
No Nonsense NNFX VP Strategy for Back Testing Baseline | jh

Strategy for the NNFX Baseline Script - Moving Averages

Does not enter when price is > 1 ATR away.

Adapted the "Many Moving Averages" script to VP's NNFX No Nonsense Forex method.

- ATR bands and labels
- Price is > 1 ATR away from baseline indication

Available MAs
"ALMA", "EMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "WMA", "VWMA", "SMA", "SMMA", "HMA", "Kijun", "McGinley"
Notas de Lançamento
Made changes to how ATR is calc, using RMA and displayed.

Changed to white plots to gray, to be more universal across Dark and Light mode.

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