Seguro Especializado

Empresas do Reino Unido empresas que operam em um setor: seguro especializado

The list below has Empresas do Reino Unido that operate under the same industry, seguro especializado. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as BEAZLEY PLC (UK) ORD GBP0.05 or those with the best price dynamics like ESSENT GROUP LTD COM USD0.015, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Volume Rel
EPS dil
Crescimento EPS dil.
12M Ano a Ano
Div. yield %
Classificação dos Analistas
0U95ESSENT GROUP LTD COM USD0.0154.817 B GBP56.5 USD+2.72%20.128.575.24 GBP−2.42%1.82%Financeiro
Tendência de Alta
BEZBEAZLEY PLC (UK) ORD GBP0.054.37 B GBP672.5 GBX+0.90%941.593 K0.355.541.21 GBP+232.01%2.13%Financeiro
Alta forte
CRECONDUIT HLDGS LTD COM SHS USD0.01 (DI)847.681 M GBP521 GBX+1.56%126.33 K0.695.460.95 GBP5.52%Financeiro
Alta forte
RQIHR&Q INSURANCE HOLDINGS LTD ORD GBP0.02 (DI)7.751 M GBP1.800 GBX−13.25%1.107 M0.540.00%Financeiro