Por Niki5289
This strategy is specially made for US30. It is not profitable in other stocks. This strategy is based on Supertrend and moving average combination. It only works on the 5-minute chart with a candle pattern. This strategy is suitable for scalping. The yellow candle on the chart represents the entry and the blue candle represents the exit. All signals should be considered only after the candle is closed.

The backtest results are based on US30's last year's data. It has an initial capital of 100000 and the size of the lot is 1. The target is 0.5% and stop-loss is 0.3%. The commission paid is 0.001% per trade and the slippage is 1 tick per trade. The pyramiding has enabled and had a value of 3. Adjust the commission as per your broker.
There are no restrictions on the number of trades per day.

Contact us using the link given below to obtain access to this strategy.
Notas de Lançamento
Updated the entry logic
Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

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