SuperTrendRange by DGTSuperTrendRange study attempts to determine the state of the market
• whether a well-established bull/bear trend is present
• whether the market is trading in a range
SuperTrendRange (STR) takes into account the volatility of the market - further details regarding volatility can be found in the description of “Volatility Bands by DGT” study
Due to its similarities to SupertTrend (ST) and Parabolic SAR (SAR), I will try to explain by stating differences between them
SuperTrendRange uses both the ATR (Average True Range) and STDEV (Standard Deviation) as part of its calculations - unlike ST and SAR where they use only ATR
Sensitivity of the indicator is adjusted using the multiplier setting of both ATR and STDEV
Additionally, unlike ST, the source of the basis of SuperTrendRange can be selected among the assets price value or its moving average
Source and Length are adjustable too
The SuperTrendRange, like Parabolic SAR indicator, appears on a chart as a series of dots, either above, below or unlike Parabolic SAR both above and below of the asset's price
A dot placed
- below the price when the market is trending upward
- above the price when it is trending downward
- both above and below when the price starts moving sideways – this is a feature that both SuperTrend and Parabolic SAR misses, where they are known to produce false signals and losing trades, whereas SuperTrendRange emphasis the zones of the ranges occurring and in most cases are considered no trade recommended zones. Please note that the range width may vary depending on how the market is volatile. It is up to the users to trade if it fits their trading strategies
Dots plotted above and below can be assumed as Support and Resistance levels
Example usages – with trading opportunities
Gold Monthly Chart
Bitcoin Daily Chart
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and/or financial advice. You alone have the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Silen's Pseudo VPVR / Pseudo Volume Profile Custom RangeDisclamer: This indicator does not use actual Volume data and doesn't display any Volume data. It creates a pseudo Volume Profile by counting the high-low-2 values of candles and simulates something that is similar to a Volume Profile without using any Volume data.
Core facts:
Creates a pseudo Volume Profile by counting values of candles and sorting them into a Profile.
Works for charts that don't provide any Volume Information.
Can display up to 5 different Value Levels.
Value level colors are (from largest to smallest level): Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.
The Value levels can be used as Support and Resistance indicators.
The Custom Range of the Volume Profile can be adjusted from 10 to 1500 bars.
Much faster than the other custom pseudo VPVRs out there.
As the chart progresses with bars the line positions will distort to the left side. Refreshing the tradingview page or switching to another time interval fixes this. I might fix this issue in the future.
Does not use actual Volume nor display actual Volume.
Note: For those who wondered what happened to my first version of this indicator: It got taken down by Tradingview because it was misleading as to using the words "Volume Profile" and "Visible Range". I fully support their decision and I hope I could clear any misunderstandings! Give their team a heads up for the hard work they're doing in keeping this place clean and well organized!
Enjoy! :)
Volume DensitySince we don't have tick count per time interval, let's do it this way. Basically "bigger the move bigger the volume" rule applies in most times, making volume alone kinda useless. What is more interesting, is when there was a huge volume within a relatively small range, or vice versa, a huge move without equally increased volume.
Without diving into details, bars with low volatility and serious volume are aprox. areas of possible future reversals/pullbacks, while volumeless high volatility moves should not cause any serious stops in price action.
This is just a small easy script to highlight this process. "Mathematically speaking, it's just a reciprocal of quotient of awfewefaffwqg..... Nah, not this time.
Volume Density = 1/(range/volume)
We take range of a bar (high minus low), divide it by volume of the same bar, in order to neutralize this "bigger-bigger" relationship. Then we memorize this number, take 1 and divide 1 by this number, in order to inverse the result. So now, small bars with big volume will be rated higher than just by using classic volume histogram.
I suppose it would be easy to use it along with classic volume histogram, and assess the differences between these 2 histograms.
Probs some1 has already posted smth like this before idk, but if it aint the case, here it is, for you.
London Open Range Breakout by KviateqThis script is what I currently use to day trade forex on a 5-minute timeframe.
The script features Multi-timeframe EMA20 that uses timeframe multipliers and is smoother by the factor by which you're multiplying your current timeframe.
Default settings are set to display EMA20 on the current (M5) timeframe, as well as M15, H1, H4 and D1 timeframes.
The background color changes intensity based on how many conditions are met - are all EMAs in the right order, is the current close above/below all the EMAs.
Featured is also a range set to 1 hour since the London breakout (can be changed to M15, or however long you'd like - my current setting is 30 minute).
Also featured are levels that I find to be of most importance - such as Daily and Weekly Open, Previous Day's and Week's Highs.
The idea is to only take trades when all stars align - EMAs, break above/below the Opening Range and not to long/short into an important level.
Ruckard TradingLatinoThis strategy tries to mimic TradingLatino strategy.
The current implementation is beta.
Si hablas castellano o espanyol por favor consulta MENSAJE EN CASTELLANO más abajo.
It's aimed at BTCUSDT pair and 4h timeframe.
max_bars_back=5000 : This is a random number of bars so that the strategy test lasts for one or two years
calc_on_order_fills=false : To wait for the 4h closing is too much. Try to check if it's worth entering a position after closing one. I finally decided not to recheck if it's worth entering after an order is closed. So it is false.
pyramiding=0 : We only want one entry allowed in the same direction. And we don't want the order to scale by error.
initial_capital=1000 : These are 1000 USDT. By using 1% maximum loss per trade and 7% as a default stop loss by using 1000 USDT at 12000 USDT per BTC price you would entry with around 142 USDT which are converted into: 0.010 BTC . The maximum number of decimal for contracts on this BTCUSDT market is 3 decimals. E.g. the minimum might be: 0.001 BTC . So, this minimal 1000 amount ensures us not to entry with less than 0.001 entries which might have happened when using 100 USDT as an initial capital.
slippage=1 : Binance BTCUSDT mintick is: 0.01. Binance slippage: 0.1 % (Let's assume). TV has an integer slippage. It does not have a percentage based slippage. If we assume a 1000 initial capital, the recommended equity is 142 which at 11996 USDT per BTC price means: 0.011 BTC. The 0.1% slippage of: 0.011 BTC would be: 0.000011 . This is way smaller than the mintick. So our slippage is going to be 1. E.g. 1 (slippage) * 0.01 (mintick)
commission_type=strategy.commission.percent and commission_value=0.1 : According to: binance . com / en / fee / schedule in VIP 0 level both maker and taker fees are: 0.1 %.
Jaime Merino is a well known Youtuber focused on crypto trading
His channel TradingLatino
features monday to friday videos where he explains his strategy.
Jaime Merino stance on bots (taken from memory out of a 2020 June video from him):
You know. They can program you a bot and it might work.
But, there are some special situations that the bot would not be able to handle.
And, I, as a human, I would handle it. And the bot wouldn't do it.
My long term target with this strategy script is add as many
special situations as I can to the script
so that it can match Jaime Merino behaviour even in non normal circumstances.
My alternate target is learn Pine script
and enjoy programming with it.
This script might be bigger than other TradingView scripts.
However, please, do not be confused because the current status is beta.
This script has not been tested with real money.
This is NOT an official strategy from Jaime Merino.
This is NOT an official strategy from TradingLatino . net .
It basically uses ADX slope and LazyBear's Squeeze Momentum Indicator
to make its buy and sell decisions.
Fast paced EMA being bigger than slow paced EMA
(on higher timeframe) advices going long.
Fast paced EMA being smaller than slow paced EMA
(on higher timeframe) advices going short.
It finally add many substrats that TradingLatino uses.
__ SETTINGS - Basics
____ SETTINGS - Basics - ADX
(ADX) Smoothing {14}
(ADX) DI Length {14}
(ADX) key level {23}
____ SETTINGS - Basics - LazyBear Squeeze Momentum
(SQZMOM) BB Length {20}
(SQZMOM) BB MultFactor {2.0}
(SQZMOM) KC Length {20}
(SQZMOM) KC MultFactor {1.5}
(SQZMOM) Use TrueRange (KC) {True}
____ SETTINGS - Basics - EMAs
(EMAS) EMA10 - Length {10}
(EMAS) EMA10 - Source {close}
(EMAS) EMA55 - Length {55}
(EMAS) EMA55 - Source {close}
____ SETTINGS - Volume Profile
Lowest and highest VPoC from last three days
is used to know if an entry has a support
VPVR of last 100 4h bars
is also taken into account
(VP) Use number of bars (not VP timeframe): Uses 'Number of bars {100}' setting instead of 'Volume Profile timeframe' setting for calculating session VPoC
(VP) Show tick difference from current price {False}: BETA . Might be useful for actions some day.
(VP) Number of bars {100}: If 'Use number of bars (not VP timeframe)' is turned on this setting is used to calculate session VPoC.
(VP) Volume Profile timeframe {1 day}: If 'Use number of bars (not VP timeframe)' is turned off this setting is used to calculate session VPoC.
(VP) Row width multiplier {0.6}: Adjust how the extra Volume Profile bars are shown in the chart.
(VP) Resistances prices number of decimal digits : Round Volume Profile bars label numbers so that they don't have so many decimals.
(VP) Number of bars for bottom VPOC {18}: 18 bars equals 3 days in suggested timeframe of 4 hours. It's used to calculate lowest session VPoC from previous three days. It's also used as a top VPOC for sells.
(VP) Ignore VPOC bottom advice on long {False}: If turned on it ignores bottom VPOC (or top VPOC on sells) when evaluating if a buy entry is worth it.
(VP) Number of bars for VPVR VPOC {100}: Number of bars to calculate the VPVR VPoC. We use 100 as Jaime once used. When the price bounces back to the EMA55 it might just bounce to this VPVR VPoC if its price it's lower than the EMA55 (Sells have inverse algorithm).
____ SETTINGS - ADX Slope
ADX Slope
help us to understand if ADX
has a positive slope, negative slope
or it is rather still.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX cut {23}: If ADX value is greater than this cut (23) then ADX has strength
(ADXSLOPE) ADX minimum steepness entry {45}: ADX slope needs to be 45 degrees to be considered as a positive one.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX minimum steepness exit {45}: ADX slope needs to be -45 degrees to be considered as a negative one.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX steepness periods {3}: In order to avoid false detection the slope is calculated along 3 periods.
____ SETTINGS - Next to EMA55
(NEXTEMA55) EMA10 to EMA55 bounce back percentage {80}: EMA10 might bounce back to EMA55 or maybe to 80% of its complete way to EMA55
(NEXTEMA55) Next to EMA55 percentage {15}: How much next to the EMA55 you need to be to consider it's going to bounce back upwards again.
____ SETTINGS - Stop Loss and Take Profit
You can set a default stop loss or a default take profit.
(STOPTAKE) Stop Loss % {7.0}
(STOPTAKE) Take Profit % {2.0}
____ SETTINGS - Trailing Take Profit
You can customize the default trailing take profit values
(TRAILING) Trailing Take Profit (%) {1.0}: Trailing take profit offset in percentage
(TRAILING) Trailing Take Profit Trigger (%) {2.0}: When 2.0% of benefit is reached then activate the trailing take profit.
(EMAS) Ignore advice based on emas {false}.
(EMAS) Ignore advice based on emas (On closing long signal) {False}: Ignore advice based on emas but only when deciding to close a buy entry.
(SQZMOM) Ignore advice based on SQZMOM {false}: Ignores advice based on SQZMOM indicator.
(ADXSLOPE) Ignore advice based on ADX positive slope {false}
(ADXSLOPE) Ignore advice based on ADX cut (23) {true}
(STOPTAKE) Take Profit? {false}: Enables simple Take Profit.
(STOPTAKE) Stop Loss? {True}: Enables simple Stop Loss.
(TRAILING) Enable Trailing Take Profit (%) {True}: Enables Trailing Take Profit.
____ SETTINGS - Strategy mode
(STRAT) Type Strategy: 'Long and Short', 'Long Only' or 'Short Only'. Default: 'Long and Short'.
____ SETTINGS - Risk Management
(RISKM) Risk Management Type: 'Safe', 'Somewhat safe compound' or 'Unsafe compound'. ' Safe ': Calculations are always done with the initial capital (1000) in mind. The maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are taken into account. ' Somewhat safe compound ': Calculations are done with initial capital (1000) or a higher capital if it increases. The maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are taken into account. ' Unsafe compound ': In each order all the current capital is gambled and only the default stop loss per order is taken into account. That means that the maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are not taken into account. Default : 'Somewhat safe compound'.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per trade % {1.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per day % {6.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per week % {8.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per month % {10.0}.
____ SETTINGS - Decimals
(DECIMAL) Maximum number of decimal for contracts {3}: How small (3 decimals means 0.001) an entry position might be in your exchange.
(PRANGE) Print price is in range {False}: Enable a bottom label that indicates if the price is in range or not.
(PRANGE) Price range periods {5}: How many previous periods are used to calculate the medians
(PRANGE) Price range maximum desviation (%) {0.6} ( > 0 ): Maximum positive desviation for range detection
(PRANGE) Price range minimum desviation (%) {0.6} ( > 0 ): Mininum negative desviation for range detection
EXTRA 2 - SQUEEZE MOMENTUM Desviation indicator
(SQZDIVER) Show degrees {False}: Show degrees of each Squeeze Momentum Divergence lines to the x-axis.
(SQZDIVER) Show desviation labels {False}: Whether to show or not desviation labels for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
(SQZDIVER) Show desviation lines {False}: Whether to show or not desviation lines for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
WARNING: This indicator works not on current bar but on previous bar. So in the worst case it might be VP from 4 hours ago. Don't worry, inside the strategy calculus the correct values are used. It's just that I cannot show the most recent one in the chart.
(VP) Print recent profile {False}: Show Volume Profile indicator
(VP) Avoid label price overlaps {False}: Avoid label prices to overlap on the chart.
(ZIG) Zignaly Alert Type {Email}: 'Email', 'Webhook'. ' Email ': Prepare alert_message variable content to be compatible with zignaly expected email content format. ' Webhook ': Prepare alert_message variable content to be compatible with zignaly expected json content format.
(DEBUG) Enable debug on order comments {False}: If set to true it prepares the order message to match the alert_message variable. It makes easier to debug what would have been sent by email or webhook on each of the times an order is triggered.
BOT MODE: This is the default setting.
PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING: Click on this strategy settings. Properties tab. Make sure Recalculate 'each time the order was run' is turned off.
NEWBIE USER: (Check PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING above!) You might want to turn on the 'Print recent profile {False}' setting. Alternatively you can use my alternate realtime study: 'Resistances and supports based on simplified Volume Profile' but, be aware, it might consume one indicator.
ADVANCED USER 1: Turn on the 'Print price is in range {False}' setting and help us to debug this subindicator. Also help us to figure out how to include this value in the strategy.
ADVANCED USER 2: Turn on the all the (SQZDIVER) settings and help us to figure out how to include this value in the strategy.
ADVANCED USER 3: (Check PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING above!) Turn on the 'Print recent profile {False}' setting and report any problem with it.
JAIME MERINO: Just use the indicator as it comes by default. It should only show BUY signals, SELL signals and their associated closing signals. From time to time you might want to check 'ADVANCED USER 2' instructions to check that there's actually a divergence. Check also 'ADVANCED USER 1' instructions for your amusement.
It's advised that you use this strategy in addition to these two other indicators:
* Squeeze Momentum Indicator
so that your chart matches as close as possible to TradingLatino chart.
This strategy supports Zignaly email integration by default. It also supports Zignaly Webhook integration.
ZIGNALY INTEGRATION - Email integration example
What you would write in your alert message:
ZIGNALY INTEGRATION - Webhook integration example
What you would write in your alert message:
{ {{strategy.order.alert_message}} , "key" : "MYSECRETKEY" }
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Directional Movement Index + ADX & Keylevel Support' study
which it's from TradingView console user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'3ema' study
which it's from TradingView hunganhnguyen1193 user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Squeeze Momentum Indicator ' study
which it's from TradingView LazyBear user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Strategy Tester EMA-SMA-RSI-MACD' study
which it's from TradingView fikira user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Support Resistance MTF' study
which it's from TradingView LonesomeTheBlue user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'TF Segmented Linear Regression' study
which it's from TradingView alexgrover user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
"Poor man's volume profile" study
which it's from TradingView IldarAkhmetgaleev user.
Please check the strategy source code for more detailed information
where, among others, I explain all of the substrats
and if they are implemented or not.
Q1. Did I understand wrong any of the Jaime substrats (which I have implemented)?
Q2. The strategy yields quite profit when we should long (EMA10 from 1d timeframe is higher than EMA55 from 1d timeframe.
Why the strategy yields much less profit when we should short (EMA10 from 1d timeframe is lower than EMA55 from 1d timeframe)?
Any idea if you need to do something else rather than just reverse what Jaime does when longing?
FAQ1. Why are you giving this strategy for free?
TradingLatino and his fellow enthusiasts taught me this strategy. Now I'm giving back to them.
FAQ2. Seriously! Why are you giving this strategy for free?
I'm confident his strategy might be improved a lot. By keeping it to myself I would avoid other people contributions to improve it.
Now that everyone can contribute this is a win-win.
FAQ3. How can I connect this strategy to my Exchange account?
It seems that you can attach alerts to strategies.
You might want to combine it with a paying account which enable Webhook URLs to work.
I don't know how all of this works right now so I cannot give you advice on it.
You will have to do your own research on this subject. But, be careful. Automating trades, if not done properly,
might end on you automating losses.
FAQ4. I have just found that this strategy by default gives more than 3.97% of 'maximum series of losses'. That's unacceptable according to my risk management policy.
You might want to reduce default stop loss setting from 7% to something like 5% till you are ok with the 'maximum series of losses'.
FAQ5. Where can I learn more about your work on this strategy?
Check the source code. You might find unused strategies. Either because there's not a substantial increases on earnings. Or maybe because they have not been implemented yet.
FAQ6. How much leverage is applied in this strategy?
No leverage.
FAQ7. Any difference with original Jaime Merino strategy?
Most of the times Jaime defines an stop loss at the price entry. That's not the case here. The default stop loss is 7% (but, don't be confused it only means losing 1% of your investment thanks to risk management). There's also a trailing take profit that triggers at 2% profit with a 1% trailing.
FAQ8. Why this strategy return is so small?
The strategy should be improved a lot. And, well, backtesting in this platform is not guaranteed to return theoric results comparable to real-life returns. That's why I'm personally forward testing this strategy to verify it.
En primer lugar se agradece feedback para mejorar la estrategia.
Si eres un usuario avanzado y quieres colaborar en mejorar el script no dudes en comentar abajo.
Ten en cuenta que aunque toda esta descripción tenga que estar en inglés no es obligatorio que el comentario esté en inglés.
¡Pero Jaime!
¡Tu da mun!
ORB - Opening Range BreakoutThis script plots the high/low of any custom session and extends it until the daily close. It does not show on the timeframe higher than the length of custom opening session by default.
The time period of opening range & the max timeframe to display it on can be adjusted from the settings.
So for eg. if want to use 5m ORB to trade, then set "ORB total time" as 5min & "Session Time" as whatever is the opening 5mins time period of ticker that are trading.
ATR Daily LevelsPlots the daily ATR on the chart as upper and lower levels.
It can be use to adapt your trading in high and low periods of market volatility, determine reasonable target or take profit, entry at likely mean reversion, stop loss beyond normal flows etc...
More on the script behavior:
- Daily ATR upper/lower levels are applied on the current day low/high;
- The ATR value is defined by the last D1 bar;
- Shows up to D1 timeframe;
- Configuration for the indicator's period (default: 20 period ATR);
- Configuration for plotting the indicator on the the x axis with an offset/at begining of the day (default: offset);
Dynamic Range here comes open source version of notorious JFT Indicator ( the indicator access you can get in some bucks ) on various telegram channels however they will not give code.
Now how it works
1. 2 ranges derived from indicator are supposed to be a consolidation zone and any close above or below is supposed to give a good move.
2. I personally consider it as may be addition to price analysis. ( i don't believe much in indicators,even simple MA gives fruitful results when there is good move in market )
3. Range can be drawn on chart with various resolution ( Daily/Monthly/Weekly )
PS: I coded myself based on data analysis shown by access only indicator. In case you use it for your publication don't forget to give credits.
Hancock - Renko Brick ProductionThis is the accompanying script that shows how many renko bricks were produced in each direction per candle. It gives a basic indication of volatility, some might find it useful.
Happy trading
Hancock - RenkoThis is the first release of Renko indicator.
Renko is plotted over candles and best calculates the number of Renko bricks printed up or down per candle which can be viewed from the data window. It plots the high and low of a the bricks, if numerous bricks are printed on a candle, as well as the open and close of a Renko brick.
This will be actively developed and improved over the next few months and i will be basing other indicators from this Renko.
Happy trading
High & Low Of Custom Session - OpeningRange Breakout (Expo)High & Low Of Custom Session - OpeningRange Breakout (Expo) prints the high and the low of a custom session.
I use the indicator to trade the re-test of opening range (high/low) as well as breakouts from the opening range. The same logic can be applied to the session you have chosen.
1. Use the indicator to trade the re-tests of the session range.
2. Use the indicator to trade breakouts of session range.
1-min chart
I hope you find this indicator useful , and please comment or contact me if you like the script or have any questions/suggestions for future improvements. Thanks!
I will continually work on this indicator, so please share your experience and feedback as it will enable me to make even better improvements. Thanks to everyone that has already contacted me regarding my scripts. Your feedback is valuable for future developments!
Copyright by Zeiierman.
The information contained in my scripts/indicators/ideas does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, or individual’s trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My scripts/indicators/ideas are only for educational purposes!
[RS]Standardized Trend Mapnothing excessively new here..
a map of standardized trend over multiple lengths, extra parameter for smoothing the input source(close) will remove noise.
Range identifier by medianThis study tries to highlight ranges
as they are defined by
TradingLatino TradingView user.
The study uses median values.
A range is defined as periods when the price does not move a lot.
Its default values are aimed at BTCUSDT pair and 4h timeframe.
For each of the bars a '5' median is calculated based on the 'highest of open and close'
For each of the bars a '5' median is calculated based on the 'lowest of open and close'
Thanks to the desviation setting both medians
have a tolerated maximum and a minimum
Condition 1:
The bar current 'highest of open and close'
needs to be between the respective tolerated
maximum and minimum
Condition 2:
The bar current 'lowest of open and close'
needs to be between the respective tolerated
maximum and minimum
If both conditions are met
then the bar is in a range
Price range periods : How many previous periods are used to calculate the medians
Price range maximum desviation (%) ( > 0 ): Maximum positive desviation for range detection
Price range minimum desviation (%) ( > 0 ): Mininum negative desviation for range detection
Desviations should be both of them a positive number
Despite the name indicator does not identify the entire range.
It identifies when you realise you are inside a range.
E.g. If a range length is 8 periods length this range indicator
will highlight only the last 6 periods of the range.
If your strategy signals you an upwards trend
then you might use this range detector
to know when to exit your long position
Because most of the times
the price is found to be
in a range it goes down
My former attempt on calculating ranges
felt too much over complex that is why
I decided to implement it with medians.
It should be easier to modify if
I want to desviation inputs to be calculated
automatically in the future.
I'm interested on different approaches on how to detect ranges.
I have only used this identifier in BTCUSDT 4h timeframe.
Feel free to comment down below with your suggested settings
for your favourite pair and timeframe
This script simulates looping an string char by char
in pine script.
Range identifier by angleThis study tries to highlight ranges
as they are defined by
TradingLatino TradingView user.
A range according to its definition would consist of
periods when the price does not move a lot.
It's aimed at BTCUSDT pair and 4h timeframe.
Price source is the middle between open and close values.
For each of the bars a '5' periods regression line is calculated
The regression line has an angle with the 0-axis line
which might be between 0 and 90.
0 angle would mean price is always the same
90 angle would mean price going to infinity
When '2' of those periods in a row
have their angles between a maximum angle
and a minimum angle then you have the range
Price range bar periods : How many previous periods are used to calculate the bar regression line
Price range range periods : How many periods in a row should be used to say that there is a range
Price range maximum angle ( < 90.0 !!! ): Maximum angle for range detection
Price range minimum angle ( > -90.0 !!! ): Mininum angle for range detection
Angles should be set from -89.99 for the minimum angle to +89.99 for the maximum angle
Despite the name indicator does not identify the entire range.
It identifies when you realise you are inside a range.
E.g. If a range length is 8 periods length this range indicator
will highlight only the last 6 periods of the range.
If your strategy signals you an upwards trend
then you might use this range detector
to know when to exit your long position
Because most of the times
the price is found to be
in a range it goes down
I'm quite sure this range approach by comparing angles is a novel one.
I have checked Range Identifier script from TradingView LazyBear user
and it uses another approach.
I'm interested on different approaches on how to detect ranges.
I have only used this identifier in BTCUSDT 4h timeframe.
I'm interested to know if applying it more traditional
stocks the degrees need to be adjusted to something
more smaller.
This script simulates looping an string char by char
in pine script.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'TF Segmented Linear Regression' script
which it's from TradingView alexgrover user.
Volume DensityA group of two indicators:
The "Volume Density" shows how much volume was thrown out relative to the covered price range.
The "Volume Density Bars" shows the same, but with colour on top of the bar chart.
Multiple SuperTrends - evoSupertrend is one of the most popular and easy to use indicators out there. Here are 15 supertrends each having a different ATR multiple from price. This can be used to find ranges (often followed by a reversal) or to create a filter for fake signals.
In the input tab "Spacing" you can change the space between each supertrend, setting this to 0 would be a normal supertrend. You can also change style, color, line width and transparency all in the input tab.
Pine code tip: Change line 21 to 'true' to make editable true.
Enjoy! :)
Rolling midpointsThe script made for research purposes which plots these statistics of a given window: Mid-range (max + min)/2, Lower midpoint (mid-range + min)/2, and Higher midpoint (mid-range + max)/2.
This could be interesting when checking periods with sample size <= 0, or checking distros with srs kurtosis values.
Mean & median are also there.
cATRpillar Strategy**This is my first strategy on the Pine editor, any tips or tricks from the community would be awesome!
This strategy was developed from my indicator "cATRpillar". it uses the ATR range values to determine entry, and uses EMA values to determine an exit if the market goes against it.
Time Range StatisticsA good amount of users requested a text box showing various price statistics, the following script returns various of these stats in a user-selected range, and include classical ones such as a central tendency measurement (mean), dispersion (normalized range) and percent change, but also include less common statistics such as average traded volume and number of gaps. The script also calculates the correlation between the closing price and another user-selected instrument.
The script is currently the longest one I ever made and took some efforts, as I wasn't satisfied with the statistics to be originally included. Big thx to Gael for the enormous feedback and the idea of the normalized range, to user @Cookiecrush for the feedback ( without ya I would have posted something bad you know umu ? ), and Lulidolce for the support, friendship is magic!
Selected Range
The setting Start determine the bar at which the range starts, while End determine at which bar the range end. To help you select these values, the current bar number (bar index) is displayed at the right of the indicator title in blue.
The setting evaluate to last bar will use a range starting at Start and ending at the last bar, as such you can use a full range by using Start = 0 and select evaluate to last bar
The range is highlighted by an area on the chart. By default Start = 9000 and End = 10000, you might not have this amount of data in your chart, as such use the displayed bar index to select Start and End, then set the settings as default.
Displayed Statistics
The statistics panel is displayed on the right side of the last bar, the panel has 3 sections, a title section who shows the symbol ticker, timeframe, and overall trends represented by a chart emoji, the overall trends are determined by comparing the number of higher highs with the number of lower low.
Below are displayed the date ranges with time format: year/month/day/hour:minute.
The second section shows the general statistics. The first one is the mean, also represented by the orange line in the chart, the blue line displayed represent the highest price value in the range, while the red one represents the lowest price value.
The second stat is the normalized range, and determine how spread is the price in the user-selected range, why not the standard deviation? Because the standard deviation might return results varying widely depending on the scale of the closing price, you could get measures such as 0.0156 or 16 or even 56 depending on the instrument, as such using a normalized range can be more appropriate as it lays in a range of (0,1). Lower values indicate a low degree of price variation. Note that I still want to find another measure in the future.
The percentage change (or relative change) indicates at which percentage the price has increased or decreased, and is calculated by subtracting the closing at bar Start with the price at bar End , divided by the price at bar End , the result is then multiplied by 100.
The average traded volume calculate the mean of the volume in the selected range, I used the same format used by the original volume indicator for clarity.
Finally, the last stats of the section is the number of gaps, this stat is by default hidden. An up gap is detected when the open price is superior to the previous high, while a down gap is detected when the open price is inferior to the previous low, this allow to only retain significant gaps.
The last section of the indicator panel shows the correlation between the closing price and another instrument, by default GOOG, this correlation is also calculated within the user-selected range. Positive values indicate a positive relationship, that is the two instruments tend to move in the same direction. Negative values indicate a negative relationship, both instruments tend to move in a direction opposite to each other. Values closer to 1 or -1 indicate a stronger relationship, while values closer to 0 indicate no relationship.
In Summary
The script shows various stats, each calculated within a user-selected range, in general one would be more interested in how these stats might evolve with time, but checking them in a custom range can be quite interesting.
Thx for reading. umu
REVEREVE is abbreviation from Range Extension Volume Expansion. This indicator shows these against a background of momentum. The histogram and columns for the range and volume rises ara calculated with the same algorithm as I use in the Volume Range Events indicator, which I published before. Because this algorithm uses the same special function to assess 'normal' levels for volume and range and uses the same calculation for depicting the rises on a scale of zero through 100, it becomes possible to compare volume and range rises in the same chart panel and come to meaningful conclusions. Different from VolumeRangeEvents is that I don't attempt to show direction of the bars and columns by actually pointing up or down. However I did color the bars for range events according to direction if Close jumps more than 20 percent of ATR up or down either blue or red. If the wider range leads to nothing, i.e. a smaller jump than 20 percent, the color is black. You can teak this in the inputs. The volume colums ar colored according to two criteria, resulting in four colors (orange, blue, maroon, green). The first criterium is whether the expansion is climactic (orange, blue) or moderate (maroon, green). I assume that climactic (i.e. more than twice as much) volume marks the beginning or end of a trend. The second criterium looks at the range event that goes together with the volume event. If lots of volume lead to little change in range (blue, green), I assume that this volume originates from institutional traders who are accumulating or distributing. If wild price jumps occur with comparatively little volume (orange, maroon, or even no volume event) I assume that opportunistic are active, some times attributing to more volume.
For the background I use the same colors calculated with the same algorithm as in the Hull Agreement Indicator, which I published before. This way I try to predict trend changes by observation of REVE.