussian filters is a move toward achieving the dual goal of reducing lag and reducing the lag of high-frequency components relative to the lag of lower-frequency components.
█ Rolling VWAP
The typical VWAP is designed to be used on intraday charts, as it resets at the beginning of the day.
Such VWAPs cannot be used on daily, weekly or monthly charts. Instead, this rolling VWAP uses a time period that automatically adjusts to the chart's timeframe.
You can thus use the rolling VWAP on any chart that includes volume information in its data feed.
Because the rolling VWAP uses a moving window, it does not exhibit the jumpiness of VWAP plots that reset.
Made with the help from scripts of: adam24x, VishvaP, loxx and pmk07.