Empresas do Reino Unido empresas que operam em um setor: commodities agrícolas/moagem

The list below has Empresas do Reino Unido that operate under the same industry, commodities agrícolas/moagem. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as GENUS ORD GBP0.10 or those with the best price dynamics like CAPITAL METALS PLC ORD GBP0.002, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Volume Rel
EPS dil
Crescimento EPS dil.
12M Ano a Ano
Div. yield %
Classificação dos Analistas
0RJ6L.D.C. EUR0.4(POST SUBD)2.287 B GBP149.0 EUR0.00%00.009.1913.87 GBP+79.98%1.79%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
GNSGENUS ORD GBP0.101.24 B GBP1898 GBX+0.32%35.143 K0.3937.560.51 GBP−6.87%1.69%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
0DWLADECOAGRO S A COM USD1.50956.912 M GBP11.15 USD−1.06%9702.875.301.65 GBP+115.70%2.90%Industrias de Processamento
Tendência de Alta
0KGQUIE PLC USD1819.681 M GBP222 DKK−0.23%1.266 K3.908.533.02 GBP9.32%Industrias de Processamento
0JSUSIPEF N.V. NPV507.935 M GBP56.8 EUR+0.33%500.518.785.61 GBP−15.08%3.71%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
MPEM.P. EVANS GROUP ORD GBP0.10450.779 M GBP862 GBX+1.41%21.6 K1.4511.050.78 GBP−32.29%5.29%Industrias de Processamento
AEPANGLO-EASTERN PLANTATIONS ORD GBP0.25271.988 M GBP704 GBX+2.33%25.897 K1.296.341.11 GBP−11.33%4.66%Industrias de Processamento
0CIJRAISIO OYJ SER'V'NPV(CNV)254.314 M GBP1.930 EUR+1.15%3590.2417.510.09 GBP+14.91%5.78%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
0M0QDEOLEO SA EUR0.00296.035 M GBP0.229 EUR+4.09%810.17−0.03 GBP−138.85%0.00%Industrias de Processamento
Tendência Neutra
WWYNWYNNSTAY GROUP ORD GBP0.2586.638 M GBP385 GBX+1.99%31.137 K0.9612.700.30 GBP−30.35%4.57%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
CCELCELADON PHARMACEUTICALS PLC ORD GBP0.0165.172 M GBP102.5 GBX+0.99%36.902 K1.950.00%Industrias de Processamento
AANPANPARIO ORD GBP0.2355.353 M GBP273 GBX0.00%18.141 K1.3621.710.13 GBP−39.02%3.87%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
RE.R.E.A. HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.2536.38 M GBP84.0 GBX+1.20%1.198 K0.03−0.27 GBP−990.95%0.00%Industrias de Processamento
Alta forte
OOHTOCEAN HARVEST TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0120.137 M GBP15.8 GBX−1.56%59.423 K7.27−0.02 GBP0.00%Industrias de Processamento
CCMETCAPITAL METALS PLC ORD GBP0.00216.033 M GBP5.10 GBX+9.68%1.529 M2.55−0.00 GBP+98.58%0.00%Industrias de Processamento
AAGTAAGRITERRA LTD ORD GBP0.10610.547 K GBP0.850 GBX0.00%2040.13−0.04 GBP+48.23%0.00%Industrias de Processamento