Library "analytics_tables" 📝 Description This library provides the implementation of several performance-related statistics and metrics, presented in the form of tables. The metrics shown in the afforementioned tables where developed during the past years of my in-depth analalysis of various strategies in an atempt to reason about the performance of each...
The "Risk Radar Pro" indicator is a sophisticated tool designed to help investors and traders assess the risk and performance of their investments over a specified period. This presentation will explain each component of the indicator, how to interpret the results, and the advantages compared to traditional metrics. The "Risk Radar Pro" indicator includes several...
Monitor the drawdown (value of the drop between the highest and lowest points) of assets and act accordingly to reduce your risk. Introducing BDV, the incredibly intuitive metric that visualizes asset drawdowns in the most visually appealing manner. With its color gradient display, BDV allows you to instantly grasp the state of retracement from the asset’s...
tool for calculate drawdown and run-up from order open and close 用來計算潛在獲利跟虧損的工具 導入指標然後拉取範圍,工具會幫你計算到目前為止曾經最大的獲利或虧損點數 注意點數根據當下券商的最小值(symbol.min_tick)而有所不同 -- Tool is for the convenience of use, users should bear all risks for their investment decisions. The tool information is for reference only and does not provide any...
Hello everyone, Here is a perfectly replicated TradingView backtesting engine condensed into a single library function calculated with arrays. It includes TradingView's calculations for Net profit, Total Trades, Percent of Trades Profitable, Profit Factor, Max Drawdown (absolute and percent), and Average Trade (absolute and percent). Here's how TradingView...