
Crypto Correlation Matrix

A crypto correlation matrix or table is a tool that displays the correlation between different cryptocurrencies and other financial assets. The matrix provides an overview of the degree to which various cryptocurrencies move in tandem or independently of each other. Each cell represents the correlation between the row and column assets respectively.

The correlation matrix can be useful for traders and investors in several ways:

First, it allows them to identify trends and patterns in the behavior of different cryptocurrencies. By looking at the correlations between different assets, traders can gain insight into the intra-relationships of the crypto market and make more informed trading decisions. For example, if two cryptocurrencies have a high positive correlation, meaning that they tend to move in the same direction, a trader may want to diversify their portfolio by choosing to invest in only one of the two assets.

Additionally, the correlation matrix can help traders and investors to manage risk. By analyzing the correlations between different assets, traders can identify opportunities to hedge their positions or limit their exposure to particular risks. For example, if a trader holds a portfolio of cryptocurrencies that are highly correlated with each other, they may be at greater risk of losses if the market moves against them. By diversifying their portfolio with assets that are less correlated with each other, they can reduce their overall risk.

Some of the unique properties for this specific script are the correlation strength levels in conjunction with the color gradient of cells, intended for clearer readability.

  • Supports up to 64 different crypto assets.
  • Dark/Light mode.
  • Correlation strength levels and cell coloring.
  • Adjustable positioning on the chart.
  • Alerts at the close of a bar. (Daily timeframe or higher recommended)
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