
ANN Revised Version For 1 Minute [Non-Repainting]

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, ANN revised version. And yes, Non-repainting. I've modified original ANN to not repaint and give you a great signal. This version is optimised for 1m timeframe.

The rule of using this is simple: buy when you see green and sell when you see red. Play with threshold however you want, the shorter, the quicker the reaction. I maybe release other versions for other timeframe if anyone interested.

I will remind you that do not use this as a stand-alone. Have your take profit, have your stoploss, have your method, have your own way.

I've seen some people commercialise this free code originally written by @sirolf2009. That's not acceptable, that's why I have to protect the code.

Happy pips to you all!

P.S. If any repainting is observed please comment.

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