buy sel StrategyGöstergenin Amacı
Bu gösterge:
Alım ve satım sinyalleri üretmek için MACD ve Bollinger Bantları kombinasyonunu kullanır.
Sinyalleri grafik üzerinde göstermek için oklar (yukarı ve aşağı) çizer.
Önemli sinyal durumlarında kullanıcıyı uyarmak için uyarı mekanizması içerir.
2. Kullanılan Teknik Göstergeler
A) MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence)
MACD, iki üstel hareketli ortalama arasındaki farkı ölçer:
Hızlı MACD Periyodu: Kısa dönem EMA (varsayılan: 12).
Yavaş MACD Periyodu: Uzun dönem EMA (varsayılan: 26).
Sinyal MACD Periyodu: MACD hattının yumuşatılmış versiyonu (varsayılan: 9).
Alım Sinyali: MACD hattı, sinyal hattını yukarı yönde keser (ta.crossover fonksiyonu).
Satım Sinyali: MACD hattı, sinyal hattını aşağı yönde keser (ta.crossunder fonksiyonu).
B) Bollinger Bantları
Bollinger Bantları, fiyatın oynaklığını (volatilite) ölçmek için kullanılır:
Orta Bant: Fiyatın hareketli ortalamasıdır (varsayılan: 20 periyotluk SMA).
Üst Bant: Orta banda, standart sapmanın belirli bir katı eklenir (varsayılan: 2.0).
Alt Bant: Orta bandan, standart sapmanın belirli bir katı çıkarılır (varsayılan: 2.0).
3. Göstergenin İşlevselliği
A) Alım Koşulu (buy_condition):
buy_condition = ta.crossover(macd_line, signal_line) and close > bb_lower
Al sinyali, şu iki şart sağlandığında tetiklenir:
MACD hattı, sinyal hattını yukarı yönde keserse (pozitif momentum).
Fiyat, Bollinger Bantları'nın alt bandının üzerine çıkarsa (fiyatın potansiyel dipten yukarı dönüşü).
B) Satım Koşulu (sell_condition):
sell_condition = ta.crossunder(macd_line, signal_line) and close < bb_upper
Sat sinyali, şu iki şart sağlandığında tetiklenir:
MACD hattı, sinyal hattını aşağı yönde keserse (negatif momentum).
Fiyat, Bollinger Bantları'nın üst bandının altına düşerse (fiyatın potansiyel zirveden dönüşü).
4. Grafik Üzerindeki Gösterim
A) Bollinger Bantları:
Üst Bant (kırmızı çizgi).
Alt Bant (yeşil çizgi).
Orta Bant (turuncu çizgi).
B) Alım ve Satım Sinyalleri:
Yeşil ok (yukarı): Alım sinyali.
Kırmızı ok (aşağı): Satım sinyali.
C) Plotlama:
plotarrow fonksiyonu, yukarı ve aşağı sinyalleri oklarla grafik üzerinde gösterir:
plotarrow(buy_condition ? 1 : sell_condition ? -1 : na,,, offset=-1)
5. Uyarılar
Uyarılar, sinyallerle kullanıcıyı bilgilendirir:
Alım Sinyali Uyarısı:
Mesaj: "MACD ve fiyat, Bollinger Bandı'nın alt sınırının üzerine çıktı."
Satım Sinyali Uyarısı:
Mesaj: "MACD ve fiyat, Bollinger Bandı'nın üst sınırının altına indi."
6. Kodun Avantajları
Kombinasyon Stratejisi: MACD ve Bollinger Bantları’nın birleşimi daha doğruluklu sinyaller üretebilir.
Basit ve Görsel: Grafik üzerinde sinyaller net bir şekilde belirtilmiştir.
Uyarı Mekanizması: Otomatik olarak işlem yapmak veya uyarı almak isteyen kullanıcılar için uygundur.
7. Dezavantajlar
Lag (Gecikme): Hem MACD hem de Bollinger Bantları gecikmeli göstergelerdir, bu da sinyalin gecikmesine neden olabilir.
Trend Filtreleme Eksikliği: Yanlış sinyalleri azaltmak için trend yönünü doğrulayan ek bir filtre (ör. EMA 200) faydalı olabilir.
8. Geliştirme Önerileri
Trend Filtresi: Yanlış sinyalleri azaltmak için EMA (200) gibi bir trend filtresi eklenebilir.
Fazla Sinyallerin Azaltılması: RSI gibi bir gösterge ile daha fazla doğrulama katmanı eklenebilir.
Zaman Aralığı Testi: Bu strateji en iyi 15 dakika, 1 saat veya 1 günlük zaman aralıklarında test edilerek optimize edilebilir.
Bu kod, daha sofistike stratejiler oluşturmak için güçlü bir başlangıç noktasıdır. Doğru parametre ayarlarıyla etkili bir ticaret aracı haline gelebilir.
BITCOIN Optimized Scalping by NHBprod -check out strategy reportHey everyone, here's a new scalping trading strategy script for Bitcoin, and I’m super excited to share it with you. It’s called the "BITCOIN BTC Optimized Scalping Strategy by NHBprod." It uses a modified version of RSI in conjunction with EMA to create a single buy and sell signal. These buy and sell signals are easier to read than traditional RSI + EMA indicators, because of the modification done to the RSI. Essentially, instead of having two zones in the RSI for oversold and overbought, I replaced it with a single zone. Once you have the EMA and RSI working together, then it can be tuned for BITCOIN which I have done as the default settings.This is the strategy script, but I also have the indicator script which can be used to automate buy and sell signals directly to your phone, email, or your bot.
What It Does
RSI: Measures momentum (like, is the market pumped or tired?).
EMA: Follows the big trend (like the market’s vibe over time).
Then, it smooshes all this data together and spits out 2 plot lines (EMA and RSI + RSI threshold line).
Backtest Results
Some notables:
I included slippage & I included commission.
Nearly 3% per order!
Pyramiding is turned on, since this is a scalping strategy.
10% capital per order.
Hundreds of trades, and covers the maximum amount of time allowed in tradingview.
The script is ready for BITCOIN and I deploy it on the 3 hour timeframe because for these indicators, 3 hours gives the indicators enough data and reduces the noise.
How to Use It
You may be able to use it in different ways, such as looking at the plot lines and determining when they are increasing or decreasing, or possibly when they are over/under certain values.
This strategy (and the pairing indicator script) is able to be used to trade long only. If you right click, you can set a 'buy' alert, and a 'sell' alert so that it can automatically remind you when to buy and sell, at ANY time of the day. Or, you can setup these alerts to be automatically sent to your broker if you are into automated trading :)
NK-Heikin-ashi entry with defined Target and SL//Buy - Green heikin-ashi (with no lower shadow) is formed above vwap and Target at 50 pts and sqr off at cost.Exit at 15:01 if not //closed by then.
//Sell - Red heikin-ashi (with no upper shadow) is formed below vwap and Target at 50 pts and sqr off at cost.Exit at 15:01 if not //closed by then.
// need to update the code for trailing SL and fine tuning of Target for ATR Or ATR/2 or 40 pts for Nifty, etc..
Momentum Aggregator to identify Pivot PointsThis indicator takes into account various indicators like RSI, MACD etc.. to identify confluence and divergence which will help to identify pivot points in price.
Green candles identify when there is a confluence of momentum to the upside
Red candle identify when there is a confluence of momentum to the downside
Note: These colors do not identify a positive or negative change in price for the candle. The candle outline identifies this
White candles identify when there is a divergence in momentum often identifying a pivot point for price
Yellow candles identify extreme exhaustion often indicating a good time to anticipate a reversal
Fvs-indicatorEle usa 3 médias para acompanhamento, um canal com Upper e Lower e uma média que cruza as linhas definindo compra e venda
kyle trend v1(Tony Bii?)Kyle Trend v1 is a powerful multi-functional trading indicator designed to assist traders in identifying trends, reversals, and optimal entry/exit points. It combines the precision of a modified Supertrend strategy with the flexibility of custom Keltner Channels and dynamic EMA layers, making it suitable for traders of all styles.
Cruzamento de Médias Móveis Exponenciais com Coloraçãoindicador apenas para analise de tendencias de mercado
Fair Value Gap [Previous & Upcoming Highlighted]the script draws the FVG from 3 bars ago using left=bar_index - 5 and right=bar_index - 4 (these values are offset to display the previous FVG).
Upcoming FVG: It also draws an upcoming FVG from the current bar + 1 using left=bar_index + 1 and right=bar_index + 2.
Handling Both FVGs (Previous and Upcoming):
For both Bullish and Bearish FVGs, it draws boxes for both the previous and upcoming FVG areas.
Number of FVGs Managed: It still limits the number of FVGs displayed on the chart using fvgHistoryNbr.
How This Works:
The Previous FVG is drawn based on the gap that happened a few bars ago (from 3 bars ago), while the Upcoming FVG is drawn based on the expected price movement.
The FVG areas are highlighted using boxes and labels, making it easier to visualize past and potential future gaps.
ICT Stratejileri: FVG, Likitlik Havuzları, Order Block TradesBu Kodun Yaptıkları:
FVG (Fair Value Gap):
Yükseliş FVG'leri yeşil etiketlerle, düşüş FVG'leri kırmızı etiketlerle gösterir.
Likitlik Havuzları:
Yakın zamandaki yüksek ve düşük seviyeleri mavi ve yeşil çizgilerle gösterir.
Order Block Trades:
Yükseliş order bloklarını mor etiketlerle, düşüş order bloklarını turuncu etiketlerle gösterir.
Dropdown Menü:
Kullanıcının hangi stratejiyi kullanacağını seçmesini sağlar.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
Kodu TradingView'de yeni bir Pine Script editörüne yapıştırın.
Strateji Seçin dropdown menüsünden istediğiniz stratejiyi seçin (FVG, Likitlik Havuzları veya Order Block Trades).
Grafik otomatik olarak güncellenecek ve seçtiğiniz stratejiye göre al-sat sinyalleri gösterilecektir.
PPP ve Reel Döviz Kuru//@version=5
indicator("PPP ve Reel Döviz Kuru", overlay=true)
// Kullanıcı tarafından belirtilen veri serileri (USCPI, TRCPI, USDTRY)
uscpi ="USCPI", "Y", close) // ABD Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi (USCPI)
trcpi ="TRCPI", "Y", close) // Türkiye Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi (TRCPI)
usdttry ="USDTRY", "Y", close) // USD/TRY nominal döviz kuru
// PPP hesaplama (P_{\text{domestic}} / P_{\text{foreign}})
PPP = trcpi / uscpi
// Reel Döviz Kuru (RER) hesaplama: (Nominal Exchange Rate * Domestic Prices) / Foreign Prices
RER = (usdttry * trcpi) / uscpi
// Grafik üzerinde göstermek
plot(PPP, title="PPP (Purchasing Power Parity)",, linewidth=2)
plot(RER, title="Reel Döviz Kuru (RER)",, linewidth=2)
// Grafik üzerine başlık ve etiketler
hline(1, "PPP = 1",, linestyle=hline.style_dotted) // PPP'nin 1 olduğu yeri işaretle
ATR and RSI-Based Trading StrategyOverview
This strategy aims to capitalize on market opportunities by combining the power of volatility analysis and momentum indicators. By utilizing the Average True Range (ATR), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Simple Moving Average (SMA), the strategy seeks to identify potential entry and exit points.
Key Indicators
Simple Moving Average (SMA): The SMA provides a general trend direction by smoothing out price data over a specified period.
Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI measures the speed and change of price movements, helping to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
Average True Range (ATR): The ATR measures the average true range of an asset's price over a specified period, providing a gauge of volatility.
Strategy Logic
Volatility Bands: The ATR is used to create upper and lower bands around a simple moving average. These bands represent a dynamic range of expected price movement.
Momentum Analysis: The RSI is used to measure the strength and direction of price movements.
Entry Signals:
Long Entry: A long position is entered when the price closes above the lower band and the RSI is below a predefined oversold level.
Short Entry: A short position is entered when the price closes below the upper band and the RSI is above a predefined overbought level.
Versatility: The strategy can be applied to various markets and timeframes.
Adaptability: By adjusting the parameters, the strategy can be customized to different market conditions.
Clear signals: The combination of price action and momentum indicators provides clear entry and exit signals.
False signals: The strategy may generate false signals, especially during periods of high volatility or sideways markets.
Parameter optimization: The performance of the strategy is highly dependent on the chosen parameters, which may require ongoing optimization.
Market conditions: The effectiveness of the strategy can vary depending on the overall market environment.
The ATR and RSI-based trading strategy offers a robust framework for identifying potential trading opportunities. However, like any trading strategy, it is essential to conduct thorough backtesting and consider implementing risk management techniques such as stop-loss and take-profit orders.
Additional Considerations:
Customization: Traders can customize the strategy by adjusting the parameters of the indicators (e.g., SMA length, RSI period, ATR multiplier) and adding additional indicators or filters.
Backtesting: It is crucial to backtest the strategy on historical data to assess its performance and identify potential weaknesses.
Risk Management: Implementing stop-loss and take-profit orders can help to limit potential losses and protect profits.
MACD DETTAEste indicador é uma versão personalizada do clássico MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), projetado para se ajustar automaticamente às configurações ideais de médias móveis exponenciais (EMAs) e da linha de sinal com base no timeframe do gráfico. Ele combina flexibilidade e automação para simplificar a análise técnica, adaptando-se automaticamente às condições específicas de diferentes períodos.
Daily Open LineIndicator Goal/Objective:
This is a Simple Code to show Daily Open Level in chart
This script plots a circle at the open price of the current day on the chart.
It marks the first bar's open price of each new trading day and
keeps the same value for the rest of the day until a new trading day begins.
It is only for analysis purpose only.
it is not a new indicator and can be replica of any other persons indicator.
The purpose of making indicator as an individual indicator is only for easiness.
Price Projection by Linear RegressionPurpose:
This is a TradingView Pine Script indicator that performs a linear regression on historical price data to project potential future price levels. It's designed to help traders visualize long-term price trends and potential future price targets.
Key Components:
User Inputs:
Historical Data Points (default 1000 bars) - The amount of historical data used to calculate the trend
Years to Project (default 10 years) - How far into the future to project the price
Technical Implementation:
Uses linear regression (ta.linreg) to calculate the trend slope
Converts years to trading days using 252 trading days per year
Limits visible projection to 500 bars due to TradingView's drawing limitations
Projects prices using the formula: current_price + (slope × number_of_bars)
Visual Elements:
Blue line showing actual historical prices
Red projection line showing the expected price path
Label showing the projected price at the visible end of the line
Information table in the top-right corner showing:
Current price
Final projected price after the full time period
Can only display projections up to 500 bars into the future (about 2 years) due to TradingView limitations
The full projection value is still calculated and shown in the table
Past performance doesn't guarantee future results - this is a mathematical projection based on historical trends
Traders can use this to:
Visualize potential long-term price trends
Set long-term price targets
Understand the historical trend's trajectory
Compare current prices with projected future values
Bitcoin 1H-15M Breakout StrategyKey Features
1H and 15M Timeframes:
The script uses the 1-hour timeframe for the range and 15-minute timeframe for breakout conditions. is used to fetch the higher timeframe data.
Risk Management:
Variables entry_price, sl_price, and tp_price are declared explicitly as float with na initialization to handle dynamic assignment.
Stop-loss and take-profit levels are calculated based on the specified Risk-Reward Ratio (RRR) and buffer (in pips).
Trade Logic:
Long trade triggered when the 15-minute candle closes above the 1-hour high.
Short trade triggered when the 15-minute candle closes below the 1-hour low.
The range_high and range_low (previous 1-hour high and low) are plotted on the chart using dashed lines.
Enabling the show_debug input displays labels showing stop-loss and take-profit values for easier troubleshooting.
Neural Network Proxy Strategy Alt by NHBprodHey, this is a trading strategy I’ve been working on. It uses a combination of three technical indicators: Bollinger Bands (to measure price volatility), Average True Range (ATR, to gauge price movement range), and Chaikin Money Flow (CMF, to check the flow of money in and out of an asset). The script normalizes each of these indicators which is essentially a simplified version of machine learning to create a single combined score, which is kind of like a neural network proxy. If this score goes above 0.5, it signals a potential buy, and if it goes below -0.5, it signals a potential sell. It’s pretty cool because you can tweak the weights of each indicator to suit different market conditions. It even plots the combined score on the chart to help visualize the signals!
This strategy is built for Bitcoin specifically, and it's applied on the 3 hour chart. Check out the results yourself. If you traded this strategy using Long only, then it yielded a staggering ~3% per trade, and there are hundreds of trades in this dataset!
Commission and slippage are included by the way!
If you want to trade this strategy in real time, I also have a pairing indicator script, and you can easily right click on the chart to create a 'buy' alert or a 'sell' alert that can be sent directly to your phone, or email. You can also set it up so that it sends a message to your trading broker so that it automatically purchases and sells based on this strategy. If you'd like help setting that up, let me know!
Indicators Table[Robinson0707]
I try to make a table for simple indicator. I hope you lile it. For now I just add classic, fibonacci and wodie pivont point. And ı use Exponanctal moving avera. If you want you can open it as a plot. Also I ad Benjamin GRAHAM's valuation formula
Moving Average Convergence DivergenceTake your trading to the next level with this enhanced Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator. Featuring clear visual signals for "Buy" and "Sell" points, this MACD is designed to simplify your decision-making process. Pair it with our Dynamic SMA Pro Chart for trend confirmation and our Stochastic Indicator for momentum analysis to get a well-rounded view of market trends. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned trader, this tool helps you spot key opportunities with confidence. Perfect for identifying reversals and optimizing your entries and exits!
Quasimodo PatternWhat is a Quasimodo Pattern?
A Quasimodo Pattern is a chart pattern traders look for to predict possible price reversals in the market:
- Bullish Quasimodo: Signals a possible price increase (buying opportunity).
- Bearish Quasimodo: Signals a potential price decrease (selling opportunity).
How the Script Works
1. Bullish Quasimodo:
- Checks if the price pattern shows signs of a potential upward movement:
- The current low price is higher than a previous price point (suggesting fair value gap).
- The previous candle closed higher than it opened (bullish candle).
- The candle before that closed lower than it opened (bearish candle).
2. Bearish Quasimodo:
- Looks for signs of a downward movement:
- The current high price is lower than a previous price point (suggesting fair value gap).
- The previous candle closed lower than it opened (bearish candle).
- The candle before that closed higher than it opened (bullish candle).
Visual Indicators
- Yellow Candles: Indicate a bullish Quasimodo pattern.
- Pink Candles: Indicate a bearish Quasimodo pattern.
If a Quasimodo pattern is detected, the script sends an alert:
- The alert says: "A Quasimodo Pattern has appeared!"
Traders can use this tool to quickly spot potential trend changes without manually analyzing every chart, saving time and improving decision-making for trades.
RM Elephant Bar Strategy with Dynamic StopRM Elephant Bar Strategy with Dynamic Stop
Based on elephant bars (or ignition).
Results vary greatly depending on graphics time and settings.
Poor results at very short graphics times (1m, 5m).
Developed by Rodrigo Martins / +55 62992250895
RM Estratégia Barra Elefante com Stop Dinâmico
Baseada em barras elefantes (ou ignição).
Os resultados variam muito conforme o tempo gráfico e configurações.
Resultados fracos em tempos gráficos muito curtos (1m, 5m).
Desenvolvido por Rodrigo Martins / whats: +55 62992250895
ETI IndicatorThe Ensemble Technical Indicator (ETI) seeks to combine numerous technical indicators into a single figure that reflects whether a stock is bullish or bearish. Specifically the ETI consists of the following indicators:
SMA 10
WMA 10
Stochastic Oscillator K%
Stochastic Oscillator D%
Williams R%
A/D Oscillator
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
These indicators are converted to either -1 or +1, depending on whether the indicator's value suggests a bullish trend, or bearish trend. These values are then added up and summed across 20 timeframes to derive a single figure.
It is suggested that stocks -40 and below are oversold, while those that are +50 and above are overbought.