Volume ChartVolume data can be interpreted in many different ways. This is a very basic script and novel idea to display volume as a chart. The purpose of this script is to visually help identify volume breakouts and other common chart patterns. While this indicator could be useful for finding big moves and early reversals it not reliable for determining the direction of the move.
Below is an example of a volume breakout:
Below is confirmation of the second ear in the batman pattern:
Lower highs and higher lows can give early signs of a reversal:
Below we can see retailers getting pumped and dumped on during the gaps while they sleep:
The command shows the opening-high-low-closing-change values of that day based on the previous value in each period.
You can set the clock in any time zone you want.
You can use the indicator by adapting it wherever you want on your screen. You can adjust its position. Top-Left-Middle Left- Bottom Left/ Top Right-Middle Right- Bottom Right.
Although it is not a command with a Buy-Sell indicator, its user-friendliness and convenience were taken into account while developing it.
The purpose of the indicator is to allow you to consider the values while focusing not only on the chart you are watching.
SuperTrend Entry(My goal creating this indicator) : Provide a way to enter the market systematically, automatically create Stop Loss Levels and Take Profit Levels, and provide the position size of each entry based on a fix Percentage of the traders account.
The Underlying Concept :
What is Momentum?
The Momentum shown is derived from a Mathematical Formula, SUPERTREND. When price closes above Supertrend Its bullish Momentum when its below Supertrend its Bearish Momentum. This indicator scans for candle closes on the current chart and when there is a shift in momentum (price closes below or above SUPERTREND) it notifies the trader with a Bar Color change.
Technical Inputs
- If you want to optimize the rate of signals to better fit your trading plan you would change the Factor input and ATR Length input. Increase factor and ATR Length to decrease the frequency of signals and decrease the Factor and ATR Length to increase the frequency of signals.
Quick TIP! : You can Sync all VFX SuperTrend Indicators together! All VFX SuperTrend indicators display unique information but its all derived from that same Momentum Formula. Keep the Factor input and ATR Length the same on other VFX SuperTrend indicators to have them operating on the same data.
Display Inputs
- The indicator has a candle overlay option you can toggle ON or OFF. If toggled ON the candles color will represent the momentum of your current chart ( bullish or bearish Momentum)
your able to change the colors that represent bullish or bearish to your preference
- You can toggle on which shows the exact candle momentum switched sides
your able to change the colors that represent a bullish switch or bearish switch to your preference
- The trader can specify which point you would like your stop loss to reference. (Low and High) Which uses the Low of the Momentum signal as the reference for your Stop Loss during buy signals and the High as the reference during sell signals. Or (Lowest Close and Highest Close) which uses the Lowest Close of the Momentum signal as the reference for your Stop Loss during buys and the Highest Close as the reference during sells.
- The colors that represent your Stop Loses and Take Profits can also be changed
Risk Management Inputs
- Your Risk MANAGMENT section is used to set up how your Stop Loss and Take Profit are calculated
- You have the option to take in account Volatility when calculating your Stop Loss. A adjusted ATR formula is used to achieve this. Increase Stop Loss Multiplier from 0 to widen stops.
- Increase Take Profit Multiplier from 0 to access visual Take Profit Levels based on your Stop Loss. This will be important for traders that Prefer trading using risk rewards. For Example: If the the Take Profit Multiplier is 3 a Take Profit level 3 times the size or your stop loss from your entry will be shown and a price number corresponding to that Take Profit Level becomes available.
- Enter your current Account size, Bet Percentage and Fixed Spread to get your Position Size for each trade
-Toggle on the Current Trade Chart and easily get the size of your Position and the exact price of your Take Profit and Stop Loss.
You can increase the Size of the Current Trade Chart= Tiny, Small, Normal, Large, Huge and change the Position of the Current
trade Chart to your preference, (Top- Right, Center, Left) (Middle- Right, Center, Left) (Bottom- Right, Center, Left).
How it can be used ?
- Enter Trades and always know where your stop is going to be
- Eliminate the need to manual calculate Position Size
- Get a consistent view of the current charts momentum
- Systematical enter trades
- Reduce information overload
Line Chart with circles on sub chart / LineChart no CandlesLine Chart with circles as a subchart. The circle will appear only after the candle has been confirmed.
Things you can change:
- Source: open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4, hlcc4
- Color: change the color of the line and the circles
have fun with it!
MTF Heikinashi BarOVERVIEW
This indicator shows whether Heikin Ashi is up or down, represented by a bar. This indicator is compatible with MTF.
What do you want to know about market analysis?
Do you want a hard analysis? You can look for it.
All I want to know is whether the commonly known technical analysis is 'UP' or 'DOWN'.
All I want to know is whether the current market price is going up or down. Not only for the current, but also for the monthly, weekly, and daily status.
I want to make a decision in a moment. Without even thinking about it.
That is why I created a color-coded bar indicator to show the status.
No need to frown anymore.
Heikin means average. Ashi means legs. In this case, it means a candle.
Close = (Close + Open + High + Low) / 4
For more information, click here.
Heikin Ashi Up ⇒ green
Heikin Ashi Down ⇒ red
Candle Stick UpdateHeikin ashi chart so powerful that you can understand trend direction easily. But sometimes, this type of chart doesn't update properly and make no sense on real time. So I made this script. You can now change candle stick style default to heikin ashi (default / modified version) on the real time default chart without switching heikin ashi chart. Enjoy traders!!! And don't forget to press the like button :)
VWAP/EMA50/EMA200We script this one for combining VWAP , EMA50 and EMA200. The tool is fantastic if traders know how VWAP , EMA work? Just adding this script in your favorite and work like charm:
VWAP: How to trade with that
- One of the simplest uses of the VWAP is gauging support and/or resistance.
- A trader who is long a stock can use the VWAP as a target exit if its trading below.
- A stock trading over intraday VWAP may be bullish , while a stock trading under may be bearish .
EMA 50/EMA200: How to trade with that timeframe 50-day or 200-day period
- Identify the trend of market in longterm
- Golden-cross (short term EMA cross above longterm EMA ) is call golden-cross signals. It is opportunity for buying.
- Deal-cross ( short term EMA cross below longterm EMA ) is call dead-cross signals. It is opportunity for selling.
- Identify support levels
- Identify resistance levels
Let me know if you see anything else that should be added/changed.
Trend IdentifierTrend Identifier for 1D BTC.USD
It smoothens a closely following moving average into a polynomial like plot.
And assumes 4 stage cycles based on the first and second derivatives.
Green: Bull / Exponential Rise
Yellow: Distribution
Red: Bear / Exponential Drop
Blue: Accumulation
Red --> Blue --> Green: indicates the start of a bull market
Green --> Yellow --> Red: indicates the start of a bear market
Green --> Yellow: Start of a distribution phase, take profits
Red --> Blue: Start of a accumulation phase, DCA
No Active BarThis is probably the only script on TradingView that's clinically proven to lower your blood pressure!***
This script in conjunction with some chart settings changes can completely hide the active candle, only showing historic candles, thus, reducing risk of cardiac arrest and or panic attack.
What to do:
0. Make sure you are using a candlestick chart or this script won't work properly
1. Right click the chart and select "Settings..."
2. Select "Symbol" under the "Chart Settings" menu
3. Disable every item EXCEPT for the "Body"
4. Click on the boxes next to "Body" to access the color picker then change both box's transparency settings down to 0
(the script only colors closed bars, so the active bar will be present just transparent)
5. Right click on the price scale on the far left or far right side of the screen and hover the mouse over "Labels". If any selections have a check mark next to them click them to disable them (especially the "Ask & Bid" price setting since it tracks current price)
That's it! Instead of wicks the High & Low prices are plotted above and below the candles using a step line. It looks a bit strange at first but you'll get used to it. Check out the indicator settings to change the color and style of the High & Low lines.
***The statement could prove true for some but is mostly complete bullshit
Symbol ViewerView another symbol!
Symbol Viewer allows you to display a ticker of your choice in an indicator box below your current chart.
You no longer need to split your layout to view 2 (or more) tickers at the same time!
The data from your symbol of choice is accurately displayed and updated live.
[_ParkF]RSI Divergence_overlayRSI Divergence_overlay
Does not include RSI indicator.
Up Signal = Displayed green dot below the candle
Down Signal = Dispalyed red dot above the candle
* Don't trade just at the signal
RSI 다이버전스
RSI 지표 미포함.
상승 신호 = 초록색 점으로 캔들 아래 표시.
하락 신호 = 빨간색 점으로 캔들 위에 표시.
* 신호만 보고 매매하지 마세요
Wave Chart v1##Wave Chart v1##
For analyzing Neo-wave theory
Plot the market's highs and lows in real-time order.
Then connect the highs and lows
with a diagonal line. Next, the last plot of one day (or bar) is connected with a straight line to the
first plot of the next day (or bar).
##How To Use##
if you want a weekly chart you drop the time frame to the daily chart.
Then you set the range to 7(if the market opens 7 days per week).
Then you click "highlight the bar that runs to plot" and you must shift the highlight to the last day that the weekly chart bar close(Sunday / Friday)
##Example 1
Weekly chart BTCUSDT on BINANCE
first open daily chart, set range = 7 and Bars_shift = 3 (shift highlight to Sunday)
##Example 2
Weekly chart XAUUSD on FXOPEN
first open daily chart, set range = 5 (market open 5 days per week) and Bars_shift = 1 (shift highlight to Friday)
If the market has a special holiday Wave Chart may be inaccurate.
Chart Map[netguard] V1.0Chart map is a indicator that shows best levels of price.
on this indicator we divided ATH and ATL of chart to 16/32 levels that each one of them can control price and candles.
furthermore you can use weekly or daily map in this indicator.in weekly map we divide High to Low of last week candle to 8 levels that these levels can control candles too.
In general, these levels act as strong support and resistance.
you can trade on these levels with candle patterns.
HersG High Low Bar Charts Layout
Hello friends,
The following indicator will create a new form of chart layout in High & Low as candle-like full bars instead of Open and Close. There are no wicks, only full bars highlighting High and Low of the select time frame. Two dots inside a bar will represent Open (Red dot) and Close (Green dot).
How can it help you as a trader?
High and Low candle-like bars will clear the noise from charts in identifying support & resistance, higher-highs and lower-lows will be clearly visible thus helping you make trades.
First add the indicator and then hover the mouse pointer over the ticker in the charts and click on the “eye-shaped” symbol to hide the candlesticks chart pattern.
The type of chart layout is standard charts. Data are not re-calculated or manipulated.
Heikin Ashi Bar OverlayThis script shows Heikin Ashi bars on your chart with specified vertical offset
Secondary Chart with OverSized CandlesHi everyone, I'm sharing a simple script I made for a friend. He was looking for a way to add another asset to his chart, and monitor relevant movements \ spot eventual correlation, especially when trading Cryptocurrencies.
We couldn't find a similar script already available so here it is - the code is commented and I hope it's clear enough :)
- The parameter scale = scale.left keeps the scales separated and therefore the chart is more organized, otherwise the chart would appear flat if the price difference is too big (e.g. BTC vs XRP)
- It is possible to have the script running in a separate panel (instead of overlay) by moving it to a new pane (when added to the chart) or by removing the parameter overlay = true at the beginning of the code.
- In case you wish to add indicators to this sub-chart (e.g. Bollinger Bands, EMA, etc..) you can do that by adding the relevant code and feed it with the variables OPEN \ HIGH \ LOW \ CLOSE as well as using the same method to retrieve new variables from the target asset with the request.security function.
Hope this comes handy.
Val - Protervus
PSv5 Color Magic and Chart Theme SimulatorKEEP YOUR COINS FOLKS! I DON'T NEED THEM, DON'T WANT THEM. Many other talented authors on TV deserve them.
This is my "PSv5 Color Magic and Chart Theme Simulator" displayed using Pine Script version 5.0. The purpose of this PSv5 colorcator is to show vivid colors that are most suitable in my opinion for modifying or developing Pine scripts. Whether you are new to Pine or an experienced Pine poet, this should aid you in developing indicators with stunning color from the provided color list that is easily copied and pasted into any novel script you should possess. Whichever colors you choose, and how, is up to your imagination's capacity.
I have a thesis. Pine essentially is a gigantor calculator with a lot of programmable bells and whistles to perform intense analytics. Zillions of numbers per day are blended up into another cornucopia of numbers to analyze. The thing is, ALL of those numbers are moot unless we can informatively portray them in various colorized forms with unique methods to point out significant numeric events. By graphically displaying them with specific modes of operation, only then do these numbers truly make any sense to us and become quantitatively beneficial.
I have to admit... I hate numbers. I never really liked them, even before I knew what an ema() was. Some days I almost can't stand them, and on occasion I feel they deserve to be flushed down the toilet at times. However, I'm a stickler for a proper gauge of measurements. Numbers are a mental burden, but they do have "purpose and meaning". That's where COLOR comes in! By applying color in specific ways in varying dynamic forms, we can generate smarter visual aids from these numerics. Numbers can be "transformed" into something colorful it wasn't before, into a tool, like a hammer. But we don't need a hammer, we need an impressive jack hammer for BIG problem solving that we could never achieve in the not to distant past.
As time goes on, we analytically measure more, and more, and more each year. It's necessary to our continual evolution. That's one significant difference between us and cave men, and the pertinent reason why we are quickly evolving as a species, while animals haven't. Humankind is gifted to enumerate very well AND blessed to see in color. We use it for innumerable things in the technological present for purpose and pleasure. Day in and day out, we take color for granted, because it's every where we can look. The fact is, color is the most important apparatus in humankind's existence EVER. We wouldn't have survived this far without it.
By utilizing color to it's grand potential, greater advancements can be attained while simultaneously being enjoyed visually. Once color is transformed from it's numeric origins into applicable tools, we can enjoy the style, elegance, and QUALITATIVE nature of the indication that can be forged. Quantities can't reveal all. Color on the other hand has a handy "quality" factor to it, often revealing things we can't ordinarily recognize. When high quality tools provide us with obtained goals, that's when we will realize how magical color truly is, always has been, and shall always be.
The future emerging economies and future financial vessels of people around the globe are going to be dependent on the secured construction of intelligent applications with a rock solid color foundation, not just math alone. I have no doubt about that. I can envision that with my eyes closed. To make an informed choice, it should be charted or graphed somehow prior to a final executive decision to trade. Going back to abysmal black and white with double decimal points placed next to cartoons within extinction doomed newspapers is not a viable option any more.
One thing you will notice is the code is very dense. Looks almost hideous right? Well, the variable naming is lengthy, but it's purpose is to be self explanatory, even for those who don't know how to program, YET. I'm simply not a notation enthusiast. My main intention was to provide clearly identifiable variables from their origin of assignment to their intended destination of use, clearly visible for anyone visiting. The empowerment of well versed words that are easier to understand, is a close rival to the prominent influence color has.
Secondly, I'm displaying hline() and label.new() as prime candidates to exemplify by demonstration how the "Power of Color" can be embraced with the "Power of Pine". Color in Pine has been extensively upgraded to serve novel purposes to accomplish next generation indicators that do and WILL come to exist. New functions included with PSv5 are color.rgb(), color.from_gradient(), color.r(), color.g(), color.b(), and color.t() to accompany color.new() in our mutual TV adventures. Keep in mind, the extreme agility of color also extends to line.new(), the "entirely new" linefill.new(), table.new(), bgcolor() and every other function that may utilize color.
There's a wide range of adjustability in Settings to make selections to see how they perform on different backgrounds, with their size and form. As you curiously toy with those, you're going to notice how some jump out like laser beams while others don't. Things that aren't visually appealing, still have very viable purposes, even if they don't stand out in the crowd. Often, that's preferable. The important thing is that when pertinent information relative to indication is crucial, you can program it with distinction from an assortment of a potential 1.67 million colors that can be created in Pine. "These" are my chosen favorite few, and I hope you adopt them.
For those of you who are new to Pine Script, this also may help you understand color hex/rgb and how it is utilized in Pine in a most effective manner. The most skilled of programmers can garner perks as well. There is countless examples of code diversity present here that are applicable in other scripts with adequate mutation. Any member has the freedom use any of this code in this script any way they see fit. It's specifically intended for all. There is absolutely no need for accreditation for any of this code reuse ever, in the present case. Don't worry about, I'm not.
The color_tostring() will be most valuable in troubleshooting color when using color.rgb() and becoming adept with it. I'm not going to be able to use color.rgb() without it. Chameleon indicators of the polychromatic variety are most likely going to be fine tuned with color_tostring() divulging it's results to label.new() or even table.new() maybe. One the best virtues of this script in chart, is when you hover over the generated labels, there's a hidden gift for those who truly wish to learn the intricate mechanics of diverse color in Pine. Settings has informative tooltips too.
Colors are most vibrant on the "Black Chart" which is the default, but it doesn't currently exist as a chart theme. With the extreme luminous intensity of LCDs in millicandela( mcd ), you may notice "Light" charts may saturate the colors making charts challenging to analyze. Because of this, I personally use "Dark Charts" and design my indicators specifically for these. I hope this provides inspiration for the future developers who are contemplating the creation of next generation indicators and how color may enhance their usefulness.
When available time provides itself, I will consider your inquiries, thoughts, and concepts presented below in the comments section, should you have any questions or comments regarding this indicator. When my indicators achieve more prevalent use by TV members , I may implement more ideas when they present themselves as worthy additions. Have a profitable future everyone!
Circular Candlestick ChartAn original (but impractical) way to represent a candlestick chart using circles arc.
The most recent candles are further away from the circle origin. Note that OHLC values follow a clockwise direction. A higher arc length would indicate candles with a higher body or wick range.
The Length settings determine the number of past candles to be included in the circular candlestick chart. The Width setting control the width of the circular chart. The Spacing setting controls the space between each arcs. Finally, the Precision settings allow obtaining a more precise representation of candles, with lower values returning more precise results, however, more precision requires a higher amount of lines. Settings are quite hard to adjust, using a higher length might require a lower spacing value.
Additionally, the script includes two pointers indicating the location of the 75 (in blue) and 25 (in orange) percentiles. This allows obtaining an estimate of the current market sentiment, with the most recent arcs laying closer to the 75 percentile pointer indicating an up-trend.
This new way to represent candlesticks might be useful to more easily identify candles clusters or to find new price patterns. Who knows, we know that new ways to see prices always stimulate traders imagination.
See you next year.
Plot Real Open and Close - SamXI built this indicator as a personal request from a friend. He often trades using Heiken Ashi charts, but wanted a way to easily cross-reference real-price open and close values for the same timeframe on the same chart (as HA candles are by design lagging, they can take a few periods to catch up to a large move). This can also be used to help guide support and resistance zones using real-price data points should you so choose.
There are 2 major ways to configure this indicator to display real-price open and close:
As a Bar or Hollow Candle style chart overlay
As on-chart shapes (allowing individual control over which data to show - open, close, or both)
Bank Levels - Psychological Levels - Bitcoin, Indices, ForexThis got removed so I'm publishing it again.
What it is:
- This script draws in levels refereed to as bank levels. They are basically psychological/even numbers(40000, 45000, 150, 1850..)
Why doesn't it work on some charts?
- Each pair has a different tick value. You will have to edit the code to make it work on certain pairs. It's pretty simple, take a look.
MTF WatchList Charts [Anan]█ OVERVIEW
I am happy to present this script with a nice idea!
You can now customize a watchlist with your preferred time frame and any symbol from any market.
The main purpose is to be aware of any moves and watch a brief overview of the chart.
- 8 customizable symbols with the option to show/hide anyone
- Multi time frame support
- 3 Types of charts (Candles / Heikin Ashi / Line)
- Displaying up to 10 candles for every chart
- Customizable chart colors
- Option to Show/hide Price
- Option to Show/hide Price Line
- Option to change Labels and Text Size
- Show Symbol name and used time frame
- Option to change gaps between charts
- Hover over on the top of any candle to see (Open/High/Low/Close) Prices
Special thanks to @dgtrd for inspiration and for the amazing framework used here ( HTF Candles by DGT )
Special thanks to Pine Chat @fareidzulkifli @Bjorgum @JohnBaron @fpainchaud