Serviços/Equipamentos para Campos Petrolíferos

Empresas Indianas empresas que operam em um setor: serviços/equipamentos para campos petrolíferos

The list below has Empresas Indianas that operate under the same industry, serviços/equipamentos para campos petrolíferos. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as SEAMEC LTD or those with the best price dynamics like ALPHAGEO(INDIA), thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Volume Rel
EPS dil
Crescimento EPS dil.
12M Ano a Ano
Div. yield %
Classificação dos Analistas
SEAMECLTDSEAMEC LTD25.391 B INR1010.40 INR+1.63%5.015 K0.3041.3324.45 INR+45.88%0.10%Serviços Industriais
DOLPHINDOLPHIN OFF ENT (IND) L24.473 B INR642.25 INR+4.99%9.679 K3.42Serviços Industriais
DEEPINDSDEEP INDUSTRIES LTD18.678 B INR308.20 INR+5.69%174.797 K0.6115.9219.35 INR+59.12%0.63%Serviços Industriais
DEEPENRDEEP ENE RESOURCES LTD5.725 B INR181.20 INR+1.63%9.692 K0.12−0.00 INR−100.38%0.00%Serviços Industriais
PPRATHAMPRATHAM EPC PROJEC5.531 B INR300.95 INR−3.37%331.2 K2.040.00%Serviços Industriais
UNIDTUNITED DRILLING TOOLS LTD5.163 B INR253.00 INR−0.59%8.961 K0.3452.834.79 INR−33.51%0.71%Serviços Industriais
GGLOBALVECTGLOBAL VECTRA HELI2.736 B INR191.55 INR−2.00%9420.0652.313.66 INR0.00%Serviços Industriais
AALPHAGEOALPHAGEO(INDIA)2.176 B INR362.10 INR+5.80%25.266 K0.97−7.25 INR−122.19%2.34%Serviços Industriais
OILCOUNTUBOIL COUNTRY TUBULR1.749 B INR39.25 INR−2.00%6.626 K0.30−14.53 INR−161.48%0.00%Serviços Industriais