This oscillator used to find bottoms and tops to decide when to go in and out of the market. It takes combination of price power, its direction and volume over the time into consideration.
*** Can be used on long term chart (monthly or weekly) or even short-term one like daily, hourly chart.
*** Indicator colors:
- Red: trend down
- Green: trend up
- Black: trend is on-going (either up or down), should wait for the reversal to come.
*** As a general rule of using any oscillator indicator:
- Buy when the oscillator is low and sell when oscillator is on its top.
- Be hesitate to buy when oscillator is on top just because the price is high and everyone is excited about it, as your risk is big and the reward is low.
- Always put a stop when you go in the market, as NO indicator can guarantee you 100% correct all the time.