Spread Performance Table

This study show a performance of a ticker to benchmark symbol in % terms. Works on all the time frames (advisable to use on daily time frame)

e.g - Benchmark - NIFTY - It will calculate the % return of a ticker in comparison to benchmark symbol in % terms.

Benchmark up 1% in a day , ticker up 6 % in a day - It will show a 1 day return as 5 %... It means out-performance of a ticker to the benchmark is 5%
Notas de Lançamento
Added RS % - This % will show a performance of a ticker over a benchmark from a specific date.
Notas de Lançamento
Pine v5
Notas de Lançamento
Default Date Changed to 18th May 2021 (ARS Date).
Notas de Lançamento
Date Updated
Notas de Lançamento
Changed Calculation logic from %Change to %Performance.

How it's different ?
Let's say today is Tuesday. Weekly Change calculates the difference between the current close (Tuesday) and the close from the last week (the closing price of the previous Friday). Weekly Performance calculates the difference between the current close (Tuesday) and the open from a week ago exactly (the previous Tuesday).

Reference -
Notas de Lançamento
Visual Improvements - Table size and position can be configured
relativeperformanceTrend Analysis

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