

Library "StocksDeveloper_AutoTraderWeb"

AutoTrader Web trading API functions implementation for Trading View.

preparePlaceOrderJson(account, symbol, group, variety) Prepare a place order json
    account: Pseudo or group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
  Returns: A json message for the given order data

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingOrderJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
    orderJsonArray: Order json can contain one or more orders
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, variety, validity) Prepare a place order alert json message
    account: Pseudo or group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
Notas de Lançamento

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessageForTwoOrders(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, account2, symbol2, tradeType2, group2, exchange2, quantity2, price2, orderType2, productType2, triggerPrice2) Prepare a place order alert json message for 2 orders
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    tradeType2: Trade type [BUY, SELL] [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    quantity2: Quantity (Default: 1) [for order 2]
    price2: Price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
    orderType2: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET) [for order 2]
    productType2: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY) [for order 2]
    triggerPrice2: Trigger price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
  Returns: A complete alert message to place 2 orders

calcClosestStrike(underlierPrice, gap) Calculates the closest option strike price as per the given underlier price
    underlierPrice: The underlier's price
    gap: The gap between option strikes
  Returns: the closest option strike price

preparePlaceOrderJson(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, variety, validity, disclosedQuantity, target, stoploss, trailingStoploss, amo) Prepare a place order json
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
    disclosedQuantity: Disclosed quantity (Default: 0)
    target: Target (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    stoploss: Stoploss (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    trailingStoploss: (for Bracket order only) Trailing Stoploss (Default: 0)
    amo: Set it to true for AMO (After Market Order) (Default: false)
  Returns: A json message for the given order data

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, variety, validity, disclosedQuantity, target, stoploss, trailingStoploss, amo) Prepare a place order alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
    disclosedQuantity: Disclosed quantity (Default: 0)
    target: Target (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    stoploss: Stoploss (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    trailingStoploss: (for Bracket order only) Trailing Stoploss (Default: 0)
    amo: Set it to true for AMO (After Market Order) (Default: false)
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
Notas de Lançamento

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
    orderJsonArray: Order json (can contain one or more orders)
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

prepareSqOffPositionJson(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type) Prepare a square-off position json
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
  Returns: A json message for the square-off position request

prepareSqOffPositionAlertUsingJson(posJsonArray) Prepare a square-off position alert message using positions json array
    posJsonArray: Position json (can contain one or more positions)
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type) Prepare a square-off position alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessageForTwoPositions(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type, account2, symbol2, group2, exchange2, category2, type2) Prepare a square-off position alert json message for two positions
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    category2: Position category [NET, DAY] [for order 2]
    type2: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO] [for order 2]
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off of two positions

prepareFutureSymbol(underlier, expiry) Prepares future symbol for AutoTrader Web
    underlier: Underlier symbol (Ex. BANKNIFTY, USDINR, CRUDEOIL)
    expiry: Expiry date in (DD-MMM-YYYY) format
  Returns: future symbol as per AutoTrader Web's format

prepareOptionSymbol(underlier, expiry, optionType, strike) Prepares option symbol for AutoTrader Web
    underlier: Underlier symbol (Ex. BANKNIFTY, USDINR, CRUDEOIL)
    expiry: Expiry date in (DD-MMM-YYYY) format
    optionType: Option type [CE, PE]
    strike: Strike price
  Returns: option symbol as per AutoTrader Web's format

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingOrderJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
Notas de Lançamento

timeIST() Returns current time (HH:mm:ss) in Indian timezone
  Returns: current time (HH:mm:ss) in Indian timezone

prepareAdditionalProperties(comments) Additional properties like ticker, price, time etc.
    comments: Comments
  Returns: additional properties like ticker, time etc.

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingJson(orderJsonArray, comments) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
    orderJsonArray: Order json (can contain one or more orders)
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, variety, validity, disclosedQuantity, target, stoploss, trailingStoploss, amo, comments) Prepare a place order alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
    disclosedQuantity: Disclosed quantity (Default: 0)
    target: Target (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    stoploss: Stoploss (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    trailingStoploss: (for Bracket order only) Trailing Stoploss (Default: 0)
    amo: Set it to true for AMO (After Market Order) (Default: false)
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessageForTwoOrders(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, account2, symbol2, tradeType2, group2, exchange2, quantity2, price2, orderType2, productType2, triggerPrice2, comments) Prepare a place order alert json message for 2 orders
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    tradeType2: Trade type [BUY, SELL] [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    quantity2: Quantity (Default: 1) [for order 2]
    price2: Price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
    orderType2: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET) [for order 2]
    productType2: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY) [for order 2]
    triggerPrice2: Trigger price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to place 2 orders

prepareSqOffPositionAlertUsingJson(posJsonArray, comments) Prepare a square-off position alert message using positions json array
    posJsonArray: Position json (can contain one or more positions)
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type, comments) Prepare a square-off position alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessageForTwoPositions(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type, account2, symbol2, group2, exchange2, category2, type2, comments) Prepare a square-off position alert json message for two positions
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    category2: Position category [NET, DAY] [for order 2]
    type2: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO] [for order 2]
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off of two positions
Notas de Lançamento
v5 Using ticker only as tickerid gave weird data for some underlier which caused json error ("ticker": "={"session":"extended","symbol":"NSE:BANKNIFTY"}")
Notas de Lançamento

Bug fix in prepareSqOffPositionAlertUsingJson

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