EMA Table Wachlist1

Por Nungz
Watchlist Stock Table
The information provided includes:
This script will show information of interest about Moving Average 89 and 200
Column: Sentiment
Trend up = stock close > ema 89 and Close < ema200
Trend Down = stock close < ema89 and Close > ema200
Bullish = stock close >ema89 and Close > ema200
Bearish = stock close <ema89 and Close < ema200

Column :RSI = it will show you number of rsi and if above > 50 green color , below 50 red color on the box

Column : 20ma = If the price is above Ma20 There is green color , below ma20 red color as well

Column : 20day = price is higher than 20days ago there is green color , lower than 20days ago there is red color on the box

Column : MACD BOX
Green = macd cross over signal and above 0 mean Bullish
Red = macd cross under signal and below 0 mean Bearish
Blue = macd cross over signal and below 0 mean Rebound
Yellow = macd cross under signal and above 0 mean Pull back

all of these are very useful for define market Sentiment and the Stock
Bands and ChannelsBreadth IndicatorsMoving Averages

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Instruções do autor

my advise you timeframe Day only I hope it will be useful. Good luck!

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