CPR by GuruprasadMeduri

This script will allow to add CPR with Standard Pivot ad 9 levels of support and 9 levels of resistance lines. It has CPR, 3 levels of Day-wise pivots, 3 levels of Weekly pivots and 3 Levels of Monthly Pivots. All the Support and resistance levels can be enabled / disabled from settings. It will allow to select multiple combinations of support and resistance levels across 3 levels at any of the 3 time-frames individually and combined.

These number of combinations will allow user to visualize the charts with desired pivot support & resistance levels on all or any of the 3 time frames.

For Ease of access, listed few points on how the script works..

- CPR and day-wise level 1 & 2 (S1, R1, S2 R2) enabled by default and can be changed from settings
- Day-wise Level 3 (S3 & L3) can be enabled from settings
- Weekly 3 levels and Monthly 3 levels can be enabled from settings
- CPR & pivot levels colored in blue lines
- All support levels colored in Green
- All resistance levels Colored in Red
- Day-wise pivot, support & resistance are straight lines
- Weekly pivot, support & resistance are cross (+) lines
- Weekly pivot, support & resistance are circle (o) lines
- Any combinations can be selected from stettings-> Inputs & style

// - This is an iterative development. Will add more features due course of time. Suggestions are always welcomed!!

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