PARSEC Bitcoin strategy for testing: SMA + ADX + Fisher transf

Strategy using SMA, ADX and modified Fisher transform (I've made linear transformation on original Ehler's Fisher transform) and implemented into Bitcoin trading perspective.
Current strategy is optimized for Bitcoin.

General objectives is to add, remove indicators:
- to further improve the strategy for Bitcoin
- adjust the strategy to be feasible for wider range of cryptocurrencies (preferably for the top 2-5 or top 2-10 ones), without significantly decreasing the current profit factor and profit rates

Experienced technical analysts feel free to PM me if you want to test the strategy (at this stage up to 5 people's participation would be appreciated).

For those ones who significantly contribute, I will give life-long access to both the improved strategy and alerts.
ADXBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCUSDCryptocurrencysmastrategytestingTrend Analysis

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