About the signal: CryptoEQ™ provides real-time trading signals to help traders and investors with excellent entry and exit points. The CryptoEQ™ has an easy to understand signal that helps traders -along with their own research- determine if a crypto assets price is overbought or oversold. CryptoEQ™ uses proprietary algorithms that take into consideration popular momentum indicators in trading, including, but not limited to Relative Strength Index (RSI), Stochastic Oscillator (SO), and Stochastic Relative Strength Index (SRSI) to produce their trading signals.
About momentum indicators: Momentum indicators help traders and analysts identify where the market will reverse after moving in a direction. The direction changes are identified through divergence between price and momentum.
Using the signal: Using the signal is straightforward. If a “BUY” signal is triggered it indicates an oversold condition, if a “PULL BACK” signal is triggered it indicates an overbought condition.
About CryptoEQ™: CryptoEQ™ helps investors and traders make informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date research and analysis on crypto-projects. They abide by strict principles and ethics to provide honest information while actively seeking to identify scams, low quality, and nefarious projects. All signals are available at cryptoeq.io. You can find additional content on our social media platforms, which include Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, and LinkedIn.
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Only users authorized by the author have access to this script, and this usually requires payment. You can add the script to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author — learn more here. For more details, follow the author's instructions below or contact schisms directly.
TradingView does NOT recommend paying for or using a script unless you fully trust its author and understand how it works. You may also find free, open-source alternatives in our community scripts.
Instruções do autor
Warning: please read our guide for invite-only scripts before requesting access.
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