This bot I use in a study version on BnB. this is strategy version. so far seems to do very well from my testing on real live. I use 20% of my crypto lot o 5x levrage on 3 min chart.
the aim of this bot is to make 4 % each time.
There is no repaint
for other alts need to modify setting especialy length
for take profit -here i strategy it use that at each take profit you take out 25% and go forward
this bot similar other bots i put before (look at my scripts to see /compare) as buy is by low scaner ,exit is differnt system
len and factor and pivots MTF control exit
after i finish my study version test on live setup . i will put it to public
so this is part of the strategy of that bot design maily for BnB
money managmet is key for victory so this strategy is only helper for you . plan your move carfully when you put real money to it