
Por realcryptopeek

This indicator generates buy/sell alerts using an adaptive moving algorithms and looks to minimize whipsaw effects.

The indicator works best on low time frames.

Disclaimer: This and all indicators are for education and entertainment purposes and should not be considered financial advice. It is never recommended that you use indicators for live trading. By accessing this indicator, you agree to these terms. Use at your own risk.
Notas de Lançamento
Update: Minor. Changed marker placement to be at the open of the candle where a cross over occurs. Note that your actual entry price will be somewhere above this price since it depends on when your bot sends a signal out.
Notas de Lançamento
Added additional features

1. Take profit: User defines a take profit in % above/below the MA. This is useful for profiting off of strong bounces off the MA.

2. Bounce detection: Adds to a long/short position on an MA bounce. This is useful if you have taken profit and would like to re-enter on a potential reversal

Notes: Bounce detection has some flaws and user should watch for price ranging. while adding to position is not bad, it can add to a position when you are at a peak/bottom
Notas de Lançamento
Minor update --> Defined Buy_bounce and Sell_bounce flags
Notas de Lançamento
removed a line.
Notas de Lançamento
Modifications to code.


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