Grayscale GSOL Solana Financials [NeoButane]This script shows Grayscale's GSOL financials based on the information from their website. Investors and traders like to use financials when making the decision to buy, sell, or hold.
This script is specific to GSOL. Investors and traders use financials when making the decision to buy, sell, or hold. How one interprets financials is up to the individual. For example, investors who believe a Solana ETF is coming soon can view the "% Discount / Premium to NAV", which is currently over 600%, and decide not to buy because the premium would collapse if an ETF began trading.
Data select the data you'd like to display.
Show Highest label show the highest value of the entire data set.
Line Color an expression of self.
Extrapolate Data Using Average or Last Known Value Shows a line beyond the dataset, using the average of all past data or the last data point to predict newer data. % Discount / Premium to NAV, Share Premium, and SOL Per Share are supported.
→Data retrieved from Grayscale
AUM assets under management.
NAV net asset value.
Market Price market price of GSOL.
Shares Outstanding number of shares held in the open market.
→Data retrieved from Grayscale, modified by me
% Discount / Premium to NAV the % away NAV is from the market price of GSOL.
Formula: (GSOL - NAV) / NAV
Share Premium the actual $ premium of GSOL to its NAV.
Formula: GSOL - NAV
SOL Per Share the amount of SOL 1 share of GSOL can redeem. This is derived using Kraken's SOLUSD daily close prices.
Formula: Kraken's SOLUSD / NAV
SOL Price Using Market Price Premium the price of SOL if GSOL's market price was "correct" and the SOL Per Share ratio remained the same.
Formula: GSOL / SOL Per Share
►How this works
Grayscale has a spreadsheet of historical data available on their GSOL page. Since financials are not available for OTC:GSOL, I placed all the data into arrays to emulate a symbol's price (y) coordinates. UNIX time for each day, also in an array, is used as the time (x) coordinates. The UNIX arrays and data arrays are then looped to plot as lines, with data y2 being the next data point, making it appear as a continuous line.
Grayscale's GSOL was downloaded spreadsheet and opened in Excel. SOLUSD prices were exported using TradingView export function. The output of information was pasted into Pine Script. For matching up Kraken's SOLUSD prices to each Grayscale's data since GSOL does not trade daily, dates were converted to UNIX and matched with xlookup(). A library or seed will be used in the future for updating.
Data retrieved from Grayscale's website 2024/08/04.
Quantity of Solana held by the trust can be seen in their filings. Ctrl + F "Quantity of
Q1 2024:
The high premium can partly be explained by private placement currently being closed. This means private sales can't dilute share value.
Análise Fundamentalista
Valuation Tool V2Explanation:
equitySymbol: The symbol for the equity index (default is "SPY" for the S&P 500 ETF).
bondSymbol: The symbol for the bond market (default is "TLT" for the 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF).
Fetch Data:
equityClose and bondClose retrieve the daily closing prices for the specified equity and bond symbols.
Relative Spread Calculation:
The relative spread is calculated by dividing the equity index's closing price by the bond market's closing price.
The 50-period Simple Moving Average (SMA) of the relative spread is calculated.
Overvalued and undervalued thresholds are set at 10% above and below the SMA, respectively.
Normalized Spread:
The normalized spread is calculated to normalize the relative spread around its SMA, which helps in visualizing it as an oscillator.
The normalized spread is plotted as a blue line in the oscillator panel.
Overvalued and undervalued thresholds are plotted as dotted lines at 0.1 and -0.1, respectively.
The zero line is plotted as a solid orange line.
Background colors indicate overvalued (red) and undervalued (green) regions.
Buy signals are plotted when the normalized spread crosses above the undervalued threshold (-0.1).
Sell signals are plotted when the normalized spread crosses below the overvalued threshold (0.1).
This script plots the relative spread as an oscillator, allowing you to see overvalued and undervalued conditions in a separate panel. You can further customize the look and feel based on your preferences and trading strategy.
Portfolio Index Generator [By MUQWISHI]▋ INTRODUCTION:
The “Portfolio Index Generator” simplifies the process of building a custom portfolio management index, allowing investors to input a list of preferred holdings from global securities and customize the initial investment weight of each security. Furthermore, it includes an option for rebalancing by adjusting the weights of assets to maintain a desired level of asset allocation. The tool serves as a comprehensive approach for tracking portfolio performance, conducting research, and analyzing specific aspects of portfolio investment. The output includes an index value, a table of holdings, and chart plotting, providing a deeper understanding of the portfolio's historical movement.
The image can be taken as an example of building a custom portfolio index. I created this index and named it “My Portfolio Performance”, which comprises several global companies and crypto assets.
The output can be divided into 4 sections:
1. Portfolio Index Title (Name & Value).
2. Portfolio Specifications.
3. Portfolio Holdings.
4. Portfolio Index Chart.
1. Portfolio Index Title, displays the index name at the top, and at the bottom, it shows the index value, along with the chart timeframe, e.g., daily change in points and percentage.
2. Portfolio Specifications, displays the essential information on portfolio performance, including the investment date range, initial capital, returns, assets, and equity.
3. Portfolio Holdings, a list of the holding securities inside a table that contains the ticker, average entry price, last price, return percentage of the portfolio's initial capital, and customized weighted percentage of the portfolio. Additionally, a tooltip appears when the user passes the cursor over a ticker's cell, showing brief information about the company, such as the company's name, exchange market, country, sector, and industry.
4. Index Chart, display a plot of the historical movement of the index in the form of a bar, candle, or line chart.
Section(1): Style Settings
(1) Naming the index.
(2) Table location on the chart and cell size.
(3) Sorting Holdings Table. By securities’ {Return(%) Portfolio, Weight(%) Portfolio, or Ticker Alphabetical} order.
(4) Choose the type of index: {Equity or Return (%)}, and the plot type for the index: {Candle, Bar, or Line}.
(5) Positive/Negative colors.
(6) Table Colors (Title, Cell, and Text).
(7) To show/hide any indicator’s components.
Section(2): Performance Settings
(1) Calculation window period: from DateTime to DateTime.
(2) Initial Capital and specifying currency.
(3) Option to enable portfolio rebalancing in {Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly} intervals.
Section(3): Portfolio Holdings
(1) Enable and count security in the investment portfolio.
(2) Initial weight of security. For example, if the initial capital is $100,000 and the weight of XYZ stock is 4%, the initial value of the shares would be $4,000.
(3) Select and add up to 30 symbols that interested in.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ethereum ETF Tracker (EET)Get all the information you need about all the different Ethereum ETF.
With the Ethereum ETF Tracker, you can observe all possible Ethereum ETF data:
ETF name.
Share of total ETF volume.
At the bottom of the table, you'll find the ETHE Premium (and ETH per Share), and day's total volume.
In addition, you can see the volume for the different Exchanges, as well as for the different Custodians.
If you don't want to display these lines to save space, you can uncheck "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings.
The Idea
The goal is to provide the community with a tool for tracking all Ethereum ETF data in a synthesized way, directly in your TradingView chart.
How to Use
Simply read the information in the table. You can hover above the Fees and Exchanges cells for more details.
The table takes space on the chart, you can remove the extra lines by unchecking "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings or reduce text size by changing the "Table Text Size" parameter.
Aggregate volume can be displayed directly on the graph (this volume can be displayed on any asset, such as Ethereum itself). The display can be disabled in the settings.
Stef's Money Supply IndicatorI have been fascinated by the growth in the Money Supply. Well, I think we ALL have been fascinated by this and the corresponding inflation that followed. That's why I created my Money Supply Indicator because I always wanted to chart and analyze my symbols based on the Money Supply. This indicator gives you that capability in a way that no other indicator in this field currently offers. Let me explain:
How does the indicator work?
Chart any symbol, turn on this indicator, and instantly it will factor in the M2 money supply on the asset's underlying price. Essentially, you are seeing the price of the asset normalized for the corresponding rise in the money supply. In some ways, this is a rather unique inflation-adjusted view of a symbol's price.
More importantly, you can compare and contrast the symbol's price adjusted for the rise in the Money Supply vs. the symbol's price without that adjustment by indexing all lines to 100. This is essential for understanding if the asset is at all-time highs, lows, or possibly undervalued or overvalued based on the current money supply situation.
Why does this matter?
This tool provides a deeper understanding of how the overall money supply influences the value of assets over time. By adjusting asset prices for changes in the money supply, traders can see the true value of assets relative to the amount of money in circulation.
What features can you access with this indicator?
The ability to normalize all lines to a starting point of 100 allows traders to compare the performance of the Money Supply, the symbol price, and the symbol price adjusted for the money supply all on one readable chart. This feature is particularly useful for spotting divergences and understanding relative performance over time with a rising or falling Money Supply.
What else can you do?
This is just version 1, and so I'll be adding more features rather soon, but there are two other important features in the settings menu including the following:
• Get the capability to quickly spot the highest and lowest points on the Money Supply adjusted price of your asset.
• Get the capability to change the gradient colors of the line when going up or down.
• Turn on the Brrrrrrr printer text as a reminder of our Fed Overlord Jerome Powell... lol
• Drag this indicator onto your main chart to combine it with your candlesticks or other charting techniques.
Stef's Money Supply Indicator! I look forward to hearing your feedback.
BOS ValuationBOS Valuation Indicators
There are 8 methods of valuation:
1. Asset Stock => BVPS x Asset_MOS
Asset_MOS: Multiple (default 0.8)
Asset_MOS_BRKB: Multiple specific to BRK.B (default 1.5)
2. Dividend Stock => Dividend / Target Dividend Yield
Target Dividend Yield (%): Desired dividend yield percentage (default 4)
3. Growth Stock => EPS x Short/Mid/Long-term Minimum EPS Growth Rate G (< 30%)
Short EPS Growth years: Number of years for short-term growth reference (default 3)
Median EPS Growth years: Number of years for mid-term growth reference (default 5)
Long EPS Growth years: Number of years for long-term growth reference (default 10)
Option: EPS G (%) (< 30%): EPS Growth Rate
If -1, follow the above rules; if not, use this growth rate (default -1)
4. FCF Yield => FCF / Target FCF Yield
Target FCF Yield (%): Desired free cash flow yield percentage (default 5)
5. Relative PB => Stock Price x Average PB of Past n Years / Current PB
PB years: Number of reference years (default 5)
6. Relative PE => Stock Price x Average PE of Past n Years / Current PE
PE years: Number of reference years (default 5)
7. DCF => Calculation method referenced from Gurufocus
DCF discount rate (%) (6%~20%): Discount rate (can be WACC) (default 11)
DCF terminal FCF G (%) (< discount rate): Estimated FCF growth rate for 11~20 years (default 4)
Option: FCF G (%) (5%~20%): Estimated FCF growth rate for 1~20 years
If -1, use 10-year FCF growth rate (5%~20%); if not, use this estimated growth rate (default -1)
8. DDM => Dividend / (R - n-year Dividend Growth Rate G)
DDM R (%) (8%~12%): Discount rate (can be WACC) (default 12)
Dividend Growth years: Number of reference growth years (default 5)
Option: Dividend G (%) (5%~8%) (< R):
If -1, use the dividend growth rate of the reference growth years (5%~8%); if not, use this dividend growth rate (default -1)
BOS 估價指標
1. 資產股 => BVPS x Asset_MOS
Asset_MOS: 倍數(預設 0.8)
Asset_MOS_BRKB: 專屬於BRK.B的倍數(預設 1.5)
2. 股息股 => 股息 / Target Dividend Yield
Target Dividend Yield (%): 目標股息殖利率幾%(預設 4)
3. 成長股 => EPS x 短中長期最小EPS成長率G( < 30% )
Short EPS Growth years: 短期參考成長年數(預設 3)
Median EPS Growth years: 中期參考成長年數(預設 5)
Long EPS Growth years: 長期參考成長年數(預設 10)
Option: EPS G (%) (< 30%): EPS成長率
若為-1則使用上面的規則,若不為-1,則使用這個成長率。(預設 -1)
4. FCF殖利率 => FCF / Target FCF Yield
Target FCF Yield (%): 目標自由現金流殖利率幾%(預設 5)
5. 相對PB => 股價 x 過去n年平均PB / 現在的PB
PB years: 參考年數(預設 5)
6. 相對PE => 股價 x 過去n年平均PE / 現在的PE
PE years: 參考年數(預設 5)
7. DCF => 計算方式參考Gurufocus
DCF discount rate (%) (6%~20%): 折現率(可填WACC)(預設 11)
DCF terminal FCF G (%) (< discount rate): 11~20年預估FCF成長率(預設 4)
Option: FCF G (%) (5%~20%): 1~20年預估FCF成長率
若為-1則使用10年FCF成長率 (5%~20%),若不為-1,則使用這個預估成長率。(預設 -1)
8. DDM => 股息 / (R - n年股息成長率G)
DDM R (%) (8%~12%): 折現率(可填WACC)(預設 12)
Dividend Growth years: 參考成長年數(預設 5)
Option: Dividend G (%) (5%~8%) (< R):
若為-1則使用參考成長年數的股息成長率 (5%~8%),若不為-1,則使用這個股息成長率。(預設 -1)
ToxicJ3ster - Day Trading SignalsThis Pine Script™ indicator, "ToxicJ3ster - Signals for Day Trading," is designed to assist traders in identifying key trading signals for day trading. It employs a combination of Moving Averages, RSI, Volume, ATR, ADX, Bollinger Bands, and VWAP to generate buy and sell signals. The script also incorporates multiple timeframe analysis to enhance signal accuracy. It is optimized for use on the 5-minute chart.
This script uniquely combines various technical indicators to create a comprehensive and reliable day trading strategy. Each indicator serves a specific purpose, and their integration is designed to provide multiple layers of confirmation for trading signals, reducing false signals and increasing trading accuracy.
1. Moving Averages: These are used to identify the overall trend direction. By calculating short and long period Moving Averages, the script can detect bullish and bearish crossovers, which are key signals for entering and exiting trades.
2. RSI Filtering: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) helps filter signals by ensuring trades are only taken in favorable market conditions. It detects overbought and oversold levels and trends within the RSI to confirm market momentum.
3. Volume and ATR Conditions: Volume and ATR multipliers are used to identify significant market activity. The script checks for volume spikes and volatility to confirm the strength of trends and avoid false signals.
4. ADX Filtering: The ADX is used to confirm the strength of a trend. By filtering out weak trends, the script focuses on strong and reliable signals, enhancing the accuracy of trade entries and exits.
5. Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands provide additional context for the trend and help identify potential reversal points. The script uses Bollinger Bands to avoid false signals and ensure trades are taken in trending markets.
6. Higher Timeframe Analysis: This feature ensures that signals align with broader market trends by using higher timeframe Moving Averages for trend confirmation. It adds a layer of robustness to the signals generated on the 5-minute chart.
7. VWAP Integration: VWAP is used for intraday trading signals. By calculating the VWAP and generating buy and sell signals based on its crossover with the price, the script provides additional confirmation for trade entries.
8. MACD Analysis: The MACD line, signal line, and histogram are calculated to generate additional buy/sell signals. The MACD is used to detect changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend.
9. Alert System: Custom alerts are integrated to notify traders of potential trading opportunities based on the signals generated by the script.
How It Works:
- Trend Detection: The script calculates short and long period Moving Averages and identifies bullish and bearish crossovers to determine the trend direction.
- Signal Filtering: RSI, Volume, ATR, and ADX are used to filter and confirm signals, ensuring trades are taken in strong and favorable market conditions.
- Multiple Timeframe Analysis: The script uses higher timeframe Moving Averages to confirm trends, aligning signals with broader market movements.
- Additional Confirmations: VWAP, MACD, and Bollinger Bands provide multiple layers of confirmation for buy and sell signals, enhancing the reliability of the trading strategy.
- Customize the input parameters to suit your trading strategy and preferences.
- Monitor the generated signals and alerts to make informed trading decisions.
- This script is made to work best on the 5-minute chart.
This indicator is not perfect and can generate false signals. It is up to the trader to determine how they would like to proceed with their trades. Always conduct thorough research and consider seeking advice from a financial professional before making trading decisions. Use this script at your own risk.
Bitcoin Macro Trend Map [Ox_kali]
## Introduction
The “Bitcoin Macro Trend Map” script is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of Bitcoin’s macroeconomic trends. By leveraging a unique combination of Bitcoin-specific macroeconomic indicators, this script helps traders identify potential market peaks and troughs with greater accuracy. It synthesizes data from multiple sources to offer a probabilistic view of market excesses, whether overbought or oversold conditions.
This script offers significant value for the following reasons:
1. Holistic Market Analysis : It integrates a diverse set of indicators that cover various aspects of the Bitcoin market, from investor sentiment and market liquidity to mining profitability and network health. This multi-faceted approach provides a more complete picture of the market than relying on a single indicator.
2. Customization and Flexibility : Users can customize the script to suit their specific trading strategies and preferences. The script offers configurable parameters for each indicator, allowing traders to adjust settings based on their analysis needs.
3. Visual Clarity : The script plots all indicators on a single chart with clear visual cues. This includes color-coded indicators and background changes based on market conditions, making it easy for traders to quickly interpret complex data.
4. Proven Indicators : The script utilizes well-established indicators like the EMA, NUPL, PUELL Multiple, and Hash Ribbons, which are widely recognized in the trading community for their effectiveness in predicting market movements.
5. A New Comprehensive Indicator : By integrating background color changes based on the aggregate signals of various indicators, this script essentially creates a new, comprehensive indicator tailored specifically for Bitcoin. This visual representation provides an immediate overview of market conditions, enhancing the ability to spot potential market reversals.
Optimal for use on timeframes ranging from 1 day to 1 week , the “Bitcoin Macro Trend Map” provides traders with actionable insights, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions in the highly volatile Bitcoin market. By combining these indicators, the script delivers a robust tool for identifying market extremes and potential reversal points.
## Key Indicators
Macroeconomic Data: The script combines several relevant macroeconomic indicators for Bitcoin, such as the 10-month EMA, M2 money supply, CVDD, Pi Cycle, NUPL, PUELL, MRVR Z-Scores, and Hash Ribbons (Full description bellow).
Open Source Sources: Most of the scripts used are sourced from open-source projects that I have modified to meet the specific needs of this script.
Recommended Timeframes: For optimal performance, it is recommended to use this script on timeframes ranging from 1 day to 1 week.
Objective: The primary goal is to provide a probabilistic solution to identify market excesses, whether overbought or oversold points.
## Originality and Purpose
This script stands out by integrating multiple macroeconomic indicators into a single comprehensive tool. Each indicator is carefully selected and customized to provide insights into different aspects of the Bitcoin market. By combining these indicators, the script offers a holistic view of market conditions, helping traders identify potential tops and bottoms with greater accuracy. This is the first version of the script, and additional macroeconomic indicators will be added in the future based on user feedback and other inputs.
## How It Works
The script works by plotting each macroeconomic indicator on a single chart, allowing users to visualize and interpret the data easily. Here’s a detailed look at how each indicator contributes to the analysis:
EMA 10 Monthly: Uses an exponential moving average over 10 monthly periods to signal bullish and bearish trends. This indicator helps identify long-term trends in the Bitcoin market by smoothing out price fluctuations to reveal the underlying trend direction.Moving Averages w/ 18 day/week/month.
Credit to @ryanman0
M2 Money Supply: Analyzes the evolution of global money supply, indicating market liquidity conditions. This indicator tracks the changes in the total amount of money available in the economy, which can impact Bitcoin’s value as a hedge against inflation or economic instability.
Credit to @dylanleclair
CVDD (Cumulative Value Days Destroyed): An indicator based on the cumulative value of days destroyed, useful for identifying market turning points. This metric helps assess the Bitcoin market’s health by evaluating the age and value of coins that are moved, indicating potential shifts in market sentiment.
Credit to @Da_Prof
Pi Cycle: Uses simple and exponential moving averages to detect potential sell points. This indicator aims to identify cyclical peaks in Bitcoin’s price, providing signals for potential market tops.
Credit to @NoCreditsLeft
NUPL (Net Unrealized Profit/Loss): Measures investors’ unrealized profit or loss to signal extreme market levels. This indicator shows the net profit or loss of Bitcoin holders as a percentage of the market cap, helping to identify periods of significant market optimism or pessimism.
Credit to @Da_Prof
PUELL Multiple: Assesses mining profitability relative to historical averages to indicate buying or selling opportunities. This indicator compares the daily issuance value of Bitcoin to its yearly average, providing insights into when the market is overbought or oversold based on miner behavior.
Credit to @Da_Prof
MRVR Z-Scores: Compares market value to realized value to identify overbought or oversold conditions. This metric helps gauge the overall market sentiment by comparing Bitcoin’s market value to its realized value, identifying potential reversal points.
Credit to @Pinnacle_Investor
Hash Ribbons: Uses hash rate variations to signal buying opportunities based on miner capitulation and recovery. This indicator tracks the health of the Bitcoin network by analyzing hash rate trends, helping to identify periods of miner capitulation and subsequent recoveries as potential buying opportunities.
Credit to @ROBO_Trading
## Indicator Visualization and Interpretation
For each horizontal line representing an indicator, a legend is displayed on the right side of the chart. If the conditions are positive for an indicator, it will turn green, indicating the end of a bearish trend. Conversely, if the conditions are negative, the indicator will turn red, signaling the end of a bullish trend.
The background color of the chart changes based on the average of green or red indicators. This parameter is configurable, allowing adjustment of the threshold at which the background color changes, providing a clear visual indication of overall market conditions.
## Script Parameters
The script includes several configurable parameters to customize the display and behavior of the indicators:
Color Style:
Normal: Default colors.
Modern: Modern color style.
Monochrome: Monochrome style.
User: User-customized colors.
Custom color settings for up trends (Up Trend Color), down trends (Down Trend Color), and NaN (NaN Color)
Background Color Thresholds:
Thresholds: Settings to define the thresholds for background color change.
Low/High Red Threshold: Low and high thresholds for bearish trends.
Low/High Green Threshold: Low and high thresholds for bullish trends.
Indicator Display:
Options to show or hide specific indicators such as EMA 10 Monthly, CVDD, Pi Cycle, M2 Money, NUPL, PUELL, MRVR Z-Scores, and Hash Ribbons.
Specific Indicator Settings:
EMA 10 Monthly: Options to customize the period for the exponential moving average calculation.
M2 Money: Aggregation of global money supply data.
CVDD: Adjustments for value normalization.
Pi Cycle: Settings for simple and exponential moving averages.
NUPL: Thresholds for unrealized profit/loss values.
PUELL: Adjustments for mining profitability multiples.
MRVR Z-Scores: Settings for overbought/oversold values.
Hash Ribbons: Options for hash rate moving averages and capitulation/recovery signals.
## Conclusion
The “Bitcoin Macro Trend Map” by Ox_kali is a tool designed to analyze the Bitcoin market. By combining several macroeconomic indicators, this script helps identify market peaks and troughs. It is recommended to use it on timeframes from 1 day to 1 week for optimal trend analysis. The scripts used are sourced from open-source projects, modified to suit the specific needs of this analysis.
## Notes
This is the first version of the script and it is still in development. More indicators will likely be added in the future. Feedback and comments are welcome to improve this tool.
## Disclaimer:
Please note that the Open Interest liquidation map is not a guarantee of future market performance and should be used in conjunction with proper risk management. Always ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the indicator’s methodology and its limitations before making any investment decisions. Additionally, past performance is not indicative of future results.
Several Fundamentals in One [aep]
**Financial Ratios Indicator**
This comprehensive Financial Ratios Indicator combines various essential metrics to help traders and investors evaluate the financial health of companies at a glance. The following categories are included:
### Valuation Ratios
- **P/B Ratio (Price to Book Ratio)**: Assesses if a stock is undervalued or overvalued by comparing its market price to its book value.
- **P/E Ratio TTM (Price to Earnings Ratio Trailing Twelve Months)**: Indicates how many years of earnings would be needed to pay the current stock price by comparing the stock price to earnings per share over the last twelve months.
- **P/FCF Ratio TTM (Price to Free Cash Flow Ratio Trailing Twelve Months)**: Evaluates a company's ability to generate free cash flow by comparing the market price to free cash flow per share over the last twelve months.
- **Tobin Q Ratio**: Indicates whether the market is overvaluing or undervaluing a company’s assets by comparing market value to replacement cost.
- **Piotroski F-Score (0-9)**: A scoring system that identifies financially strong companies based on fundamental metrics.
### Efficiency
- **Net Margin % TTM**: Measures profitability by calculating the percentage of revenue that becomes net profit after all expenses and taxes.
- **Free Cashflow Margin %**: Indicates a company’s efficiency in generating free cash flow from its revenues by showing the percentage of revenue that translates into free cash flow.
- **ROE%, ROIC%, ROA%**: Evaluate a company’s efficiency in generating profits from equity, invested capital, and total assets, respectively.
### Liquidity Metrics
- **Debt to Equity Ratio**: Shows the level of debt relative to equity, helping assess financial leverage.
- **Current Ratio**: Measures a company's ability to pay short-term debts by comparing current assets to current liabilities.
- **Long Term Debt to Assets**: Evaluates the level of long-term debt in relation to total assets.
### Dividend Policy
- **Retention Ratio % TTM**: Indicates the proportion of earnings reinvested in the company instead of distributed as dividends.
- **Dividend/Earnings Ratio % TTM**: Measures the percentage of earnings paid out as dividends to shareholders.
- **RORE % TTM (Return on Retained Earnings)**: Assesses how effectively a company utilizes retained earnings to generate additional profits.
- **Dividend Yield %**: Indicates the dividend yield of a stock by comparing annual dividends per share to the current stock price.
### Growth Ratios
- **EPS 1yr Growth %**: Measures the percentage growth of earnings per share over the last year.
- **Revenue 1yr Growth %**: Evaluates the percentage growth of revenue over the last year.
- **Sustainable Growth Rate**: Indicates the growth rate a company can maintain without increasing debt, assessing sustainable growth using internal resources.
Utilize this indicator to streamline your analysis of financial performance and make informed trading decisions.
EMA Cross Fibonacci Entry with RetracementThe EMA Cross Fibonacci Entry with Retracement is a trading strategy that combines two popular technical analysis tools: Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and Fibonacci retracement levels. Here's a brief overview of how this strategy typically works:
### Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs)
1. **EMAs Calculation**: EMAs give more weight to recent price data, making them more responsive to price changes. Commonly used periods for EMAs in this strategy are the 50-period and 200-period EMAs.
2. **EMA Cross**: The strategy looks for a "golden cross" (short-term EMA crosses above the long-term EMA) as a potential buy signal, and a "death cross" (short-term EMA crosses below the long-term EMA) as a potential sell signal.
### Fibonacci Retracement Levels
1. **Fibonacci Retracement**: This tool is used to identify potential support and resistance levels based on the Fibonacci sequence. The key retracement levels are 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, and 78.6%.
2. **Drawing Retracement Levels**: Traders draw Fibonacci retracement levels from a significant peak to a significant trough (or vice versa) to identify potential retracement levels where the price might reverse.
### Combining EMA Cross with Fibonacci Retracement
1. **Identify EMA Cross**: First, traders look for an EMA cross. For example, a golden cross where a shorter EMA (e.g., 50 EMA) crosses above a longer EMA (e.g., 200 EMA) suggests a bullish trend.
2. **Wait for Retracement**: After identifying a cross, traders wait for the price to retrace to a Fibonacci level. The key levels to watch are 38.2%, 50%, and 61.8%.
3. **Entry Point**: The entry point is when the price retraces to a Fibonacci level and shows signs of reversal (e.g., bullish candlestick patterns, support at Fibonacci levels). This is typically when traders enter a long position.
4. **Confirmation with EMA**: Ensure that the EMAs support the trend. For a buy entry, the short-term EMA should remain above the long-term EMA.
### Example of a Bullish Entry
1. **Golden Cross**: 50 EMA crosses above 200 EMA.
2. **Retracement**: Price retraces to the 38.2% Fibonacci level.
3. **Entry Signal**: At the 38.2% level, a bullish candlestick pattern (e.g., hammer) forms, indicating potential support.
4. **Entry Point**: Enter a long position at the close of the bullish candlestick.
### Risk Management
1. **Stop Loss**: Place a stop loss below the next Fibonacci retracement level or below the recent swing low to limit potential losses.
2. **Take Profit**: Set a take profit target based on a risk-reward ratio, previous resistance levels, or further Fibonacci extensions.
### Conclusion
The EMA Cross Fibonacci Entry with Retracement strategy is a systematic approach to identifying entry points in a trending market. By combining the responsiveness of EMAs with the predictive power of Fibonacci retracement levels, traders aim to enter trades at optimal points, increasing their chances of success while managing risk effectively.
Métricas FinanceirasP/L:
Verde: abaixo de 9
Amarelo: entre 9 e 14
Vermelho: acima de 14
Verde: abaixo de 5.5
Amarelo: entre 5.6 e 9
Vermelho: acima de 9
Verde: abaixo de 1.5
Amarelo: entre 1.5 e 3
Vermelho: acima de 3
Verde: a partir de 20%
Amarelo: até 0
Vermelho: negativo
Verde: acima de 6%
Amarelo: entre 0 e 6%
Vermelho: abaixo de 0
Verde: entre 1 e 2
Amarelo: acima de 2
Vermelho: abaixo de 0 ou 0
Stock Value RainbowStock Valuation based on Book Value, Dividends, Cashflow, Earnings and Estimates and Money Multiplier
There are many ways to measure stock valuations: some methods are using book value, some are using dividends, some are using cashflow, some are using earnings and some using estimates data. Most of these valuation methods are based on multiplier effect which measure how many times the stock price could expand from their valuation base. This indicator attempts to unify all these measurements using just simple addition of all measurements such as: book value per share, dividend per share, cashflow per share, earning per share, and estimates of earning per share and then using multiplier effect to create beautiful rainbow to see how far the stock has growing up above or below their valuation base. The higher the stock price on rainbow spectrum means it is more expensive and the lower in the rainbow spectrum means it is cheaper. Here is the basic formula explanation:
BVPS = Book Value Per Share (Asset - Liability)
DPS = Dividends Per Share
CFPS = Free Cash Flow Per Share
EPS = Earnings Per Share
EST = Estimates of EPS
MM = Money Multiplier (1x, 2x, ... ,10x)
- The gray line represents the stock value SV
- The rainbow above the gray line represents the multiplication factors from 1x, 2x, ..., 10x
- The rainbow below the gray line represents the division factors from 0.8x, 0.6x, ..., 0.2x
Check other script to value stock and index:
- Stock Value Rainbow: script to value stock based on book value, dividend, cash flow, earning and estimates.
- Index Value Rainbow: script to value index based on fed balance sheet and base money supply
- Gold Value Rainbow: script to value gold based on global money supply
- Stock Value US: script to check US stock value
- Stock Value EU: script to check EU stock value
- Stock Value JP: script to check JP stock value
- Stock Value CN: script to check CN stock value
Bitcoin Puell Multiple (BPM)The Bitcoin Puell Multiple is a key indicator for evaluating buying and selling opportunities based on the profitability of Bitcoin miners.
The Idea
The Bitcoin Puell Multiple is a ratio that measures the daily profitability of Bitcoin miners in relation to the historical annual average of this profitability. It is calculated by dividing the amount of newly issued Bitcoins (in USD) each day by the 365-day moving average of that same amount. This indicator provides valuable information on Bitcoin's market cycles, helping investors to identify periods when Bitcoin is potentially undervalued or overvalued.
How to Use
To use the Bitcoin Puell Multiple, investors watch for extreme levels of the indicator. A high Puell Multiple suggests that miners are making exceptionally high profits compared to the previous year, which could indicate an overvaluation of Bitcoin and a selling opportunity (red zones). Conversely, a low Puell Multiple indicates that miners' earnings are low relative to history, suggesting an undervaluation of Bitcoin and a potential buying opportunity (green zones). The trigger thresholds for these zones can be configured in the tool's parameters.
What makes this tool different from the other "Puell Multiple" scripts available is that it is up to date in terms of its data sources, with a more precise calculation, and allows you to view the entire history.
Zone trigger limits and their visualization, as well as colors, are all configurable via the tool parameters.
Here, for example, is a configuration with more sensitive trigger levels and a different color:
PEV Price BandThe PEV Price Band shows prices calculated using the high and low P/FQ EV of the previous period. (price to enterprise value per share for the last quarter) multiplied by FQ's current EVPS (similar to comparing marketcap to enterprise value but edit equations that are close to the theory of P/E)
If the current price is lower than the minimum P/EVPS, it is considered cheap. In other words, a current price is above the maximum is considered expensive.
PEV Price Band consists of 2 parts.
- First of all, the current P/EVPS value is "green" (if the markecap is less than the enterprise value) or "red" (if the marketcap is more than the enterprise value) or "gold" (if the market value is less than the enterprise value and less than equity)
- Second, the blue line is the closing price.
Bitcoin Production CostFirst inspired by the amazing @capriole_charles, I decided to create my own version of calculating the Bitcoin production cost and to share it with you guys.
One of the main difference is the electricity cost calculation. I used a country-specific input system that calculates the weighted electricity cost leveraged by the distribution of the Bitcoin network hashrate. I like the fact that it requires little updating although it is less realistic for past calculations (further in the past production costs seems too low).
How to use:
- Add the indicator to your chart.
- Adjust the inputs if needed. Update the percentage of Bitcoin network Hashrate or electricity Cost per countries. Update the mining hardware stats to the most recent hardware. For example I used a Bitcoin Miner S21 Pro stats.
- Check the multiple variables in the data window.
- Turn on/off the halving event in the style tab
Macro Risk On/Off SentimentOverview
As an Ichimoku trader, I've always found it crucial to understand the broader market sentiment before entering trades. That's why I developed this Macro Risk On/Off Sentiment Indicator. It's designed to provide a comprehensive view of global market risk sentiment by analysing multiple factors across different asset classes. By combining nine key market indicators, it produces an overall risk sentiment score, giving me a clearer picture of the market's mood before I apply my Ichimoku strategy.
While Ichimoku is powerful for identifying trends and potential entry points, I realised it doesn't always capture the broader market context. Markets don't exist in isolation—they're influenced by a myriad of factors including volatility, economic indicators, and cross-asset relationships. By creating this indicator, I aimed to fill that gap, providing myself with a macro view that complements my Ichimoku analysis.
How It Works
The indicator analyses nine different market factors:
VIX (Volatility Index): Measures market expectations of near-term volatility.
S&P 500 Performance: Represents the overall US stock market performance.
US 10-Year Treasury Yield: Indicates bond market sentiment and economic outlook.
Gold Price Movement: Often seen as a safe-haven asset.
US Dollar Index: Measures the strength of the USD against a basket of currencies.
Emerging Markets Performance: Represents risk appetite for higher-risk markets.
High Yield Bond Spreads: Indicates credit market risk sentiment.
Copper/Gold Ratio: An economic growth indicator.
Put/Call Ratio: Measures overall market sentiment based on options trading.
Each factor is assigned a score based on its z-score relative to its recent history, then weighted according to its perceived importance. The overall risk score is a weighted average of these individual scores.
How I Use It
Before applying my Ichimoku strategy, I first check this indicator to gauge the overall market sentiment:
I look at the blue line plotted on the chart, which represents the overall risk score.
I note the background colour: green for risk-on (positive score) and red for risk-off (negative score).
I check the label in the lower-left corner, which provides specific FX pair recommendations and market expectations.
In a risk-on environment (positive score):
I focus on long positions in AUD/JPY, NZD/JPY, EUR/USD, etc.
I look for short opportunities in USD/CAD, USD/NOK, etc.
I expect commodities and yields to rise
In a risk-off environment (negative score):
I focus on long positions in USD/JPY, USD/CHF, USD/CAD
I look for short opportunities in AUD/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/USD
I expect increased volatility and falling yields
The strength of the sentiment is reflected in how close the score is to either 1 (strong risk-on) or -1 (strong risk-off). This helps me gauge how aggressive or conservative I should be with my Ichimoku trades.
I've designed this indicator to be flexible. You can modify it to:
Adjust the lookback period and moving average length (both default to 30)
Change the weighting of different factors in the final score calculation
Include or exclude specific factors based on your analysis needs
By combining this Macro Risk On/Off Sentiment Indicator with my Ichimoku analysis, I've found I can make more informed trading decisions, taking into account both the technical setups I see on the chart and the broader market context.
Unfilled Gaps TrackerIndicator Description: Unfilled Gaps Tracker
The Unfilled Gaps Tracker is a powerful TradingView indicator designed to identify and visualize unfilled gaps on a price chart. This indicator highlights bullish and bearish gaps with continuous horizontal bars, helping traders quickly identify potential areas of support and resistance.
Gap Detection: Automatically detects bullish gaps (where the current low is higher than the previous close) and bearish gaps (where the current high is lower than the previous close).
Continuous Visualization: Displays gaps as horizontal bars extending to the most recent candle. Bullish gaps are filled with green, and bearish gaps are filled with red.
Single Label per Gap: Each gap is labeled once, ensuring a clean and uncluttered chart. Labels move with the gap's right edge as new bars are added.
Dynamic Updates: Gaps are dynamically updated, and the visualization adjusts as new bars are added. Gaps are removed from the chart once they are filled by subsequent price action.
Multiple Gaps: Tracks multiple gaps simultaneously, providing a comprehensive view of unfilled gaps over time.
Adding the Indicator:
To add the Unfilled Gaps Tracker to your chart, search for "Unfilled Gaps Tracker" in the TradingView indicators menu and apply it to your desired chart.
Interpreting the Indicator:
Bullish Gaps: Represented by green horizontal bars with the label "Bull Gap." These indicate areas where the price gapped up, potentially acting as future support levels.
Bearish Gaps: Represented by red horizontal bars with the label "Bear Gap." These indicate areas where the price gapped down, potentially acting as future resistance levels.
Trading Strategy:
Use the identified gaps to inform your trading strategy. Unfilled bullish gaps can be potential buy zones, while unfilled bearish gaps can be potential sell zones.
Monitor how the price interacts with these gaps. A gap fill (where the price moves back to close the gap) can provide valuable trading signals.
[Suitable Hope] Crypto Upside Model 3.0The "Crypto Upside Model 3.0" indicator dynamically calculates the potential price of any cryptocurrency based on various percentages of Ethereum or Bitcoin's market capitalization.
By fetching and analyzing marketcap data from TradingView sources, it allows traders to visualize potential price targets if their chosen cryptocurrency reaches specific market dominance levels. This tool is designed for daily timeframe analysis and can be used to set informed price expectations and strategic investment goals, providing valuable insights for long-term investment planning.
Why using the Crypto Upside Model 3.0?
Strategic Planning: Helps traders and investors set realistic price targets and investment goals by visualizing potential market cap scenarios.
Informed Decision-Making: Provides a data-driven approach to understanding how a cryptocurrency might perform relative to major assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Customizable Analysis: Allows users to choose different comparison assets (ETH or BTC) and visualize various market cap dominance percentages, offering tailored insights.
Daily Timeframe Focus: Ideal for swing traders and long-term investors who operate on a daily analysis timeframe, providing relevant and actionable data.
Bull Markets: Identify potential price targets if your cryptocurrency's market cap increases significantly.
Bear Markets: Assess how much value could be retained relative to major cryptocurrencies.
Strategic Entry/Exit Points: Use the visualized targets to plan entry or exit points in your trading strategy.
Comparative Advantage
Dynamic Adaptation: Unlike fixed indicators, this tool adapts to any active chart, making it versatile for multiple cryptocurrencies.
Market Cap Insights: Provides a unique perspective by linking price targets to market cap dominance, a critical factor in the crypto market.
User Instructions
Setup: Add the " Upside Model 3.0" indicator to your TradingView chart.
Configuration: Use the input settings to select the comparison cryptocurrency (ETH or BTC) and enable the desired market cap percentage plots.
Analysis: The indicator will display potential price targets based on the selected market cap percentages, providing a visual guide for setting price expectations.
Marketcap Data Availability: The indicator relies on marketcap data from TradingView, which may not be available for all cryptocurrencies. If the data is unavailable, the indicator will not function for that asset. This tool is more likely to work with older, established cryptocurrencies, as marketcap data for newer cryptocurrencies may not yet be available.
Daily Timeframe Restriction: The indicator is designed to work exclusively on the daily timeframe, limiting its applicability for intraday trading.
Assumptions of Market Dynamics: The calculations assume a direct correlation between market dominance and price, which may not account for other market dynamics and external factors influencing prices.
Data Accuracy: The accuracy of the indicator depends on the reliability of the data provided by TradingView, which may sometimes experience delays or inaccuracies.
Currently available cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Binance Coin, Cardano, Ripple, Polkadot, Avalanche, Chainlink, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Terra, Uniswap, VeChain, Stellar, Internet Computer, Hedera, Filecoin, Monero, Aave, TRON, NEAR Protocol, Compound, Maker,... For all compatible cryptocurrencies, please consult CRYPTOCAP's documentation.
Final notes
Although various sources ask a payment or user data for similar kind of private indicators, this one is entirely free and open source. "Uncanny" isn't it? I hope this indicator will provide you value. Feel free to leave a message if you have any questions or constructive feedback.
Examples of how I use this indicator
When using ETH's historical price as a reference compared to Bitcoin's marketcap, we can notice that price generally has been held between the +-30% and 50% lines of BTC's marketcap. If history is repeating again, we can expect major resistances around the 50% looking ahead into the future. This for me would be a great area to potentially reduce my ETH spot position.
When using SOL's historical price action, we can notice that the 15% line of ETH's marketcap has been a top in the previous cycle. Today SOL (July 2024), is back at this level. Could this be a top again or could price break this 15% level and head perhaps towards 30% which currently sits around $260? Time will tell.
These are 2 simple example of how I interpret the data. I'm keen to hear what other findings with other pairs you can find.
Sector Analysis This indicator offers a straightforward yet effective way to analyze and compare the performance of various sectors within the market. By normalizing and plotting sector-specific data as lines on the chart, it enables users to quickly assess sector rotations, relative strength, and potential shifts in market dynamics. The sector labels further enhance usability by clearly identifying each line’s corresponding sector, facilitating easy interpretation and analysis.
CNN Fear and Greed IndexThe “CNN Fear and Greed Index” indicator in this context is designed to gauge market sentiment based on a combination of several fundamental indicators. Here’s a breakdown of how this indicator works and what it represents:
Components of the Indicator:
1. Stock Price Momentum:
• Calculates the momentum of the S&P 500 index relative to its 125-day moving average. Momentum is essentially the rate of acceleration or deceleration of price movements over time.
2. Stock Price Strength:
• Measures the breadth of the market by comparing the number of stocks hitting 52-week highs versus lows. This provides insights into the overall strength or weakness of the market trend.
3. Stock Price Breadth:
• Evaluates the volume of shares trading on the rise versus the falling volume. Higher volume on rising days suggests positive market breadth, while higher volume on declining days indicates negative breadth.
4. Put and Call Options Ratio (Put/Call Ratio):
• This ratio indicates the sentiment of investors in the options market. A higher put/call ratio typically signals increased bearish sentiment (more puts relative to calls) and vice versa.
5. Market Volatility (VIX):
• Also known as the “fear gauge,” the VIX measures the expected volatility in the market over the next 30 days. Higher VIX values indicate higher expected volatility and often correlate with increased fear or uncertainty in the market.
6. Safe Haven Demand:
• Compares the returns of stocks (represented by S&P 500) versus safer investments like 10-year Treasury bonds. Higher returns on bonds relative to stocks suggest a flight to safety or risk aversion.
7. Junk Bond Demand:
• Measures the spread between yields on high-yield (junk) bonds and investment-grade bonds. Widening spreads may indicate increasing risk aversion as investors demand higher yields for riskier bonds.
Normalization and Weighting:
• Normalization: Each component is normalized to a scale of 0 to 100 using a function that adjusts the range based on historical highs and lows of the respective indicator.
• Weighting: The user can adjust the relative importance (weight) of each component using input parameters. This customization allows for different interpretations of market sentiment based on which factors are considered more influential.
Fear and Greed Index Calculation:
• The Fear and Greed Index is calculated as a weighted average of all normalized components. This index provides a single numerical value that summarizes the overall sentiment of the market based on the selected indicators.
• Visualization: The indicator plots the Fear and Greed Index and its components on the chart. This allows traders and analysts to visually assess the sentiment trends over time.
• Analysis: Changes in the Fear and Greed Index can signal shifts in market sentiment. For example, a rising index may indicate increasing greed and potential overbought conditions, while a falling index may suggest increasing fear and potential oversold conditions.
• Customization: Traders can customize the indicator by adjusting the weights assigned to each component based on their trading strategies and market insights.
By integrating multiple fundamental indicators into a single index, the “CNN Fear and Greed Index” provides a comprehensive snapshot of market sentiment, helping traders make informed decisions about market entry, exit, and risk management strategies.
[INVX] Post-Earnings Announcement DriftWhat does this strategy do?
This Pine Script strategy implements the Post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD) strategy, which is a financial market anomaly where a stock's price tends to drift in the direction of the firm's earnings surprise for an extended period of time.
An earnings announcement is an official public statement of a company's profitability for a specific time period, typically a quarter or a year. It includes various financial metrics but the most watched figure is the Earnings Per Share (EPS). Analysts estimate the EPS before the announcement, and the actual EPS is compared to this estimate to determine if there was an earnings surprise.
An earnings surprise occurs when the actual EPS is significantly different from the analysts' estimates. A positive earnings surprise indicates that the actual EPS is higher than the estimate, while a negative earnings surprise suggests the EPS is lower than anticipated.
The script takes the following inputs
" Holding periods (bar) " : This input defines the number of periods (or bars) the script will hold a position after the earnings announcement.
" Surprise threshold (%) ": This input sets the minimum percentage for an earnings surprise, which triggers the strategy to enter either a long or short position. In essence, it represents the minimum deviation between the estimated and actual Earnings Per Share (EPS) that will trigger a trade. A higher threshold may lead to fewer, potentially more significant trades, while a lower threshold might result in more frequent, possibly less impactful trades. This parameter allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the strategy to earnings surprises.
Positive earnings surprise
After the earnings announcement, the script compares the actual EPS with the estimated EPS to identify an earnings surprise. If there is a positive earnings surprise, the script will enter a long position. A long position is a bullish strategy where the investor expects the stock price to rise.
Negative earnings surprise
On the other hand, if there is a negative earnings surprise, the script will enter a short position. A short position is a bearish strategy where the investor expects the stock price to fall.
In both scenarios, the position (either long or short) is held for the number of periods specified in the "Holding periods (bar)" input. This strategy is based on the assumption that the stock price will continue to drift in the direction of the earnings surprise for the specified holding period.
Disclaimer: The script provided herein is for educational purposes only. It should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
The results of the Pine Script backtesting are hypothetical and should not be considered as a true reflection of the results that might be achieved in a live trading environment. The backtest results are based on historical data and may not take into account certain factors such as actual transaction costs, taxes, or changes in market conditions.
Investors should consult with their financial advisor before making any investment decisions. All investments involve risk, including the potential loss of all invested capital.
Performance IndicatorsDescription:
The Performance Indicators tool provides traders with a comprehensive overview of both fundamental and technical performance metrics of a security. This dual approach helps traders make informed decisions by evaluating the security's intrinsic value as well as its market behavior.
Fundamental Performance Indicators:
EPS Year Over Year % Growth : Measures the percentage growth in earnings per share (EPS) compared to the same quarter in the previous year. This helps in understanding the company's profitability trends.
EPS 3 Quarters Year Over Year % Growth : Analyzes the percentage growth in EPS over the last three quarters compared to the same quarters in the previous year, providing insight into the company's recent earnings performance.
Sales Year Over Year % Growth : Tracks the percentage growth in sales compared to the same quarter in the previous year, offering a view of the company's revenue trends.
Sales 3 Quarters Year Over Year % Growth : Evaluates the percentage growth in sales over the last three quarters compared to the same quarters in the previous year, helping to assess the company's recent revenue performance.
Return On Equity (ROE) : Measures the company's profitability by comparing net income to shareholder equity. This indicates how effectively the company is using its equity base to generate profits.
Market Capitalization : Represents the total market value of the company's outstanding shares, providing a sense of the company's size and market presence.
Float Shares Outstanding : Refers to the number of shares available for trading by the public, excluding restricted shares. This metric helps in understanding the liquidity and volatility of the stock.
Technical Performance Indicators:
Average Daily Range (ADR) %: Calculates the average range between the high and low prices over a specific period, expressed as a percentage. This helps in understanding the stock's daily volatility.
Average True Range (ATR) $ : Measures market volatility by calculating the average range between the high and low prices, taking into account any gaps in the price. It is expressed in dollar terms.
% Off 52-Week High : Indicates how far the current price is from the highest price achieved over the last 52 weeks, helping to assess the stock's current performance relative to its yearly peak.
Relative Price Strength (RPS) : Compares the stock's price performance to a benchmark index, helping to identify how the stock is performing relative to the broader market.
How it Works:
The fundamental performance indicators provide insights into the company's financial health and growth trends by analyzing key metrics such as EPS, sales growth, ROE, market capitalization, and float shares outstanding.
The technical performance indicators offer a view of the stock's market behavior and volatility through metrics like ADR, ATR, % off 52-week high, and RPS.
By combining these fundamental and technical metrics, traders can gain a well-rounded perspective on the security's overall performance.
How to Use:
Add the Performance Indicators tool to your chart.
Evaluate the fundamental indicators to assess the company's financial health and growth trends.
Analyze the technical indicators to understand the stock's market behavior and volatility.
Use the combined insights from both fundamental and technical indicators to make informed trading decisions.
This tool is particularly useful for traders who want to integrate both fundamental analysis and technical analysis into their trading strategy, providing a holistic view of a security's performance.
HRC - Hash Rate Capitulation [Da_Prof]The HRC (Hash Rate Capitulation) indicator is a measure of hash rate trend strength. It is the fractional difference between a long and a short simple moving average (SMA) of the bitcoin hash rate. Historically, the 21-day and 105-day SMA work well for this indicator. The hash rate generally increases over time, but when the short SMA crosses below the longer-term SMA, it shows that miners are removing significant hash from the system. This state can be considered a miner "capitulation". Historically, this has marked depressed BTC prices and has led to higher prices within some months. Shout out to foosmoo, the hash rate oscillator indicator prompted this presentation.